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[Solved] Undo, Redo? Can't Undo; Can't Redo

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:54 pm
by ptownpapa
I have lost REDO and UNDO - I have UN & RE installed Open Office to no avail - the standard tool bar shows CAN'T UNDO & CAN'T REDO
I'm at a loss.
 Edit: Changed subject, was UNDO, REDO ? CAN'T UNDO CAN'T REDO 
Removed all caps (shouting) in subject field 
-- MrProgrammer, forum moderator 

Re: Undo, Redo? Can't Undo; Can't Redo

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:24 pm
by Hagar Delest
It may depend on the kind of operation you did. Some cannot be undone.
If you try with simple operations (type some text and delete characters), does it work?

Re: Undo, Redo? Can't Undo; Can't Redo

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 1:30 am
by ptownpapa
Yes, it did !? I swear it wasn't working before, thank you