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AndrOpen saving to NAS

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:27 am
by pdes
I am using the Pro version of AndOpen . It's the latest version.

I am concentrating on spreadsheets across a number of devices so need to retain the .xls format. I have set the default file format and can manually save to my NAS. Therein lies the problem. I need to autosave my work then save back to the NAS when finished. However when saving, I cannot get past the server security without logging in again manually. I end up using "Save As" to save the update. Is there a way of getting AndrOpen Office to see the NAS as a live network drive and save files directly?


Re: AndrOpen saving to NAS

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:23 am
by Zizi64
I am concentrating on spreadsheets across a number of devices so need to retain the .xls format.
Never do it.

If you always want work with the obsolete, never standardized file formats, like the binary .xls, and .doc, the OpenOffice/AndrOpenOffice/LibreOffice/CollaboraOffice is NOT a best choice. Use the international standard, native file types (ODF) of these office suited (.ods, .odt). At end of the editing you can create a copy in the foreign file format. The free office soutes always must CONVERT your file at opening and saving (twicew) when you use a foreign file type. These free office suites always work with their own features, methods, functions. And there are many features, methods, functions, what are not compatible with the foreign file formats.

Is there a way of getting AndrOpen Office to see the NAS as a live network drive and save files directly?
It not seems as a OpenOffice, AndrOpenOffice related problem. (I never used the AndrOpenOffice, I can try my OpenOffice portable version on Windows) To set a NAS as a "virtual remote drive" of the local operating system - it is an operating system related problem.

Othervise the LibreOffice, and the Collabora Office has a feature named Save Remote: You can set remote places (The LO can store the user name and the password), and you can save your documents onto a remote place directly.