[Solved] Find departments E-104 or E-102 in database
[Solved] Find departments E-104 or E-102 in database
I am unable to execute database Query code can any one write me the code to find the department 'E-104' OR 'E-102' in my Data base
Last edited by MrProgrammer on Mon Jun 17, 2024 9:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Edited topic's subject
Reason: Edited topic's subject
OpenOffice 4.1.15 on Windows 11
Re: I am unable to execute database Query code....
jerc9024 wrote:
I am unable to execute database Query code can any one write me the code to find the department 'E-104' OR 'E-102' in my Data base
Code: Select all
FROM "YourDatabaseTableName"
WHERE "YourDatabaseTableName"."YourFieldName" IN ( 'E-104', 'E-102' )
Thanks to add [Solved] in your 1st post Subject (edit button top right) if this issue has been resolved.