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Chart2 is the re-implementation of the [http://graphics.openoffice.org/chart/chart.html charting component] of [[OpenOffice.org]]. It is integrated in OOo 2.3.
The Chart module was exchanged completely on the way to OpenOffice.org 2.3.
This is the basis for further enhancements and long awaited features.
Charts are used for visualizing data sets from e.g. spreadsheets by two and three dimensional diagrams. There are a lot of different two- and three-dimensional chart types you can choose from. This page gathers information about the new chart implementation of OpenOffice.org. It is especially written to help newcomers to the process of developing for the new OOo chart module.
This page documents ongoing work, implemented and still missing features. It also links to further useful information around the chart.
If you would like to participate, if you have comments or questions related to the chart you are welcome on the graphics mailing lists:  (users,dev,features,bugs,cvs)@graphics.openoffice.org. See also the side-box with some useful Links.
== Helping with the Chart ==
== Helping with the Chart ==
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=== Development ===
=== Development ===
If you like to help developing the chart, you can find useful information here.
If you are new to OpenOffice.org development have a look at the more general pages first:
*[[Documentation/Building_Guide/Getting_the_source|  Getting the source code]]
*[[Documentation/Building_Guide/Building_on_Windows| Building on Windows]]
*[[Cpp_Coding_Standards|C++ Coding Standards]].
* Since SRC680.m213, the master build contains the module chart2, so the procedure for developing code for the chart is the same as for every other project. For help on this see the [[Main Page#Getting started with OOo development| Main Page]].
The file format used for OpenOffice.org is the ODF format.
* See  the [http://contributing.openoffice.org/programming.html programming contribution page] for details on how to start.
* [http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#opendocumentv1.1 ODF 1.1] is final.
* [[Cpp_Coding_Standards|C++ Coding Standards]] for developing OOo code.
* The upcoming format ODF 1.2 is still in progress (look for the latest announcements and available documents [http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=office here]).
* [[FAQ about Chart API Compatibility]] If you have problems with Macros or extensions that use the com.sun.star.chart API you may find answers or ask questions on this page.
* [[Chart2/Proposals| Proposals]]
* [http://www.milcke.org/OOG680.m2/autodoc/com/sun/star/chart2/module-ix.html UNO API of the new Chart (chart2)] (version of OOG680.m2, August 2007) Note, that the new API is not published yet. Do not use it for your regular work! For macros, use the [http://www.milcke.org/OOG680.m2/autodoc/com/sun/star/chart/module-ix.html API in namespace chart].
* The file format used for [[OpenOffice.org]] is the ODF format. Currently, [http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#opendocumentv1.1 ODF 1.1] is in use. The upcoming format ODF 1.2 is still in progress (see [http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/OpenDocument_v1.2_Action_Items open action items]).
If you want to help developing for the chart, you can find a list of open bugs and features in the section [[Chart2#Testing|Testing]].
If you like to help developing the chart, you can find useful information at the following places:
*[http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Charts/Charts Chart chapter in the Developers Guide]
*[http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/BASIC_Guide/Charts Chart chapter in the BASIC Developers Guide]
*[[FAQ about Chart API Compatibility]]
*[http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/chart/module-ix.html Published UNO API (com::sun::star::chart)]
*[http://graphics.openoffice.org/chart/chart2codestructure.html Rough overview of the code Structure in module chart2]
*[[Chart2/Open Technical Issue in Chart2|Notes on some technical issues]]
Currently open child-workspaces for development:
The module for the chart implementation is chart2. It is a submodule of the graphics project. The chart implementation makes heavy use of UNO (Universal Network Objects), thus it would be good to learn about [http://udk.openoffice.org/ UNO] first. The new chart does support a published stable UNO API [http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/chart/module-ix.html com::sun::star::chart] for external use.
There is also an internal API com::sun::star::chart2. The internal API is not published and is not guaranteed to be stable. It is subject to further changes - so don't count on it in scripts or something! Furthermore several things you can set with the internal API will not be saved by the application. So for stable work please use the published standard chart API com::sun::star::chart.
<!-- This is only a hacked table, use the above when class "wikitable" is available. These styles are "borrowed" from that style -->
If you have questions on the chart development please use the mailing list [http://openoffice.org/projects/graphics/lists dev@graphics.openoffice.org].
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To find a concrete task to work on, check the issue queries of open chart bugs and features. Maybe there is something that catches your interest:
| Name    || Description                || Target || Based on
* [http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=STARTED&bug_status=REOPENED&cf_bug_type=DEFECT&cf_bug_type=TASK&cf_bug_type=PATCH&columnlist=short_desc%2Ccf_bug_type&field-1-0-0=bug_status&field0-0-0=product&field0-0-1=short_desc&query_format=advanced&type-1-0-0=anyexact&type0-0-0=equals&type0-0-1=anywordssubstr&value-1-0-0=UNCONFIRMED%2CNEW%2CSTARTED%2CREOPENED%2CRESOLVED%2CVERIFIED&value0-0-0=Chart&value0-0-1=chart%20diagram&order=bugs.bug_id%20desc&query_based_on= Open chart bugs] (defects and tasks)
|- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
* [http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=STARTED&bug_status=REOPENED&cf_bug_type=FEATURE&cf_bug_type=ENHANCEMENT&columnlist=votes%2Cshort_desc%2Ccf_bug_type&field-1-0-0=bug_status&field0-0-0=product&field0-0-1=short_desc&query_format=advanced&type-1-0-0=anyexact&type0-0-0=equals&type0-0-1=anywordssubstr&value-1-0-0=UNCONFIRMED%2CNEW%2CSTARTED%2CREOPENED%2CRESOLVED%2CVERIFIED&value0-0-0=Chart&value0-0-1=chart%20diagram&order=bugs.bug_id%20desc&query_based_on= Requested chart features] (enhancements and features)
| [http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fchart15 chart15] || Bugfixes for chart2        || OOo 2.4 || SRC680.m226
|- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
| [http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fchart14 chart14] || chart features for OOo 2.4 || OOo 2.4 || SRC680.m225
|- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
| [http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fchart17 chart17] || chart features for OOo 2.4 || OOo 2.4 || ''planned''
=== Testing ===
=== Testing ===
The new chart implementation will be part of OpenOffice.org 2.3. A developer snapshot of the release candidates is available on the [http://download.openoffice.org/680/index.html OOo download page]. The localizations ([http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=OOG680%2Flocalisation21_OOG680 CWS localisation21]) and some final fixes for the chart ([http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=OOG680%2Fchart12_OOG680 CWS chart12]) are integrated into OOG680.m2.
You can help a lot with identifying new problems or verifying fixed and integrated issues!
If you want to help the QA team have a look at the [http://contributing.openoffice.org/qa.html QA contribution page].
For a current list of open issue for the Chart component see this [http://graphics.openoffice.org/issues/buglist.cgi?issue_type=DEFECT&issue_type=ENHANCEMENT&issue_type=FEATURE&issue_type=TASK&issue_type=PATCH&component=Chart&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED complete query] or a more specific one:
* [http://graphics.openoffice.org/issues/buglist.cgi?issue_type=DEFECT&issue_type=ENHANCEMENT&issue_type=FEATURE&issue_type=TASK&issue_type=PATCH&component=Chart&issue_status=RESOLVED&resolution=FIXED Fixed issues] that have not been verified or closed yet
* [http://graphics.openoffice.org/issues/buglist.cgi?Submit+query=Submit+query&issue_type=ENHANCEMENT&issue_type=FEATURE&component=Chart&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED Open features] (enhancements and features)
* [http://graphics.openoffice.org/issues/buglist.cgi?Submit+query=Submit+query&issue_type=DEFECT&issue_type=TASK&component=Chart&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED Open bugs] (defects and tasks)
* [http://graphics.openoffice.org/issues/buglist.cgi?Submit+query=Submit+query&issue_type=PATCH&component=Chart&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED Patches] that have not been applied yet
* [http://graphics.openoffice.org/issues/buglist.cgi?Submit+query=Submit+query&issue_type=DEFECT&issue_type=ENHANCEMENT&issue_type=FEATURE&issue_type=TASK&issue_type=PATCH&component=Chart&issue_status=VERIFIED Verified issues] that have not been closed yet (checked in the master)
* [http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/buglist.cgi?issue_type=DEFECT&issue_type=ENHANCEMENT&issue_type=FEATURE&issue_type=TASK&issue_type=PATCH&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED&short_desc=chart+diagram&short_desc_type=anywords&field0-0-0=component&type0-0-0=notequals&value0-0-0=chart Chart Issues in other components]. Component is not Chart, but the summary contains the words ''diagram'' or ''chart''.
* Or create your [http://graphics.openoffice.org/issues/query.cgi own query].
There is also a spreadsheet document containing the [http://graphics.openoffice.org/chart/OpenChartIssues.ods open chart issues]. It is nice for sorting and filtering, but it is not up-to-date. Have a look at the first line to find out when the query was done.
=== Other Contributions ===
For other kinds of contributions like graphics, documentation, translation, marketing take a look at [http://contributing.openoffice.org/index.html this page].
== Features ==
This section gives an overview over new features that are either integrated, planned for a future release or not yet planned to implement for a specific version.
=== Past Releases ===
The features listed here are integrated in the product, so they are available for download.
[http://download.openoffice.org/next/ Download] the latest developer build and give it a try. When you find a bug please check whether someone else already did submit an issue for that problem. The following issue list can help you with the research:
* [[Chart2/Features2.3  | Features in OOo 2.3 ]]
* [http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=STARTED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&columnlist=votes%2Cshort_desc%2Ccf_bug_type&field-1-0-0=bug_status&field0-0-0=product&field0-0-1=short_desc&query_format=advanced&type-1-0-0=anyexact&type0-0-0=equals&type0-0-1=anywordssubstr&value-1-0-0=UNCONFIRMED%2CNEW%2CSTARTED%2CREOPENED%2CRESOLVED%2CVERIFIED&value0-0-0=Chart&value0-0-1=chart%20diagram&order=bugs.bug_id%20desc&query_based_on= Open chart issues].
* Or create your [http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/query.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=STARTED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&field-1-0-0=bug_status&field0-0-0=product&field0-0-1=short_desc&query_format=advanced&type-1-0-0=anyexact&type0-0-0=equals&type0-0-1=anywordssubstr&value-1-0-0=UNCONFIRMED%2CNEW%2CSTARTED%2CREOPENED%2CRESOLVED%2CVERIFIED&value0-0-0=Chart&value0-0-1=chart%20diagram own query].
=== Future Releases ===
If the problem is unknown you are welcome to [http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Chart&component=ui&rep_platform=All&op_sys=All&cc=iha@openoffice.org submit a new issue]. Please describe only one problem per issue.
Thanks a lot for your help!
The features listed here are planned for one of the upcoming releases.
== Implemented Chart Features ==
* [[Chart2/Features2.4   | Features in OOo 2.4 ]]
* [[Chart2/Features3.3  | Additional Features in OOo 3.3 ]]
* [[Chart2/Features3.0  | Features in OOo 3.0 ]]
* [[Chart2/Features3.2   | Additional Features in OOo 3.2 ]]
* [[Chart2/Features3.1  | Additional Features in OOo 3.1 ]]
=== Not yet planned Features ===
* [[Chart2/Features3.0  | Additional Features in OOo 3.0 ]]
* [[Chart2/Features2.4  | Additional Features in OOo 2.4 ]]
These features are not planned for a specific release yet. They are candidates for being part of future releases. For a better overview, the features are grouped by category.
* [[Chart2/Features2.3  | Additional Features in OOo 2.3 ]]
== Open Chart Features ==
* [[Chart2/ChartTypes      | Chart-Types ]]
* [[Chart2/ChartTypes      | Chart-Types ]]
* [[Chart2/Legend          | Legend ]]
* [[Chart2/Legend          | Legend ]]
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* [[Chart2/Miscellaneous  | Miscellaneous ]]
* [[Chart2/Miscellaneous  | Miscellaneous ]]
This list is based primarily on the [http://graphics.openoffice.org/files/documents/12/3278/List_of_whished_enhancements_for_Charts.odt List of wished enhancements for Charts].
== Basic Macro Examples ==
== Technical Articles ==
Here you can find some technical articles about the chart, that may help for future development.
* There still some [[Chart2/Open Technical Issue in Chart2|architectural issues]] left that have to be solved. (article by [[User:bm@openoffice.org|Björn Milcke]])
* [[Extending Chart by external components|Why not implement everything in OOo]] (article by [[User:Discoleo|Leonard Mada]])
== People ==
* working permanently on the code
** [[User:bm|Björn Milcke]] (Sun Microsystems)
** [[User:Iha|Ingrid Halama]] (Sun Microsystems)
* code contributors
** Daniel Rentz (Sun Microsystems, Calc)
** [[User:Nn|Niklas Nebel]] (Sun Microsystems, Calc)
** Thomas Lange (Sun Microsystems, Writer)
** Regina Henschel (splines, online-help, testing)
** Li Yuan (Redflag CH2000)
** Weiz Hao (Redflag CH2000)
** Mao Yonggang (Redflag CH2000)
* working permanently on chart QA
* [[Chart2/ChangeTitleFormattingForAllChartsInACalc | Change title formatting for all charts in a spreadsheet ]]
** Thomas Klarhöfer (Sun Microsystems, QA for chart)
** Jörg Sievers (Sun Microsystems, Test-tool automation for chart)
* User Experience
* [[Chart2/GetPositionOfAChart | Get the position of a chart within a spreadsheet ]]
** [[User:Mmp|Matthias Müller-Prove]] (Sun Microsystems)
* Documentation
* [[API/Samples/StarBasic/Impress/Insert_a_Chart | Create Chart in a presentation document ]]
** [[User:Ufi|Uwe Fischer]] (Sun Microsystems)
* other contributors
* [http://www.ooowiki.de/DiagrammExport Export Charts from a Calc spreadsheet ]
** [[User:Tonygalmiche|Tony Galmiche]] (feature document, Wiki, testing)
** [[User:Pagalmes|Pierre-André Galmes]] (StarXpert, testing, Wiki)
** Jörg Wartenberg (specification)
** [[User:Discoleo|Leonard Mada]] (Wiki)
''Note: if anybody thinks he is missing on this list or a comment is not complete, please drop [mailto:bjoern.milcke@sun.com me] a note or modify this page''
Also have a look at the [http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/BASIC_Guide/Charts BASIC Developers Guide]!
== Some useful information ==
== Contact ==
* Chart Project Page: http://graphics.openoffice.org/chart/chart.html
* Development Contact: [[User:Iha|iha]]
* Chart Specifications: http://specs.openoffice.org/chart/index.html
* IRC channel: [irc://freenode/chart2.openoffice.org #chart2.openoffice.org] on freenode
* Chart-related Entries on OOo Sun Developers Weblog: [http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/tags/chart GullFOSS]
[[Category:Source directories]]
[[Category:Source directories]]

Latest revision as of 16:28, 6 June 2011

The Chart module was exchanged completely on the way to OpenOffice.org 2.3. This is the basis for further enhancements and long awaited features.

This page documents ongoing work, implemented and still missing features. It also links to further useful information around the chart.

Helping with the Chart

Example Chart made with OpenOffice.org 2.3 (ods-file see File:ProgrammingLanguages.ods)


If you are new to OpenOffice.org development have a look at the more general pages first:

The file format used for OpenOffice.org is the ODF format.

  • ODF 1.1 is final.
  • The upcoming format ODF 1.2 is still in progress (look for the latest announcements and available documents here).
  • Proposals

If you like to help developing the chart, you can find useful information at the following places:

The module for the chart implementation is chart2. It is a submodule of the graphics project. The chart implementation makes heavy use of UNO (Universal Network Objects), thus it would be good to learn about UNO first. The new chart does support a published stable UNO API com::sun::star::chart for external use. There is also an internal API com::sun::star::chart2. The internal API is not published and is not guaranteed to be stable. It is subject to further changes - so don't count on it in scripts or something! Furthermore several things you can set with the internal API will not be saved by the application. So for stable work please use the published standard chart API com::sun::star::chart.

If you have questions on the chart development please use the mailing list dev@graphics.openoffice.org.

To find a concrete task to work on, check the issue queries of open chart bugs and features. Maybe there is something that catches your interest:


You can help a lot with identifying new problems or verifying fixed and integrated issues!

Download the latest developer build and give it a try. When you find a bug please check whether someone else already did submit an issue for that problem. The following issue list can help you with the research:

If the problem is unknown you are welcome to submit a new issue. Please describe only one problem per issue. Thanks a lot for your help!

Implemented Chart Features

Open Chart Features

Basic Macro Examples

Also have a look at the BASIC Developers Guide!


  • Development Contact: iha
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