Difference between revisions of "Feature Freeze Testing 3.4"

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(→‎Component : Database Access (DBA): changed link to feature announcement)
(→‎Component : Framework: changed link to feature announcement)
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* [http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=114278 114278] : Simplify security tab page of PDF export dialog
* [http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=114278 114278] : Simplify security tab page of PDF export dialog
** Description : The password entry in the PDF export was changed slightly so that you can enter the two passwords needed in PDF creation in one pass
** Description : The password entry in the PDF export was changed slightly so that you can enter the two passwords needed in PDF creation in one pass
** Feature Announcement : http://framework.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=323
** Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2010-11/message/1
** Specification : http://specs.openoffice.org/appwide/pdf_export/PDFExportDialog2.odt
** Specification : http://specs.openoffice.org/appwide/pdf_export/PDFExportDialog2.odt
** Test case specification : --
** Test case specification : --

Revision as of 10:34, 8 April 2011

This is the list of features and enhancements, which are integrated in DEV300 code line after the split for OOo 3.3. All the listed issues are announced in the release notes for the developer snapshots since DEV300m85. The branch off will be done on build DEV300m106 and the first Beta is planned in the first week of April 2011. An Alpha build was released begin of March 2011 on build DEV300m102. This list is more technically orientated and isn't a release note. This list could and should be used for testing and checking the new features in general or for translation purposes.

Please visit also the release schedule of OOo 3.4.

This Wiki entry is DRAFT and still in progress.

Information : The links to the feature announcements are broken. When the mailing list archives are integrated in the new Kenai infrastructure the links will be updated.

Component : Chart

Component : Database Access (DBA)

  • 107809 : Mozilla Address Book support removed, in favour of Seamonkey
    • Description : Since the Mozilla product has long been superseded by the SeaMonkey suite, and the profile formats of both changed incompatibly, the Mozilla Address Book support in OpenOffice.org has been removed, in favor of support for the SeaMonkey address books.
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2010-09/message/3
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : dba34a integrated in DEV300m93

Component : Formula Editor (Math)

  • 972 : Alignment of baselines of formula and text in writer
    • Description : With CWS tlmath01 there is a new check-box named 'Math baseline alignment' available in the 'Formatting Aids' tab of the Writer and WriterWeb option pages. When this option gets checked then *ALL* Math OLE objects already existing in the Writer document that are anchored 'as character' (and only those with this anchor type!) will be automatically aligned to match the baseline of the formula with the one of the surrounding text. ...
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2010-11/message/0
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : tlmath01 integrated in DEV300m95

  • 74049 : Math symbol catalog supports UTF-32 characters now
    • Description : With the fix to i74049 (CWS tl82) Math is now able to handle 32 bit characters properly in the symbol catalog. Since this was regarded ro be more of a bugfix than a feature there is no spec for it. The new behavior is just listed in the issue. lease note the code-position of the symbol is now used as a default name for the symbol, which makes much easier to browse for a specific Unicode character.
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2010-09/message/7
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : tl82 integrated in DEV300m89

  • 114767 : Math: new option to save only used symbols for each formula
    • Description : In order to save on document file size (namely in Writer documents with many formulas) there is now a new option to save only those symbols which each that are used in that very formula. By default that option will be active.
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2010-10/message/0
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : tl84 integrated in DEV300m99

Component : Framework

  • 31275 : stylist / navigator / options dialog: selecting entries by typing their name

  • 49991 : Allow embedding SVG vector graphics into all documents
    • Description : Based on customer feedback, the large amount of votes for issue 49991 and the increased use of SVG files at all, we created an SVG import filter according to the solution mentioned in the above task. This SVG import filter will be available with the beta of OOo 3.4.
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2011-04/message/0
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : ka102, rsvglibs integrated in DEV300m106

  • 113362 : Implementation of UNO AWT TabPageContainer
    • Description : Implementing TabPageContainer in UNO AWT it would be possible to create dialogs with multiple tab pages.
    • Feature Announcement : --
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : tabcontrol integrated in DEV300m99

  • 117562 : Improve encryption implementation for ODF1.2

Component : Graphic System Layer (GSL)

  • 94173 : Print file format changes on Linux systems
    • Description : The CUPS print system that is used on Linux and other Unix operating systems is switching its file format from PostScript to PDF. As part of this OpenOffice.org should switch its print output file format to PDF, too. This was implemented in OOo for issue 94173. ...
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2010-09/message/0
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : pdfprint integrated in DEV300m90

Component : L10N

  • 115482 : Add Lojban to language list
    • Description : Added locale data for Lojban [jbo]. The locale is selectable for character attribution and spell-checking, as default locale, default document language and available for number formats and outline numbering. Note: Lojban is a constructed language without a default country assignment, Euro is used as currency. The linguistic separators (syllables) can't be used for number recognition and have been replaced by standard separators.
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2011-02/message/3
    • CWS : locales34 integrated in DEV300m99

  • 116483 : Lojban(JBO) Locale data file
    • Description : The locale is selectable for character attribution and spell-checking, as default locale, default document language and available for number formats and outline numbering. Note: Lojban is a constructed language without a default country assignment, Euro is used as currency. The linguistic separators (syllables) can't be used for number recognition and have been replaced by standard separators.
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2011-02/message/3
    • CWS : locales34 integrated in DEV300m99

Component : Presentation

  • 114776 : better defaults: bul/col/sho - Change dialog name of 'Eyedropper'
    • Description : --
    • Feature Announcement : --
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : impressdefaults1 integrated in DEV300m97

Component : Spreadsheet

  • 5759 : DataPilot: allow more than 8 data fields
    • Description : In the Pivot Table layout dialog, it is now possible to add more than 8 fields to the "Row Fields", "Column Fields", and "Data Fields" areas, and more than 10 fields to the "Page Fields" area. ...
    • Feature Announcement : http://sc.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=324
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : dr79 integrated in DEV300m101

  • 97169 : ODFF: TIME should return 00:00:00 <= x <= 23:59:59
    • Description : The TIME spreadsheet function returns values between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59.999... inclusive and wraps values equal to or greater than 24:00:00. Previous releases may have returned values equal to or greater than 24:00:00. For example, TIME(24;59;59) now returns 00:59:59 whereas previously the value returned was 24:59:59.
    • Feature Announcement : http://openoffice.org/projects/www/lists/allfeatures/archive/2011-03/message/1
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : dr78 integrated in DEV300m104

  • 116636 : Leave out unnecessary quotes in CSV export
    • Description : Previously, in Calc CSV export, all content from text cells was quoted with the selected text delimiter. Now this is optional and happens only if the new check box "Quote all text cells" is selected. By default, the text delimiter is added only if the cell content contains the field delimiter, text delimiter or multiple lines. ...
    • Feature Announcement : http://sc.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=326
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : csvexport integrated in DEV300m101

  • 116688 : New Option and Default for CSV Text Quoting
    • Description : Previously, in Calc CSV export, all content from text cells was quoted with the selected text delimiter. Now this is optional and happens only if the new check box "Quote all text cells" is selected. By default, the text delimiter is added only if the cell content contains the field delimiter, text delimiter or multiple lines. ...
    • Feature Announcement : http://sc.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=326
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : csvexport integrated in DEV300m101

Component : User Interface (UI)

CWS which are marked as UI or help relevant for OOo 3.4

  • chart46 in DEV300m99 : date axes for charts
  • chart52 in DEV300m101 : make the legend within charts resizeable
  • csvexport in DEV300m101 : Improve Calc CSV export
  • dba34a in DEV300m93 : DBA bug fixing towards 3.4
  • dba34b in DEV300m99 :
  • dba34c in DEV300m104 :
  • dba34d in DEV300m105 : ongoing DBA bug fixing towards OOo 3.4
  • dr78 in DEV300m104 : Calc bug fixes
  • dr79 in DEV300m101 : datapilot enhancements
  • dv19 in DEV300m86 : Bugfixes for next OpenOffice version
  • dv22 in DEV300m96 : Bugfixes for the next OpenOffice.org version
  • fwk149 in DEV300m93 : Framework fixes for OOo3.4
  • hcshared28 in DEV300m93 : Help CWS for 3.4; fixed version of abandoned
  • hcshared29 in DEV300m100 : Help CWS for 3.4
  • impress186 in DEV300m88 : Impress OOo 3.3 bugfix workspace
  • impressdefaults1 in DEV300m97 : Implement better defaults from renaissance project for impress/draw application
  • locales34 in DEV300m101 : Locales and locale data for OOo3.4
  • pdfprint in DEV300m90 : Enable delivery of PDF files to CUPS print system.
  • pl08 in DEV300m95 : Changes to PDF export UI
  • readmechanges34 in DEV300m105 : Changes to the product readme for release 3.4
  • renaissance1 in DEV300m87 : Features and bug fixes for project Renaissance
  • tabcontrol in DEV300m99 : Implementation of UNO AWT TabPageContainer
  • tl82 in DEV300m89 : Misc. 3.4 bug fixes
  • tlmath01 in DEV300m95 : Math features/improvements provided by the community
  • vcl113 in DEV300m87 : 3.4 fixes
  • vcl114 in DEV300m92 : 3.4 fixes
  • vcl116 in DEV300m92 : 3.4 fixes
  • vcl118 in DEV300m101 : 3.4 issues
  • vcl121 in DEV300m105 : 3.4 issues

Links to the Features, Enhancements (issues)

The corresponding issues for the Features of OOo 3.4
The corresponding issues for the Enhancements for OOo 3.4

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