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=== Responsibilities ===
=== Responsibilities ===
* commissary: LSP?
* commissary: André Schnabel
* observer:
* observer:
* observer:
* observer: Stefan Taxhet
=== Announcement ===
=== Announcement ===

Revision as of 17:35, 13 May 2009

Council Elections - starting 2009 / 04


These are elections for three of the council seats according to the current Council Charter (v1.2).

Election process will folow the elction process proposal

open ToDos

  • define comissaries and observers
    • got applications from Mechtilde Stehmann, Drew Jensen and Stephan Taxeth
  • get list of developers

Seats to be elected

there are three seats to be elected:

  • one "Code Contributor Representative" (Council Charter v1.2 added one new seat)
  • one "Product Development Representatives" (successor to André Schnabel, who will leave the council)
  • one "Lang Representative" (successor to Sophie Gautier, who will leave the council)

Election process

Code Contributor Representative


  • commissary: André Schnabel
  • observer:
  • observer: Stefan Taxhet


  • Information
Category of Council Representative Code Contributor
Constituency all active code contributors - people who constantly contribute code to the project under the general rules of the project, as defined by following criteria
  1. contributor is a domain developer
  2. contributor has commit access to the OpenOffice.org code repository
  3. contributing code with the established child workspace processes
  4. contributing under the accepted term and conditions of the project (SCA, formerly known as JCA or CA).
  5. contributor constantly takes over ownership of child workspaces (took ownership of at least one CWS within the last 6 months).

we need to provide a list with the names / mail adresses - ask Martin

Number of Representatives to be elected one
Time line of elections
  1. Announcement of elections: 2009/05/19
  2. candidates can be nominated until: 2009/05/25
  3. introduction and discusion on candidates until: 2009/06/01
  4. voting starts at: 2009/06/02
  5. voting ends at: 2009/06/17
  6. publish results until: 2009/06/23 (latest date)
  7. (start of second vote if needed: 2009/07/01)
  8. (end of second vote if needed: 2009/07/15)
  9. (publish results of second vote if needed: 2009/07/24)

Call for candidates written text in announcement
Name of the mailing list where candidates can be nominated dev@openoffice.org

Details about the election process ask Stefan to set up the surveyserver - needs to be restricted to the "code contributor list" - depending on the number of developers election can be done via mail?

  • Mail
    • text ....
    • sent on put link here


Name Nomination Confirmation Introduction
put name here link to nomination mail link to confirmation mail linkto intro mail


Voting announced via mail put link to mail here


election results go here

Product Development Representatives


  • commissary: André?
  • observer:
  • observer:


  • Information
Category of Council Representative Product Development
Constituency Category leads, project leads and co-leads of all OpenOffice.org projects (accepted and incubator) but not from the native-lang category or l10n project

current list (taken from list of accepted projects and leads list of incubator projects and leads and corrections applied)

Number of Representatives to be elected one
Time line of elections to be defined
Call for candidates written text in announcement
Name of the mailing list where candidates can be nominated dev@openoffice.org

Details about the election process ask Stefan to set up the surveyserver - needs to be restricted to project leads - depending on the number of developers election can be done via mail?

  • Mail
    • text ....
    • sent on put link here


Name Nomination Confirmation Introduction
put name here link to nomination mail link to confirmation mail linkto intro mail


Voting announced via mail put link to mail here


election results go here

Lang Representative


  • commissary: Sophie?
  • observer:
  • observer:


  • Information
Category of Council Representative Lang
Constituency Category leads, project leads and co-leads from native-lang projects, plus project lead and co-leads of l10n project.

current list ( taken from list of native lang projects and leads and corrections applied)

Number of Representatives to be elected one
Time line of elections to be defined
Call for candidates written text in announcement
Name of the mailing list where candidates can be nominated dev@native-lang.openoffice.org

Details about the election process ask Stefan to set up the surveyserver - needs to be restricted to project leads - depending on the number of developers election can be done via mail?

  • Mail
    • text ....
    • sent on put link here


Name Nomination Confirmation Introduction
put name here link to nomination mail link to confirmation mail linkto intro mail


Voting announced via mail put link to mail here


election results go here

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