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(→‎Prerequisites: added links for groovy and gradle)
(added link to test script)
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To build the extension from source you also need [http://gradle.org/ Gradle].
To build the extension from source you also need [http://gradle.org/ Gradle].
Download the test script from bugzilla
== Getting Started ==
Download the HelloTextTableShape.groovy test script from Bugzilla [https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=126770 Issue 126770].
I have a test script attached to:
It's a rewrite of HelloTextTableShape.java provided with the SDK.
It will use pull down the artifact from the Apache Nexus.
If using Windows or a Linux with a soffice executable location other than "/opt/openoffice4/program/".
If using Windows or a Linux with a soffice executable location other than "/opt/openoffice4/program/".

Revision as of 01:01, 19 April 2016


This page is currently under construction.


This page is to document the testing procedure for a Groovy UNO Extension release candidate. For information on the extension see the Groovy_UNO_Extension wiki page. The current release candidate is guno-extension-0.1.4 r????


To run the test script you need a Java JDK and Apache Groovy because Groovy scripts are compiled at runtime. To build the extension from source you also need Gradle.

Getting Started

Download the HelloTextTableShape.groovy test script from Bugzilla Issue 126770.

I have a test script attached to: https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=126770 It's a rewrite of HelloTextTableShape.java provided with the SDK. It will use pull down the artifact from the Apache Nexus.

If using Windows or a Linux with a soffice executable location other than "/opt/openoffice4/program/". Edit the test script for the location of the soffice executable. A Windows example would look like: "C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenOffice 4/program"

Run the script from the download location groovy HelloTextTableShape.groovy

The script should bootstrap the office and add sample content to some of the applications using the guno-extension jar. Close OpenOffice after the test.

running the script should download the jars to the local Groovy Ivy cache On my Fedora Linux machine it is here: ~/.groovy/grapes/org.openoffice/guno-extension/jars/guno-extension-0.1.4.jar

Testing the downloaded source

unpack the source jar This will be the guno-extension test directory

If using Windows or a Linux with a soffice executable location other than "/opt/openoffice4/program/". Edit the two spock test files for the location of the soffice executable. src/test/groovy/org/openoffice/guno/SpreadsheetSpec.groovy and UnoSpec.groovy The default location is: String oooExeFolder = "/opt/openoffice4/program/"

Do the test build. (From guno-extension test directory) gradle jar

rename the downloaded jar in the local Groovy Ivy cache (From guno-extension test directory) mv ~/.groovy/grapes/org.openoffice/guno-extension/jars/guno-extension-0.1.4.jar ~/.groovy/grapes/org.openoffice/guno-extension/jars/guno-extension-0.1.4.save

copy the test jar into it's place cp ./build/libs/guno-extension-0.1.4.jar ~/.groovy/grapes/org.openoffice/guno-extension/jars/

edit the HelloTextTableShape.groovy script and comment out the grab resolver for the staging area. Groovy should find the newly built jar in the Ivy cache. // @GrabResolver(name = 'guno', root = 'https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheopenoffice-1019/')

run the script again to test the newly built jar.

groovy HelloTextTableShape.groovy

Once finished you can remove the test jar from Ivy and rename the guno-extension-0.1.4.save back to .jar

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