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The goal of this page is to collect and present all kinds of data in an organized way that allows estimating the OpenOffice.org/StarOffice market share. The page tries to analyze the market share of all OpenOffice.org-based products including StarOffice and Novell's Edition of OpenOffice.org. Therefore, does not try to distinguish between different OpenOffice.org flavors and combines numbers where appropriate (e.g. survey numbers).
Another wiki resource that can be used for improving and extending this page is the list of [[Major OpenOffice.org Deployments]]. [http://opendocumentfellowship.org/government/precedent This list] also has some useful data.
The Project's target market share can be found in the [[Strategic Marketing Plan#Usage_Goals|Strategic Marketing Plan Usage Goals]].
==Known Deployment Numbers==
{| border="1"
! Country !! Customer/User !! Industry/Vertical !! Number of Seats !! Status !! Links to Public Information
| US/Global || Sun Microsystems || IT || > 30,000 || Completed ||
| Global || Novell || IT || 4,000 || Completed ||
| Singapore || Ministry of Defence || Government || 25,000 || Completed || [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/windows/0,39020396,39171012,00.htm]
| UK || Bristol City Council || Government || 5,000 || Completed || [http://www.opensourceacademy.gov.uk/solutions/casestudies/bristol-city-council/]
| France || PSA Peugeot Citroen || Manufacturing || 20,000 || Started ||
| France || Groupe Laurent || Distribution || 650 || Completed ||
| France || Gendarmerie Nationale || Government || 70,000 || Started || [http://europa.eu.int/idabc/en/document/3796/194]
| France || Tax Agency || Government || 80,000 || Started || [http://insight.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,39020463,39236214,00.htm]
| France || Ministry of Equipment || Government || 55,000 || Started || [http://linuxinsider.com/story/35108.html]
| France || Ministry of Interior || Government || 50,000 || Started || [http://www.adullact.org/documents/changement-OOo-ADULLACT.pdf Adullact]
| France || Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing || Government || 15,000 || Completed || [http://linuxfr.org/2007/01/11/21901.html]
| France || Ministry of Finance || Government || 8,000 || Done ||
| France || French Customs || Government || 16,000 || Started || [http://www.adullact.org/documents/changement-OOo-ADULLACT.pdf Adullact]
| France || French National Assembly || Government || 1,100 || Planned || [http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/presse/divisionpresse/m01.asp] [http://www.silicon.com/publicsector/0,3800010403,39164312,00.htm]
| France || Region Ile de France (Capital Region) || Government || 175,000 (USB keys) || Planned ||
| Finland || Ministry of Justice || Government || 10,000 || Started || [http://marketing.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=24732] [http://www.om.fi/30801.htm] [http://www.om.fi/Etusivu/Julkaisut/Julkaisusarjat/Toimintajahallinto/Toiminnanjahallinnonarkisto/Toimintajahallinto2006/1160733641585] [http://www.om.fi/Etusivu/Julkaisut/Julkaisusarjat/Toimintajahallinto/Toiminnanjahallinnonarkisto/Toimintajahallinto2006/1157538492255] [http://www.om.fi/Etusivu/Julkaisut/Julkaisusarjat/Oikeusministerionjulkaisuja/Julkaisujenarkisto/Oikeusministerionjulkaisuj%20%20%20%20a2006/1161942336573]
| Spain / Extremadura || Education, Health Service, Public Libraries and Public Administration of Extremadura || Governement, Education || 70,000 || Started ||
| Spain / Andalucía || Education, Guadalinfo Centers, Public Libraries || Governement, Education || 255,000 || Started ||
| Spain / Catalunya || Public Schools || Education || 60,000 || Started ||
| Spain || City of Zaragoza || Government || 3,000 || Started || [http://somoslibres.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1129]
| Denmark ||HK Handel|| Trade Union || 1,200 || Planned || [http://comon.dk/index.php/news/show/id=26915]
| Netherlands || City of Heerenveen || Government || 400 || Started || [http://www.ososs.nl/node/63750]
| Netherlands || City of Vaals || Government || 90 || Started || [http://www.webwereld.nl/articles/40652/.html]
| Netherlands || City of Groningen || Government || 3,600 || Planned || [http://ooonewsletter.blogspot.com/2006/07/northern-netherlands-municipality-of.html]
| Belgium || Department of Justice || Government || 4,000 || Started || [http://www.nl.datanews.be/news/enterprise_computing/20060224003] [http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/dancer?entry=4_000_copies_of_openoffice#comments]
| Germany || City of Munich || Government || 15,000 || Started || [http://news.com.com/2100-1016-1010740.html]
| Germany || City of Freiburg || Government || 2,000 || Planned || [http://www.news-ticker.org/pm.php?news_id=4855707&aktion=nf]
| Germany || Stuttgarter Versicherung || Finance || 900 || Completed || [http://www.heise.de/open/artikel/68707]
| Germany || LVM || Finance || 7,700 || Completed || [http://www.computerworld.com/industrytopics/financial/story/0,10801,103198,00.html]
| Austria || City of Vienna || Government || 18,000 || Started || [http://www.wien.gv.at/ma14/oss.html]
| Brazil || Banco do Brasil || Finance || 35,000 || Started || [http://tecnologia.terra.com.br/interna/0,,OI906852-EI4801,00.html] [http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/dancer?entry=openoffice_org_at_brazilian_banco#comments] [http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2006/05/30/1662778.htm]
| Brazil || Federal Government Organizations || Government || 50,000 || Started || [http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS8553667891.html]
| Republic of Macedonia || Ministry of Finance || Government || > 150 || Completed ||
| Australia || De Bortoli Wines || Food & Beverage || 200 || Completed ||
| Turkey || Ankara Atatürk Public Hospital || Health || 500 || Completed || -
| Turkey || Central Bank of Turkey || Finance || 2500 || Completed || -
| Italy || "Galliera" Public Hospital, Genoa || Health || 500 || Completed || [http://www.paal2007.it/atti/Bergotto.pdf]-
==Known Distribution Numbers==
{| border="1"
! Country !! Number of Copies !! Version and Language Information !! Links to Public Information
| Global || 82,000,000 || OpenOffice.org downloads from main site || [http://stats.openoffice.org/spreadsheet/index.html]
| Spain || 1,500,000 || OpenOffice.org downloads from RedIRIS mirror site ||
| India || 3,500,000 || Tamil || [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/applications/0,39020384,39199972,00.htm]
| India || 3,500,000 || Hindi || [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/applications/0,39020384,39205447,00.htm]
==Analyst Statements==
{| border="1"
! Date (Month/Year) !! Analyst !! Estimated Market Share !! Market Details !! Links to Public Information
| December 2003 || Jupiter Research || 6% || Small and Medium Businesses in North America || [http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/07/16/HNjupiter_1.html]
| March 2004 || Forrester || 8.5% || out of 140 major North America companies || [http://www.bizreport.com/article.php?art_id=6557]
| October 2005 || Yankee Group || 19% || Small and Medium Businesses || [http://www.toptechnews.com/news/OpenOffice-org-2-0-Release-Delayed/story.xhtml?story_id=03100339SMZN]
{| border="1"
! Date (Month/Year) !! Country !! Publisher !! Usage / Market Share at Home !! Usage / Market Share at Work !! Links to Public Information
| 2003 || Netherlands || webwereld.nl || 22% || 12% || [http://peiling.webwereld.nl/peiling.phtml?id=34]
| 2006 || Germany || TechConsult || N/A || 8% of desktop systems running Linux (and thus most likely OpenOffice.org) || [http://www.perspektive-mittelstand.de/pages/business%20forum/presse-service-meldung-detail.php?prmID=522]
| 2007 || International || Freeform Dynamics || close to 20% || about 7% || [http://www.it-director.com/business/change/content.php?cid=9453]
==PC's by Country==
* Countries with the Largest Population [http://geography.about.com/cs/worldpopulation/a/mostpopulous.htm]
* World's 50 Most Populous Countries: 2005 [http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0004391.html]
* Nationmaster.COM Population [http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/peo_pop]
* PCs In-Use [http://www.c-i-a.com/pr0305.htm]

Revision as of 20:57, 19 June 2007

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