CJK Group/Minutes

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The 1st IRC meeting 2009-03-21


  1. How to get more QA and L10N TCM testers for quick and stable releases
  2. Possibilities of OpenOffice.org Regional Conference in Asia
  3. Benefits of the group in general
  4. More coordinators for the group
  5. Next IRC meeting


  • Aijin Kim
  • Lin, Cheng
  • Jeongkyu Kim
  • Kazunari Hirano
  • Katsuya Kobayashi
  • Li Heng
  • Nakata, Maho
  • Peter Junge
  • Sophie Gautier


  1. AAA
  2. OpenOffice.org Regional Conference in Asia
    1. Cheng and Peter proposed it should be held after OOoCon 2009 Orvieto.
    2. They gave us reasons that RegioCon should be not too close to OOoCon, we need enough time to find topics for RegiCon, and if we have it before OOoCon 2009 Orvieto it's not so much time to organize it.
    3. 2010 spring would be a good time and we could have "RegiCon in spring, OOoCon in autumn," this would be a good frequency for the future. We all agreed :)
    4. Jeongkyu would like to host RegiCon Asia 2010 Spring in Seoul and no one objected but we all applauded :)
    5. We all agreed to start discussion planning "RegiCon Asia 2010 Spring in Seoul" on com@native-lang.openoffice.org
  3. CCC
  4. More coodinators
    1. Aijin asked Hirano to define the role of coordinator. Hirano tried to define, CJK group coordinators "coordinate," "Coordinate" means getting touch with member project leads, listening to their needs, taking up issues and putting them on agenda, and leading discussion, For example, organizing the wiki, IRC meetings, raising issues on the mailing lists and so on.
    2. Current coordinator, Hirano, asked for help and good idea to organize and update the wiki page and make it more informative and helpful for group member projects.
    3. More CJK group coordinators are needed to organize OOoRegiCon Asia 2010 Spring in Seoul.
    4. Aijin suggested we may need to call for volunteers in each lang team.
  5. Next Meeting
    1. Sophie gave Hirano an idea of using a meeting organizer

AI (Action Items) and Progress

  1. AAA
  2. OpenOffice.org Regional Conference in Asia
  3. CCC
  4. More Coordinators for the CJK group
    1. Hirano will ask Jeongkyu to call for volunteers in ko community.
    2. Cheng will call for volunteers in zh community.
    3. Maho will call for volunteers in ja community.
  5. Next Meeting
    1. Hirano created Poll: The 2nd OpenOffice.org CJK Group IRC Meeting.
    2. Hirano will initiate discussion to decide "Date and Time" on com@native-lang.openoffice.org

The 2nd IRC meeting 2009-04-00


  1. AAA
  2. BBB
  3. CCC
  4. DDD
  5. EEE


  • AAA
  • BBB
  • CCC
  • DDD
  • EEE
  • FFF


  • AAA
  • BBB
  • CCC
  • DDD
  • EEE
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