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Some languages need male/female option for number to text

Hi, in Catalan de numbers 1 and 2 can be male or female, based on what's numered. Example: cotxe (car) is male and flor (flower) is female. So 1 cotxe (one car) is spelled "un cotxe" and 1 flor (one flower) is spelled "una flor". So, 1--> un (if male noun) and una (if female noun), 2 --> dos (if male noun) and dues (if female noun).

This male/female change also happens in numbers finished in 1 and 2 different that 11 and 12 (21, 22, 31, 32, ...) and also in hundreds and thousands.

Spanish also has this male/female, but only in numbers finished in 1. In Spanish 2 it's always spelled "dos".

Finally, this male/female isseu als is important for currency to text. Many currency are treated as male nouns: euro, dollar. But few currencis are "female": sterling pounds or the old spanish peseta. So, 1200 $ is spelled as "mil dos-cents dòllars", but 1200 PTA is spelled as "mil dues-centes pessetes".

I have fixed them by text converters. ca_ES uses manual arguments for the gender of the currency units and subunits, es_ES module uses automatic gender detection (feminine units end with "a" or "as"):
# masculine to feminine conversion of "un" after millions,
# if "as?$" matches currency name

f:(.*ill)(.*),(.*) \1$(f:\2,\3)		# don't modify un in millions
f:(.*un)([^a].*,|,)(.*as?) $(f:\1a\2\3)	# un libra -> una libra
f:(.*),(.*) \1 \2

"([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?1)" $(f:|$2,$(\1:us))
"([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?\d+0{6,})" $2 de $(\1:up)
"([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?\d+)" $(f:|$2,$(\1:up))
Thanks for your report. Nemeth 22:12, 3 September 2009 (UTC)

Some fixes on Catalan definition


^0 zero
1$ u
1 un
2 dos
3 tres
4 quatre
5 cinc
6 sis
7 set
8 vuit
9 nou
10 deu
11 onze
12 dotze
13 tretze
14 catorze
15 quinze
16 setze
17 disset
1(\d) di$1
20 vint
2(\d) vint-i-$1
30 trenta
40 quaranta
50 cinquanta
60 seixanta
70 setanta
80 vuitanta
90 noranta
(\d)(\d) $(\10)-$2
1(\d\d) cent $1
(\d)(\d\d) $1-cents $2
1(\d{3}) mil $1
(\d{1,3})(\d{3}) $1 mil $2
1(\d{6}) un milió $1
(\d{1,6})(\d{6}) $1 milions $2
1(\d{9}) mil milions $1
1(\d{12}) un bilió $1
(\d{1,6})(\d{12}) $1 bilions $2
1(\d{18}) un trilió $1
(\d{1,6})(\d{18}) $1 trilions $2
1(\d{24}) un quadrilió $1
(\d{1,6})(\d{24}) $1 quadrilions $2  

# negative number?

[-−](\d+) menys |$1

# decimals

"([-−]?\d+)[.,]" $1| coma
"([-−]?\d+[.,]\d*)(\d)" $1| |$2

# currency

# unit/subunit singular/plural

us:([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*) \1
up:([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*) \2
ss:([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*) \3
sp:([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*) \4
CHF:(\D+) $(\1: franc suís, francs suís, cèntim, cèntims)
EUR:(\D+) $(\1: euro, euros, cèntim, cèntims)
GBP:(\D+) $(\1: lliura esterlina, lliures esterlines, penic, penics)
JPY:(\D+) $(\1: ien, iens, sen, sen)
USD:(\D+) $(\1: dòlar EUA, dòlar EUA, cent, cents)
"([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?1)([.,]00?)?" $2 $(\1:us)
"([A-Z]{3}) ([-−]?\d+)([.,]00?)?" $2 $(\1:up)
"(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](01)" $1 amb $(1) $(\2:ss)
"(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d)" $1 amb $(\30) $(\2:sp)
"(([A-Z]{3}) [-−]?\d+)[.,](\d\d)" $1 amb $3 $(\2:sp) 
Fixed in Numbertext 0.6. Many thanks for your help. Nemeth 22:16, 3 September 2009 (UTC)

French numbering remarks

Congratulations for this fantastic extension ! It was needed for many years !

Version 0.6 has corrected my previous observations, so I have deleted the remarks.

I have discovered these errors with version 0.6 :


a) found same error with fr, es, it languages, maybe others

MONEYTEXT value 0 gives : "zéro euros" instead of : "zéro euro" (singular)

b) Not language specific : When there is more than two decimals, MONEYTEXT rounds the value to 2 decimals, that is correct behaviour, I think. But currently it rounds up only above decimal 5, instead of from decimal 5.

Compare with the rounding of Calc when formatted with 2 decimals :

Value 9,9949 is displayed 10 by Calc, but MONEYTEXT will treat it like 9,99

MONEYTEXT produces 10 only for a value strictly greater that 9,995, for example 9,995001

c) not language specific, case of rounding down :

MONEYTEXT value 7,004 gives : "sept euros et zéro centimes" instead of : "sept euros"

d) combination of a) and c) :

MONEYTEXT value 0,004 gives : "zéro euros et zéro centimes" instead of : "zéro euro"


A strange behaviour of NUMBERTEXT with en-US (seen on Calc with UI fr-FR using a decimal comma, if that matters)

Correct : value 123,45 gives : "one hundred and twenty-three point four five"

Incorrect : value 23,45 gives : "twenty-three thousand" (but MONEYTEXT is correct)

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