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About Me

My name is Steven Hupp. I am an Online Technologies Assistant at the Elkhart County campus of Ivy Tech Community College.

Open Office and Me

I have used NeoOffice 1.1 for the Mac (PPC) the most. My current installation is Apache Open Office 4.0.1.

My Contributions

None yet.

Work in Progress

I am reading the wiki editing guide, Contributor's 101 and anything else to get me orientated.

My Future Plans

I intend to do the following:

  1. research the forums' unanswered questions to find a topic.
  2. pick a small project, probably a how-to, and write it.


Steven Hupp


Currently signed up for doc, dev, users and announce mailing lists, although since I am not much of a programmer, I may drop the dev mailing list at some time.

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