Information Sharing/Findings

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Defect Categories

Total absence of necessary Information
Pages which contain no, too less, or unrelated Information with regard to the topic. Information which is related to the topic but is insufficient or too vague to explain the topic is considered of being also in this defect category
Outdated Information
Pages which contain information that does not apply anymore to the current state of the topic, but only to an old version or status.
Up-to-date but not open accessible Information
Pages which contain Information that is relevant to the community but not accessible by all community members (e.g. contributors) and participants (e.g. Users)
Redundant Information
Pages which hold the same contents in OOo web site and OO wiki. This type of Information is doublicate and has to be held in sync in order to produce no Information defect of the type "outdated"
Outdated and not open accessible Information
Pages which contain information that does not apply anymore to the current state of the topic, but only to an old version or status and is not accessible to the community. The owner should re-evauate if this information is to be updated and transferred to open accessible infrastructure, to archive, or to delete.
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