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Revision as of 10:48, 9 September 2007 by Murb (talk | contribs) (Quite an extension of the current page)
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This is the preliminary page for sketching out the user pages requirements. More content soon!

Wish list

User friendly links

  •; etc. should bring the user where he should get.

Getting OOo

  • Auto detection / auto selection of language & os
  • Offer CD's
  • Only offer bittorent and alike when it can be integrated smoothly



[Persona's] help to get an idea of what type of user we are focussing on. You can 'test' design proposals using the persona's, by simply trying to think how this person would solve the problem he or she is faced with. If you think a typical user is not yet mentioned in this list add 'm. If you think a persona is within the scope of the end user focus plan, please add your opinion.

  • 46 year old father with two kids wants to download OOo by himself. His native language is Dutch (nl).
  • 15 year old girl is making an assignment for one of her courses. She is looking for nice clip art to use in OOo
  • 25 year old male student is looking how to create well structured documents, in order to make his thesis writing process efficient
  • 33 year old has switched to the Mac platform and wants to get OOo running as well...
  • A user behind a slow connections wants to know where to buy a CD with OOo
  • Fanatic user wants to find out more about the community. He would like to contribute to the new chart component.
    • User:Murb: "I believe we can learn from this one that we need bridges to the developer pages, users start of as an end-user, but some want to get involved. Offering bridging links would help."
  • Journalist from a local newspaper wants to compare OOo to other competing office suites
  • A 'geek' is waiting for the inclusion of the lightning project with OOo, where to find more information?
    • User:Murb: "We should think about how deep we should go in providing information on these pages... [not sure whether this persona is applicable]"

Examples of websites

proposed by the Marketing Project, March 2007
more technical; interesting read: Deconstructing the Redesign
User:Cj: "clear separation between user and development, easy download, easy access to additional information"
User:Murb: "Typical example of a big opensource project with a easy download, very much end user focussed. Developper's site is on another domain"
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