New Features 2.3

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Category:Draft marketing ideas and materials

Draft marketing documents index

New Features in 2.3

Note - this list is based on the full list in Feature_Freeze_Testing_2.3 Full list is available below.


The Chart component of has undergone a major revamp for 2.3. The developers have added a range of exciting new features, and at the same time made the creation of charts simpler and more logical. The default chart appearance is improved, with a new colour palette. The scaling of axes has been changed to give better results automatically. 3D charts are greatly enhanced in appearance, and easier to create. New chart types include '3D exploded pies' and 'exploded donuts' (watch out Homer Simpson). There is an improved data editor for charts that use their own data (e.g. within Impress).


The way Writer displays various page images has been improved. There is a new filter for exporting documents to MediaWiki ("Wikipedia") format


Calc now supports inline matrix/array constants in formulas. Summation has been made more powerful and more intuitive. The display of error values has been made more user-friendly. Compatibility with Microsoft Excel has been improved with workarounds for cotangent functions (supported in Calc, missing from Microsoft Excel).


Base continues to evolve as a fully-fledged application in its own right, with its windows all having their own size, position, etc settings. The Report Builder, available as extension on, now has additional facilities for expert users. There is a greater support for keyboard shortcuts throughout Base.


Draw includes a number of accessibility improvements and support for .png images when exporting to .html documents


The much-loved 'move along curve' animation feature has been re-introduced, despite claims that over-use could easily create sea-sickness among sensitive members of an audience.

Language Support

Language support has been improved for a further fourteen languages, building on's already impressive language support.


There are a number of new features available to developers of extensions, and a one click link to a new extensions repository.


Writer, Calc, Draw, and Impress now allow users to preview their work within a browser before exporting it to .html format. The default security level for Macro Security has been changed to High, to make it difficult for users to run possibly malicious macros 'without thinking'.

Release notes

Known issues

Function Description Issue
Compatibility with SELinux in enforcing mode OOo 2.3.0 is incompatible with SELinux in enforcing mode: OOo won't start unless SELinux is (or gets) disabled.

A possible workaround is putting SELinux in permissive mode by issuing (as root) the command

# setenforce 0

Fontwork In various situations, Fontwork objects are not displayed.

Fontwork in documents from previous versions of may be affected as well.

A possible workaround is using version 2.2.1.


Full list


Feature Description Specs/Issue
Stylist filter selection persistent Now the selection of a stylist filter is persistent. On a new session, the last selected filter is active. One selection for every application. 4854
Dialog PDF Export The options dialog is now shown before the file dialog specs / 13154
Shortcut for 'repeat' Repeat 41586
Behavior of hyperlinks To follow a hyperlink, now on the most places Ctrl+click must be used. specs
Configuration of behaviour with a line break Options|Writer |Compatibility specs / 45491
Web HTML Preview The new function "Preview Document in Web Browser" provides an easy way to display the current document as a html export in the system web browser. specs / 74477
Document stored printer setting may be ignored Options|Load/Save specs / 76885
Macro Security Default Level to High The default Macro Security Level changed from Medium to High. Thus it is impossible to execute malicious macros by accident by just clicking OK specs / 79170
Easier branding of OOo builds Easier branding of OOo builds for better support the creation of adapted installation sets announcm. / 66426
Location of file and other properties selectable Properties>General, now can be selected an copied. 64785
Customize>Keyboard Customize>Keyboard has improved: so that there is more room for various list boxes. 75754
Online update - info Options| shows when was last checked for an update. 70315
Online update - Direct download On Windows it is possible to download direct from Online update, not on a website. specs / 72386
Java GUI installation wizard on Linux The Java GUI installation wizard is included in installations with JRE for easier installation on Linux specs
Identifiers for extensions Extensies now can have an unique identifier This removes the restriction that no two extensions can have the same filename specs / 69910
Options Dialog and Extensions Extensions can integrate options pages into the options dialogs of the different applications. specs / 75869
Merging of toolbar and menu items in extensions Now it is possible to add, exchange or remove menu or toolbar items in extensions. Previously this was possible only for top-level menus and whole toolbars. Wiki / 78020
"Get Extensions" link The dialog Extensions Managers now has the link "Get Extensions" to specs / 78209
FontOOo exits with an error message The Add Fonts from Web Wizard exits with an error message. This is fixed and the fix is in the issue. 81102


Data for 12 new locales Added are data for:

Hausa Ghana (ha_GH), Ewe language (ee_GH), Frisian Western (Netherlands), Tagalog_Philippines (tl_PH), Jewish (for en-US), Uzbek (uz_UZ), Occitan-languadocian's (oc_FR), Lingala (ln_CD), Sango – sg_CF, English Ghana (en_GH), Ganda Uganda (lg_UG), Armenian_Armenia (hy_AM)

Changes for two localisations Currency changed for Bolivar Fuerte and Ghana Cedi          


Default values print options Now enabled by default are the options: print only selected sheets and suppress output of empty pages. This is shown in the print preview. A warning message is shown if nothing is to print. Blog / 25278, 78488
Matrix/array constants in formulas Calc now supports matrix/array constants in formulas

Supported by import/export Excel

Announcm. / 32342
Shortcurt dialog cell formatting Shortcut key Ctrl-1 opens the dialog for cell formatting 35738
Shortcut keys insert/delete cells Ctrl+ works for inserting and Ctrl- for deleting cells. Both work like the menu entries and can function for rows and columns also. 38108
Shortcut keys show formulas The shortcut key Ctrl~ toggles between formula result and formula For all cells on a sheet. (English keyboard layouts only.) 56202
Value of function GETPIVOTDATA in cell formula The GETPIVOTDATA function returns a result value from a DataPilot table, so it can be used in a cell formula.

Supported by import export Excel

Various improvements Error codes on import Excel, context menu, naming of strings 47732, 47644, 50436, 50439, 53756, 55972, 77653,
Extended automatic summation Capabilities to sum up cell values automatically are extended. Cell range is specified by the user specs / Blog / 51564
Named ranges in validation lists Now it is possible to use named ranges in the definition of cell validation lists. 56566
Import drawing objects and pictures with macros Drawing objects and pictures can be linked to a macro. Now that is handeld with the import from Excel files. specs / 59082
JIS and ASC with katakana characters The JIS and ASC functions support work with katakana characters (Japanese). wiki / 70213
Cotangent functions in export All cotangent functions are converted in the export to Excel, that doesn't know these functions. 72768
Toolbar Form Objects removed The toolbar Form Objects has been removed from Calc. All items are found on the toolbar Form Design 72799
Toolbar Insert and Insert Object The toolbar Insert Object has been removed. Items were moved to the Toolbar Insert specs / 73123
Auto capitalisation The first character of a word or the first sentence in a cell isn't automatically capitalized any more. 78661


Pages centered in window Pages that aren't wider than the width of the window, will be centered. 1761
Export to MediaWiki Export can make wiki-pages of your Writer documents specs / Blog / 48409
Option Update charts independent Options|OOo Writer|General) is independent from the setting of Update Fields 55007
Languageguessing for paragraphs When the language of a paragraph is not set, now it is guessed when spellchecking. specs / 73713
Enhancement Smart Tags Smart tags functionality is available when when one or more are installed as extension.

Now contextmenu's are integreated.

specs / 75130
Mail merge The Simple Mail Merge Dialog now offers the possibility to save as one document. Also the window is resizable. specs / 76853
Mail merge warning message The option "Do not show this message again" when choosing to print the document directly or to make mail merge, has been removed. specs / 76853, 51906
Soft page breaks export ODF 1.1 allows the export of soft page breaks. This export now is implemented. Useful for a.o. digital books. specs / 78650


New Chart Wizard Simplified chart creation, with less steps. specs / 20344
Flexible source ranges Source ranges can be associated to different chart-objects. Thus for example different x-axis values can be used. Improves interoperability with other applications. specs / 3997
More clear information about regression curves Formula and r^2 value of a selected regression curve are shown in status bar. specs / 78442
Improvements for 3D charts Better and clearer dialog, 'right angle axes' option, simple 3D look, default illumination accordingly, exploded 3D Pies specs / 75176, 67754, 14202, 76430, 20321
New colors New colors have been choosen and added to the default colors in the Office color palette info / specs / 7019, 75202
Enhanced Logarithmic scales Free manual chooise of minimum and maximum values and user defined major interval. specs / 27694, 26869
Easier working on various points Selection by mouse of chart objects, automatic scaling of axises, and placing of title have been improved. specs / 58161

specs / 30426 specs / 13443

Enhancement of the data editor In charts with their own data (not from a spreadsheet) the data editor allows to modify, add and delete all data specs / 64824
New menu, toolbar, Help The new Charts comes with new menu items, toolbar entries, help information 60358, 70287, 27351, 74907, 74909


Export to HTML Export to HTML now supports png-graphics specs / 23353
Custom animation paths The animation path for moving objects on slides now is editable. specs
Play sound all over the slide show Now it is possible to play a sound 24969
Sun Presentation Minimizer Extension that offers the chooise between different options to reduce the size of presentations and to remove content before distributing the presentation. specs


Export to HTML Export to HTML now supports png-graphics specs / 23353
Alternative text for image maps and drawing layers Image maps and drawing layers now provide for alternative text that is essential for accessibility specs / 68099, specs / 68100


Window size and state of forms and reports Forms now have windows size and state that is independent from that from normal Writer documents 45663
Keyboard shortcuts (More) shortcuts are available in the taks pane, forms, 71900, 74918,
No slashes in names of objects Slashes (/) in the name of reports, forms etc are not allowed any more.

When present in existing base documents, slashes will be automatically converted to underscores (_)

Report designer A full new report designer hase been made specs / 76758
Report Builder extension New extension to create reports with content from OOo Base as well as a wide range of proprietary and OpenSource relational databases. specs , Wiki


Window size and state of XML-forms XML-forms now have windows size and state that is independent from that from normal Writer documents 75146

API / programming

Sequence as imput A possibility to represent a sequence as a seekable input stream is offered. 77185 + idl specification
Number of heading rows of table Now it is possible to set the number of heading rows by API info / 79458
Keys and document macros It is possible now to assing keys to macros contained in a document. 56351
Listeners and changes on shapes Impemented listeners now are notified about changes of properties of shapes 71036

Tree control A tree control is available specs / 78847
Single Dialog Export Now it is possible to export single Dialogs in the Dialog Editor (as *.xdl files. This export includes possible localized properties files. specs / 77640, 75778

Few of the bug Fixes

PDF File size Due to a bug in 2.2,1 the exported PDF could become very large. This has now been corrected. 78613
Number formatting in Writer tables Number formatting now also works in cells with more than one paragraph. 77649

CorNouws 10:58, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

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