Documentation/How Tos/Calc: DSUM function

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Conditionally sums the contents of cells in a Calc 'database' table.


DSUM(database_table; field; criteria_table)


database_table is a range defining the data to be processed.
field is the column to count. It may be a cell, the column number (A=1, B=2, etc)??, the column header (enclosed in quotation marks ””) or 0 (which includes the whole database table.
criteria_table is a range containing the criteria to use

The Database functions overview describes the use of these parameters.


=DSUM(A1:E10;"Distance to School";A13:E14)

See also:

Database functions overview

DCOUNT function, DCOUNTA function, DSUM function, DPRODUCT function,

DMAX function, DMIN function, DAVERAGE function,

DSTDEV function, DSTDEVP function, DVAR function, DVARP function,

DGET function

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