Previous Education Meetings logs/January 2008/4th January

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[14:58] <ericb2> Let's start ?

[14:59] <lgodard> tools for teachers may interrest other categories

[14:59] <rbircher> Yes, meeting time

[14:59] * lgodard goes back in reading mode

[14:59] <ericb2> Agenda for 4th of January 2008 meeting

[14:59] <ericb2> 1. Welcome people and devs joining Education project

[14:59] <ericb2> 2. Objectives for Education project, for the Year 2008

[14:59] <ericb2> 3. Website

[14:59] <ericb2> 4. Education Team

[14:59] <ericb2> 5. Misc

[15:00] * ericb2 sees new people on the channel, and they are invited to present themselves :)

[15:00] * asrail ( has joined

[15:00] <ericb2> and Happy New Year 2008 to all !!

[15:00] <asrail> happy new year

[15:00] <rbircher> Yes, happy new year et all

[15:01] <ericb2> asrail: same for you :)

[15:01] <njeudy> happy new year ;)

[15:02] <ericb2> the first point is always dedicated to newcomers. Any around ?

[15:02] <sankarshan> in the event you haven't figured it out /me is sankarshan and sm|CPU and sm|test-box are the rest of the evil triplet

[15:02] sankarshan sm|CPU sm|test-box

[15:02] <ericb2> sankarshan: ;-)

[15:03] <asrail> If you count me, as it's the first time I could join the IRC meeting

[15:03] <ericb2> asrail: be welcome !

[15:03] <asrail> thanks

[15:03] <craigaa> greetings, all. I hope everyone had a joyful new year. Let's make 2008 even better.

[15:04] <ericb2> craigaa: be welcome too :-)

[15:04] <ericb2> craigaa , asrail : may I ask you to present yourself shortly ?

[15:04] <rbircher> We are a load today :-)

[15:05] <asrail> I'm Caio Tiago Oliveira, working on the OOo project mainly on QA, since 2004. I'm co-lead of the project, student at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.

[15:05] <asrail> Computing Science student.

[15:06] <asrail> I've joined the educ project for a year or so, but it was quiet until some months ago.

[15:06] <craigaa> I am Craig Adams from Durban, South Africa. Have been involved with OOo for a long time now, but have been pretty quiet for a while. I am, amongst other things, the Marcon for ZA.

[15:08] <rbircher> Welcome to south Africa and to Brazil

[15:08] <ericb2> asrail craigaa : this is quite interesting. Education project is proud to see people like you there. thanks for joining, and be welcome !

[15:09] <asrail> ;)

[15:09] <ericb2> other new comers ?

[15:09] <ericb2> Next point ?

[15:09] <rbircher> Yes

[15:09] <ericb2> 2. Objectives for Education project, for the Year 2008

[15:10] <ericb2> This is a summary of

[15:10] <ericb2> and presented differently

[15:10] <ericb2> I proposed 5 points, from A to E

[15:10] <ericb2> A) Structure Education Project

[15:10] <ericb2> Create the association ( EducOOo )

[15:10] <ericb2> Comments: status are ok, and everything will be confirmed newt week (last review from Estelle Chardon needed). Some potential sponsors already asked

[15:11] <ericb2> Volunteer(s): ericb, other ?

[15:12] <ericb2> in the same point :

[15:12] <ericb2> Create Education Project Team

[15:12] <ericb2> Comments: started on the wiki. Some photos + informations are needed

[15:12] <ericb2> Volunteers: njeudy, rbircher ?

[15:12] <ericb2> Other volunteers ?

[15:13] <ericb2> other in the same point :

[15:13] <ericb2> Define the exact role of Education Project inside project, and create connexions with other projects

[15:13] <ericb2> Comments: Education project is a central project, because interacting with Marketing, Documentation, Extensions, User Experience and development projects

[15:13] <ericb2> Both work together and share/define precisely tasks and skills will be mandatory

[15:13] <ericb2> Volunteer(s) for the task :

[15:15] <njeudy> ericb2: i have to finish web site and project team before :)

[15:15] <ericb2> njeudy: ok. This is for 2008, say first half 2008. Is it ok ?

[15:15] <sankarshan> ericb2: and getting some buy-in in terms of specific tasks other such projects expect from this project and vice-versa

[15:16] * asrail_ ( has joined

[15:16] <ericb2> sankarshan: yes, cooperate

[15:16] sankarshan sm|CPU sm|test-box

[15:16] * asrail has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [SeaMonkey 2.0a1pre/2007120503]")

[15:16] <sankarshan> ahh that was the word I was looking for when I blogged

[15:16] * asrail_ is now known as asrail

[15:16] <ericb2> sankarshan: after all, we are a community ;)

[15:16] * ericb2 hides

[15:17] <ericb2> Second part is

[15:17] <sankarshan> ericb2: that's a loaded word as I learn each day ;)

[15:18] <ericb2> B) Improve Visibility

[15:18] <ericb2> Create a strong network of contacts with Education world

[15:18] <ericb2> Comments: a try is started with France. See

[15:19] <ericb2> This is a common task, mainly for french contributors, but all contributions are welcome

[15:19] <rbircher> In this point, France and China are pionier

[15:20] <ericb2> rbircher: indeed. But would be great to see the same for Germany, China ..etc

[15:20] <sankarshan> soon there will be India (/me detaches, goes $HOME and draws up plans of world domination)

[15:20] sankarshan sm|CPU sm|test-box

[15:20] * sankarshan has quit ("Are you sure you want to quit this channel (Cancel/Ok) ?")

[15:20] ChanServ craigaa

[15:20] <ericb2> Other point in B :

[15:20] <ericb2> Events: list of events ? + find resources

[15:20] <ericb2> Communicate: important mailing lists ( educ dedicated in several countries) common blog ( other people interested ? )

[15:20] <ericb2> Volunteer(s) for the task :

[15:21] <ericb2> events are important, to meet important people we cannot attend the rest of the year. Louis is a great ambassador for that btw

[15:21] <rbircher> We can create a press information?

[15:21] <ericb2> rbircher: why not

[15:22] <ericb2> rbircher: are you volunteer ?

[15:22] <craigaa> rbircher: what kind of press information are ou thinking of?

[15:22] <rbircher> I will talke abaut with florian

[15:22] * enri (n=limousin@ has joined

[15:23] <ericb2> rbircher: yes, marketing project will certainly help

[15:23] <asrail> I can't volunteer to organize the events, but I can help in the communication

[15:23] <ericb2> asrail: that"s ok for me

[15:24] <rbircher> enri hello

[15:24] <enri> hi to everyone

[15:24] <asrail> hi

[15:24] <rbircher> are you new too?

[15:24] * Remaille has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))

[15:24] <enri> yes first time

[15:24] <ericb2> asrail: I have written your nick name as volunteer :-)

[15:24] <asrail> ok

[15:24] <ericb2> enri: be welcome on board :)

[15:24] <enri> I hope I can do something

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