Community Council/Items/YearPlan

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Introduction to the CC Year plan – first draft

This start for the plan has been briefly discussed in the community council.

How to work on this plan

Working on it means: - Maybe adding removing items - Fill in details of items, so that the plan is Specific, Measureable, Acceptable, Realistic and has a Time-line.

Year plan

Areas of activity

Items in the plan can be situated in the areas where the CC is active, as mentioned in the charter: A Strategic planning and resource allocation. B Relations with sponsors and the public. C Arbitration within the greater Community. and besides that, separate categories can be created for D Growing the community E The CC itself.

Strategic planning and resource allocation

ii - suitable fund management mechanism
  • recently we made good steps already on this path, so maybe time is right to finish this
iii - coordinate on long-term development planning issues with producers of other derivative commercial products
  • this may help to increase the cooperation with existing partners as Novell and IBM

Relations with sponsors and the public

i - feedback, etc. to Sun on legal, business
  • the known issues on trademark and related

Arbitration within the greater Community

ii- Create new Projects
  • support regional communities regional use and development and education
  • dismiss inactive Projects

Growing the community

  • bring more visibility on the individual contributors
  • vision on what "the community" is and in what direction we like it to develop
  • collaborating with people who do great work for developing OOo but who do not use our infrastructure

The CC itself

  • better handling of tasks agreed upon;
  • better involvement in discussions;
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