SZ/TOI Events

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May 21th, 2008 University Bremen Kay Ramme and UNO [KR in Bremen]
May 28th, 2008 University Bremen Dalibor Topic scientific colloquium, OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP [DT in Bremen]
June 24th, 2008 University Berlin Dalibor Topic OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP [DT in Berlin ]
June 17th, 2008 University Dresden Kay Ramme and UNO [KR in Dresden]
October 30th, 2008 University Duesseldorf Dalibor Topic OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP
October 31th, 2008 University Dortmund Dalibor Topic OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP
November 03rd, 2008 University Collogne Dalibor Topic OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP
November 04th, 2008 University Karlsruhe Dalibor Topic OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP

University Bremen (21.05.2008)

  • Embedded in a series of lectures about component based software development, by Professor Dr. Rainer Koschke, Sun Microsystem's Senior Software Architect of StarOffice/OpenOffice, Kay Ramme, was asked to talk about and the component model UNO (OpenOffice is based on). and UNO, the OpenOffice component Model - by Kay Ramme

Kay Ramme, at the University Bremen - "Let's talk about and UNO"
  • Prof. Dr. Koschke was stunned by the interest ("none of my lectures is that good attended normally").
  • The room was filled with about 50 students (main study), professors and other professionals of the university.
  • All hands raised at the question who knows and uses the OpenOffice productivity suite.
  • Nobody left the room before the time :)
  • We had a 40! min Q&A session (that was the second surprise for Prof. Koschke) with very good qualified questions
  • After 90 min, the show was over, students still didn't leave but caught up with Kay Ramme to get some tips how to start participating in (see the pic below )
Kay Ramme in the talk with students after the show

University Bremen (28.05.2008)

  • on Wednesday, May 28th, Dalibor Topic, Sun Microsystems FOSS Ambassador held a scientific colloquium about OpenJDK and related topics :)

scientific colloquium, OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP - by Dalibor Topic

  • He spoke about the history and motivation that led to free JAVA in the context of GNU/Linux distributions. He gave future prospects where the journey will lead us with OpenJDK and free Java.
  • Dalibor also talked about JSR 277 an approach of modularization in JAVA 7, JCP and OpenJDK
Dalibor Topic and Prof.Dr.Koschke in dialogue

University Berlin (24.06.2008)

scientific colloquium, OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP - by Dalibor Topic

  • Dalibor Topic, Sun Microsystems FOSS Ambassador held a scientific colloquium on Tue. 24th of June at 18:00h about OpenJDK and related topics :)
  • Students, developers and faculty members enjoyed very much the lecture of Dalibor and after the talk and the official Q&A were over, half a dozen of students and developers took the chance to further discuss and follow project details and the evolution of the JDK. These face-to-face-talks were another special opportunity to get get in contact with someone from deep inside the development project. Thank you, Dalibor, for this additional time and good discussions.In the talk itself Dalibor briefly introduced the OpenJDK and it's architecture. Along a timeline spanning over the past couple of years, he gave a very personal view of the history of OpenJDK, the community and also pointed out the role of GNU/Linux for the project and especially governance. This was followed by a brief outlook of what may be expected concerning the project in the near future. Altogether it was great first hand information for everyone and showed how lively the discussion around open source software is and how well development in this branch is being monitored by many students and developers.
Dalibor Topic in front of the class in Berlin
  • The classroom was packed (high density)
  • the talk last one hour and the Q&A session another hour

It seems that the young people in Germany's Universities are very interested and coming up with a lot of smart questions.

University Dresden (17.07.2008)

  • Embedded in a series of lectures about component based software development, by Prof. Uwe Aßmann, Sun Microsystem's Senior Software Architect of StarOffice/OpenOffice, Kay Ramme, was asked to talk about and the component model UNO (OpenOffice is based on). and UNO, the OpenOffice component Model - by Kay Ramme

Professor Uwe Assmann welcomed us in his office at the University in Dresden. Original from Hessen in Germany he spend quite some time living and working in Schweden, before he took over his current position at the University of Dresden in 2004. His speciality is components, more precisely document and multimedia components and the re-usage of these for document composition and congruency purposes.

Prof. Uwe Assmann, at the University Dresden - "He is smart, he is creative and he is happy"

It was impressive to me how open, creative and smart he came over.

We stayed two days in Dresden. Professor Assmann and his team introduced us to what they do in their projects in the scope of document components and multimedia components. The first day was packed with demos of his team's works which were quite impressing.

Day Two started with a demo of multimedia components, which was way to short to get enough insight, but we had to hurry to prepare Kay's presentation.

Prof. Assmann announcing the show - "The slides are up, ready to go"

The lecture was well visited. I counted 80-90 students, doctorants and professors. Once Kay starts to talk about OpenOffice and UNO he can't be stopped.

Kay reached the UNO slide - "UNO architecture, you can feel his pride :)"

Q&A session, but wait, what's that ? Prof. Assmann in motion, creativity hits and he spontaneously jots down 6 future project works on the black board, for his students and postgraduates to pick around document components and ODF.

Prof. Assmann, heading for the black board - "He is creative, I told you"

Work is done! Let's have a dinner and brainstorm about what are the next steps.

Here they are - "Kay, PhD.Jens Dietrich, Prof. Assmann and two of his postgraduate team members"

One word to Doctor Jens Dietrich, coincidental he was in Dresden at the same time we came there. He is a German Doctor of Computer Science teaching at the University of Massey, New Zealand. He gave us an interesting demo about what he developed, a meta language to describe a meta language ... more of this maybe later :)

Working collaboratively with these smart guys ought to be fun and yield a lot of interesting project works for the benefit of, ODF, Sun's FOSS and their users world wide.

Duesseldorf, Dortmund, Collogne, Karlsruhe, scientific colloquiae, OpenJDK, JSR 277, JCP - by Dalibor Topic

  • He will speak about the history and motiv that led to free JAVA in the context of GNU/Linux distributions. He will give future prospects where the journey will lead us with OpenJDK and free Java.
  • Dalibor will also talk about JSR 277 an approach of modularization in JAVA 7, JCP and OpenJDK

University Duesseldorf (30.10.2008)

University Dortmund (31.10.2008 ?)

University Collogne (03.11.2008)

University Karlsruhe (04.11.2008)


Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

  • menthoring of diploma thesis work of Nicola Baude about evolution of icons in software programs - menthor Stella Schulze

University Illmenau

  • menthoring of diploma thesis work of Tino Jungebloud about algorithmic- and data view methods for system analysis - menthored by Mathias Bauer
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