JA/QA/Release/template en

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About QA and release

To release your native language version of OpenOffice.org, each language project proceeds QA (quality assurance). Each native language projects are correspondence and responsible for the release.

For example, the Japanese language project is responsible for Japanese version of OpenOffice.org.


Primary information about release candidates and release status

You can obtain information about availability release candidates and their status at Release status minites and release mailing list .

Release QA status of build : QATrack

The QATrack has all information for QA of your language; e.g., in QA, build has been approved, and distributed.

Login to QATrack required. Username and password are the same as when you login to OpenOffice.org site.

Release schedule of US English version of 2.4.2

Where to download 2.4.2 release candidate(s)

Currently we have 2.4.2 release candidate 1. You can download packages from the following links. Note: For English (US) version, the release candidate 1 has been released as the final.

Release stopper issue for 2.4.2


Note: this issue has already been closed.

If you found a show stopper (critical bug) for 2.4.2,

  • Write an issue and depend on the issue,
  • And explain why you think this is a stopper at releases@openoffice.org.


VCL TestTool for 2.4.2

VCL TestTool Binaries OOo 2.4 / OOo 3.x Please download VCL TestTool binary from the link above.

VCL TestTool environment for 2.4.2

OOo 2.4.2用 VCLTestTool Environment

MD5SUM of the VCLTestTool environment

This a checkout by Andre Schnabel.


  1. about tag: For Builds >= DEV300m14 use HEAD
  2. Update every day by Andre Schnabel
  3. Announcement by Andre Schnabel
  4. CVS tag and branches(How we can checkout VCLTestTool environment)

How you test 2.4.2 release candidates and how release candidates get approved

We JA project define the following three tests for approval of the release candidates

Release criterion

  • One release candidate must be tested at least one of the method described above.
  • Almost all tests (not strictly all) have performed and passed.
  • If RC1 has passed the test, we do not necessarily do tests for RC2, and RC3 ... etc. Of course it's better to do tests for each release candidates.
  • Final decision will be done by the QA manager.
  • How we define these tests? (or how to make consensus?)...the QA manager defines. We ja project defined by IRC meetings.

Who is in chage and time table

Please send the QA correspondence and/or the project lead of JA if you want to modify this table

TODO Who Date Timing memo
Appoint QA manager maho 2007/11/5 notification : maho@openoffice.org is the QA manager
creation of wiki for QA/release enoki 2008/11/20 notification
Notify the release stopper issue maho 2008/11/25 ASAP Notificaton
VCLTestTool Environment -
Notify RC builds maho 2008/11/25 Watch release@ ML Notification
Submit builds to QATrack maho 2008/11/25 RC builds howto
Invite QA participants maho 2008/11/26 notification
QAIRC meeting -
Start QA all RC1
QA status update@QATrack maho Test has almost finished notification
Distribute Issue maho 2008/12/2 Test has almost finished notification
Release announce maho 2008/12/3- Bouncer links draft
Translation & publish of announcement of ENUS ver. (reiko) 2008/11/18 en-us released notification
Update download page maho 2008/12/3-5 Before annoucement 2.4.2 download page
Update top page maho 2008/12/5 Before announcement [1]
Verify topage and download page May have some time lags.
Publish announcement maho 2008/12/5 (2.4.2 announcement)
Verify update page maho 2008/12/5 No update page?
other releases
Add history maho 2008/12/5 After 2.4.2 finished
Next wiki enoki


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