User Experience/ User Feedback Program

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The User Feedback Program is a feature that collects anonymously data about how is used. This information is used to better understand how people use Especially with regards to the user interface.


With regards to the Renaissance project it is important to judge on user interface changes based on data instead of gut feelings. In the past, too many decisions have been made without having data which reflect the impact of a changes to a specific user group.

The User Feedback program helps to answers on the following questions:

  • Which commands are used frequently?
  • Which are not?
  • How often are they used?
  • Are these commands called from the:
    • menu, context menu, tool bar, keyboard shortcut
  • In which order are these commands used?


  • The data is collected anonymously
  • The feature does not collect any document related keyboard input
  • The feature does not send any user specific type of data
  • No relation ship between IP Address and sent report by SOAP request
  • No data will be collected if users do not apply to this program
  • The start-up dialog offers an information button in form of an (i) icon. This button points to the User Feedback Program site to give the user background about the Feature. From there a link will point to the Privacy statement (TODO)



User Interface

Query Dialog

The dialog occurs after the second start of



  • Yes:
    • Activates the feature.
    • Data collection starts immediately until the user disables the feature in "Tools->Options->Improvement Program"
  • No:
    • Does not activate the feature. No data will be, collected or transmitted
    • The feature will not ask again for participating the program.
  • Info Icon
    • The icon Points to

Strings used

$PRODUCTNAME Improvement Program

Help Optimize the Quality of $PRODUCTNAME

We invite you to join our $PRODUCTNAME Improvement Program
to help optimize the quality of $PRODUCTNAME.

If you are willing to participate, we will collect anonymous statistics about how
you use The data is used to identify usage patterns.

The $PRODUCTNAME Improvement Program will not collect any personal
data, or document content.

Yes, I am willing to participate in the $PRODUCTNAME Improvement Program

No, I do not wish to participate

Get more information about the $PRODUCTNAME Improvement Program

Tools Options Dialog

Usage option.png

Strings used

Tracked data
Number of reports send:

Number of tracked actions:

Show Data

Disabling the Logging of Data

The org.OpenOffice.Office.Logging.OOoImprovement.EnablingAllowed configuration entry stored in the Logging.xcu allows administrators to switch the logging of data globally OFF. The boolean value needs to be set from true to false.

Usage Data Collected

The collected data is stored in a human readable CSV File at a location set in /org.openoffice.Office.Logging.UiEventslogger.LogPath (File: Logging.xcu)

  • The data will get packed in a zip-file before upload.
  • When the data was packed successfully, the uncompressed CSV-File is

deleted to save disc space. If the upload attempt fails, only the zipped file will be kept for retries.

Types of Data Collected

The following types of data are collected:

  • Tool bar Buttons
    • Including Add-Ons
  • Menu Items
    • Including Add-Ons
  • Context Menu Items
  • Fonts applied by using the menu
  • Font sizes applied by using the menu
  • Buttons, like OK, Cancel, etc.
  • Document - , Paragraph language applied by using the menu or status bar
  • Each item call provides a:
    • Time stamp
    • An information from which module the item has been called

Example Log

~ 150 kByte uncompressed / 20 kBytes compressed in 30 min. while creating a short document

event no,thread,timestamp,eventtype,origin,uno url,parent id,window type,id,method,parameter
2,1,2008-06-11T10:58:05.85,dispatch,unknown origin,private:factory/swriter,,,,,
3,1,2008-06-11T10:58:07.88,dispatch,unknown origin,.uno:close,,,,,
2440,1,2008-06-11T11:25:08.52,dispatch,unknown origin,.uno:SwBackspace,,,,,
2442,1,2008-06-11T11:25:08.66,dispatch,unknown origin,.uno:SwBackspace,,,,,
2444,1,2008-06-11T11:25:10.17,dispatch,unknown origin,.uno:SwBackspace,,,,,
2446,1,2008-06-11T11:25:12.31,dispatch,unknown origin,.uno:GoDown,,,,,
2448,1,2008-06-11T11:25:26.63,dispatch,unknown origin,,,,,,

Meta Data

The following Meta Data will be transferred:

  • Office Version
  • Build ID
  • Office Locale
  • Platform (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux + Desktop Info, Mac, Solaris + Desktop Info)
  • First time sender (used to count total number of participant)
  • Report number

Flags and Meta Data for QA Usage

The following Meta Data will be transferred:

  • Sent for testing purposes

The test data used is the same as the Metadata provided by the ReportMail.

Transferring Data

  • The data will be transfered by using SOAP over HTTP
  • The data will be transmitted:
    • 30 seconds after startup, compressed (ZIP-format)
    • sends one send request per tracked session
  • If sending of usage data was not successful the data collecting feature retries sending the data on each start up of OOo again. If sending was no success after 25 attempts the data collecting feature disables it selves. The tracked data will be deleted.

Storing Data

Data will be stored under: file://($user)/temp/Feedback (see

Implementation Details

Office Configuration Entries


  • org.OpenOffice.Office.Logging.OOoImprovement.LogPath (string)
  • org.OpenOffice.Office.Logging.OOoImprovement.IdleTimeout (int)
  • org.OpenOffice.Office.Logging.OOoImprovement.EnablingAllowed (boolean)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Participation.OfficeStartCountdown (int)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Participation.InvitationAccepted (boolean)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Participation.ShowedInvitation (boolean)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Participation.DeliveredPrebundled (boolean)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Counters.UploadedReports (int)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Counters.LoggedEvents (int)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Upload.SoapUrl (string)
  • org.OpenOffice.Ofiice.OOoImprovement.Settings.Upload.SoapIdAdditions (string)

UNO Services

Needs to be updated -> Todo

* (
** property: readonly bool UiEventsLoggerEnabled
** property: readonly long SessionLogEventCount
** method: inviteUser()
* (
** method: bool enablingEventsLoggerAllowed(short Version)
** method: bool showBuiltinOptionsPage(short Version)
* (


Needs to be updated -> Todo


  • asynchronous Jobs compress and uploads data triggered by onOOoImprovementLogRotated, 30 seconds after Startup


  • $LOGPATH/Current.csv (created by core)
  • $LOGPATH/OOoImprove-ISOTIMESTAMP.csv (created by core)
  • $LOGPATH/ (created by extension)
  • OOoImprovement.oxt (contains

Project Bugs and Enhancements

Query for Bugs and Features


Status Meetings


Personal tools