Proposal by Constantin Bürgi

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Design Proposal Complete Sidebar Design


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The following design proposal is part of the collection of design proposals for “Accessing Functionality”, which is part of Project Renaissance.

Summary and Status

There are two trends that influence the UI. First there is the hardware Trend to wide screens. This switch is already completed for macs. Second there is either the trend to thicker task/menu bars (windows/MS office), or there always were thicker task bars (gnome/KDE) Both these trends make the working area smaller, and the unused space bigger.

To overcome these two problems my proposed solution would be to minimize the space needed at the top and the bottom. This would be a UI, where only the menu bar (file, edit,...) is at the top, and all the rest of the menu would be on the right side of the working pane. This design works well on both small and big screens. On small screens the window would be maximized anyway, and even with a 4:3 screen the user would benefit from this, at least in Writer and Impress. If it is a large screen, the window will not be maximized, and hence the basic layout doesn't matter that much. It is also important to have something similar in all parts of OpenOffice, so the users find everything rapidly, if they use more than just one.

Status: Request for Comments


Detailed Description


For Writer I would suggest, that the right side has two parts, and look similar to the task pane in Impress. There are different sections, that would basically hold the things, that were in the bars. These sections can be accessed through either the system in impress (Master Pages/Layouts...), or a more file like setting as in the Impress main pane (Normal, Outline, Notes,...), or this system with the buttons on the left side and not on top, that I would prefer. The first section would hold the content of File (new, open, save,...) The second section would hold the content of the formating tool bar. In the top part, there would be the styles & formatting menu, where only the predefined styles can be chosen. The lower part would hold the formatting tool bar itself. To encourage the use of the styles, they should be easily editable. I suggest, that they have little signs on the right to either delete or edit/save the styles. By clicking the edit button, the lower part would become the editing section for the style. The third section would be the insert section, where tables, images, drawings, formulas, etc. can be inserted into the document. For tables, the easiest way to do this would probably be a table mode (like in MS Office ribbon, see later) With these three sections most of the operations should be possible by a very small amount of clicks, and also in a very logical way. If the space doesn't suffice, there still could be some options with right clicking on the section (like MS)

Filebar1 writer.png
This is the basic setup for the file tab, divided in the sections file setup, edit, review and printing

Missing: Buttons for record edits, may be search field instead of button for search & replace, help, secure document, templates, compare document, merge document?, navigator?, (page setup?)

Vers 1 form edit.png
This is the basic setup for the format tab, with the formatting section on top and the changing at the bottom.

The bottom is divided into single text setup, alignment, numbering, colors and page setup. The red and yellow things should be replaced by icons. Also there is missing lower ans upper case, and maybe some further under/over-line possibilities

Vers 2 ins.png
This is the basic setup for the insert tab.


The idea here is very similar to Writer. Also the sections would be the same (File, Formatting and Insert). But the content will be adapted to the most used items here, and can hence vary compared to Writer. Furthermore, the Formatting section will not be split, since there are very few people that use special layouts in Calc. But the line with the content of the cell would stay on top.


Well Impress is the most difficult thing, but fortunately, the UI today already has a nice division of the space (all the icons and objects need to be rearranged, but still). For the wide screen displays, even the two bars to the left and right are ok, but for 4:3 screens, the slides pane would better be positioned at the bottom, to make the working space larger. The proposal would still look very similar to Writer and Calc, maybe the pane to the right a bit wider. There are now four tabs to the right. The new one, Animations will hold both the animated elements and slide transitions. Compared to Writer or Calc, the first tab (File) holds also both master Pages and Layouts as buttons. By clicking on these buttons, a new tab opens, and more or less todays layout opens. The new Animations tab will have two sections, one for the slide transition and one for custom animations. The only elements shown for transitions will be the effect, a button to add to all slides, add sound, speed and a options button that would bring further options forward. The custom animation sections has also a effect listing as today, buttons to change the order buttons, the start and speed buttons, and an options button, that will bring further options forward. The buttons to start the slide show from the beginning or from the current slide should be outside the menu. Preferably in the status bar on the very left.

Simple mockup.png
Screenshot-2 mockup.png
Compared to the Writer file tab, here there is an additional section for the layout, but otherwise it is very similar. Also the Masterpages button will lead to a new tab, where the options for the Masterpages are shown. (see table)
Vers 1 form imp.png
Compared to the Writer format tab, the formatting section on top is missing, an at the bottom there is a lining section. Otherwise it is very similar, also with the missing bits like over/under-lining options.
This is the basic outline for the Animations tab. There are missing buttons for the add delete and change. In the Animations section, the buttons for add/del/change could also be integrated into the effect listing, and hence leave more space for the other buttons.
Tablebar1 imp.png
If the table icon is clicked in the insert tab (especially in Impress), this new tab will open. A similar tab can open for advanced drawing options (with close to all options open), or master page, or anything, whose menu can be compressed/expanded to this size.

This new tab will only show, if either a table is (double) clicked on, or if a new one will be started. On the top, the number of rows/columns can be inserted. As with all previous mock ups, this is only a first draft.

Additional Material and Mockups

Here are two mockups, how it would finally look in Impress with wide screen and normal screen. Where the Icons for "start presentation" and "start presentation from this slide" should be, there is written "slide" in red.

Mockup ns fin.png
Mockup ws fin.png

It would look very similar in Writer and Calc. In Writer there is no slides bar, and in Calc there would be the functions bar on top, and everything else like in Writer.

Author or Team Working on This Proposal

Author / Team Member Contact ( login name, used for email)
Constantin Bürgi Corsbu


Community members, this is where your comments and questions concerning completeness and clarity should be written. Please add your login name to let us contact you via email.

Your space :-)

Dear Constantin, I think you should work together with the 'Proposal by Johannes Eva'. They to have an idea that is similar to yours, only they have worked out their proposal a bit further. Greets --joeyvanderbie 11:39, 12 May 2009 (UTC)
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