Unified ODF Icons - Minutes

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Minutes of the i-Team meetings for the project Unified ODF icons

The team meets weekly, currently scheduled for Thursdays, 13:00 UTC

Agenda for Next Meeting

(feel free to add)

  • Status of the Project
  • Next Steps
  • Round Table
  • Action Items
  • Issues to be Addressed Later

i-Team Meeting, Feb 18, 2010 (an earlier)


Lutz Hoeger, Martin Hollmichel, Mikhail Voitenko, Olaf Felka

Status of the Project

  • Too long since last communication in the project
  • Need to announce CWS build availability (incl. available specs)
  • Target is either 3.3 or 3.2.1 (need to discuss the latter)

i-Team Meeting, Dec 17, 2009


Lutz Hoeger, Martin Hollmichel, Mikhail Voitenko, Olaf Felka, Stella Schulze

Status of the Project

  • This is the last i-team Meeting before our holiday break; the entire i-team will be pretty much out for the next 2 weeks
  • OASIS thread takes place (details later)
  • Mikhail: new CWS for OOo in January

i-Team Meeting, Dec 10, 2009


Lutz Hoeger, Mikhail Voitenko, Olaf Felka, Stella Schulze, Uwe Fischer

Status of the Project

  • Discussion happening mainly on discuss@ux, but also on dev@marketing and art@marketing; Bernhard Dippold tries to keep the main list in sync with what's going on
  • Main subject at the moment is to learn about compliance / conflict with various desktop UX/UI guidelines.
  • Meanwhile, Louis raised the subject on the OASIS Adoption TC mailing list again (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/odf-adoption/200912/msg00000.html).
  • Due to work on urgent issues, Mikhail wasn't able to start to work on the CWS build including the new icon set. He'll either make it next week, or in the first week of January.

Next Steps

(in addition to last week's list)

Round Table

  • Uwe: What about promoting the new icon set at the top of the respective section in the Getting Started Guide?
    It doesn't seem appropriate to e.g. use only the ODF text document icon in the Writer section, as the section is about the application Writer, not about it's document format. It might be appropriate to depict both, the Writer application icon in conjunction with the ODF text document icon.

Action Items

Action Item Owner Due Date Status
Clarify situation about ODF icons being application neutral or not Lutz open
Get the OASIS ODF Adoption TC on board (via Louis) Lutz in progress
Clarify Clash with MacOS X Guidelines with Philipp Lohmann Lutz open
Introduce Icons into CWS odficons01 (or so) and provide CWS builds Mikhail Dec 10, 2009 open
Check if we need i-Team support from Documentation Lutz done
Contact visual designers again and find out about adaption requirements Lutz in progress
Clarify technical limits of "ODF badge on previews" question Lutz open

i-Team Meeting, Dec 03, 2009


Lutz Hoeger, Martin Hollmichel, Mikhail Voitenko, Olaf Felka, Stella Schulze

Status of the Project

  • Discussion spreads across several mailing lists now, including dev@marketing, art@marketing, dev@website, ... We need to make sure that relevant input for the i-Team comes via our primary communication channel, discuss@ux.
  • Bernhard Dippold started to develop a "counter" proposal for the icon design Art/Artist_Sandbox.
  • Feedback on our current version of the Unified ODF Icons is still mixed, though there are some strong pro-opinions being voiced (e.g. by Juergen Schmidt and Drew Jensen).
    • There seems to be agreement on the need of better promoting ODF on our icons.
    • There seems to be agreement on using the letters "ODF" rather than an iconic symbol.
    • There still is disagreement about the fundamental question, whether or not an ODF icon can work if there is still some product brand on it.
      • Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines don't require a visual association between docs and apps.
        • In thumbnails/previews context: "For files without visually distinct content, don't use thumbnails. Instead, use traditional symbolic file icons showing object representation and the associated application or type." (notice the "or")
        • In general Icon Design: "For accessibility and localization, don't use any text in graphics. Make exceptions only to represent branding and text as an abstract concept."
      • There are file types like JPEG, MP3 or WMV, that don't display an application branded icon on Windows Vista, even though they are associated to an application different from Window's default app for the respective file type.
      • We soon need to either resolve this disagreement or decide to leave it unresolved but decide we continue with our once set paradigm of being application (and vendor) neutral.
  • Communication with designers of other projects (read: Novell) got stuck. We probably need to focus our questions on what adaptions are required by other projects in order to adopt the icon set.
  • Reality Check: Just from a time line perspective, would we still be able to bring this change into OOo 3.2.1?
    • If the icon set remains unchanged, yes from pure development engineering perspective.
    • Policy conflict: we understand 3.2.1 being a bugfix release only, so compliance with policies doesn't permit integration into 3.2.1. Just in case that there would be any larger UI changes before 3.3, that might be the first accepted integration target (from a policy perspective).

Next Steps

(in addition to last week's list)

  • Clarify situation about ODF icons being application neutral or not (Lutz)

Round Table

Stella: Still too much uncertainty about the "ODF badge on previews" question. We need to clarify what's possible (technically, on Windows primarily). Lutz will meet with Mikhail and Malte Timmermann to determine technical boundaries.

Action Items

Action Item Owner Due Date Status
Clarify situation about ODF icons being application neutral or not Lutz open
Get the OASIS ODF Adoption TC on board (via Louis) Lutz in progress
Clarify Clash with MacOS X Guidelines with Philipp Lohmann Lutz open
Introduce Icons into CWS odficons01 (or so) and provide CWS builds Mikhail Dec 10, 2009 open
Check if we need i-Team support from Documentation Lutz open
Contact visual designers again and find out about adaption requirements Lutz in progress
Clarify technical limits of "ODF badge on previews" question Lutz open

i-Team Meeting, Nov 26, 2009


Lutz Hoeger, Martin Hollmichel, Mikhail Voitenko, Olaf Felka, Stella Schulze

Status of the Project

  • Current discussions about the project take place in discuss@ux and dev@marketing; Still, discuss@ux is the preferred mailing list, which will also be used by this i-team for communication.
  • Feedback is mixed, there are pro-speakers as well as cons.
  • Still no formal UX support in place; Invitation still open; Will continue without formal UX i-Team member if no-one joins the i-Team.
  • i-Team also still lacking Documentation support; unclear if we need it; Lutz will clarify.
  • We do need a build to get the current implementation out into user's hands for better feedback; Mikhail will work on this.
  • We haven't yet settled on an integration target; it might be 3.2.1, but can also (more likely) be shifted to 3.3; we shouldn't exclude any of the possibilities technically.
  • Communication with external designers just started (two folks from Novell); Meeting to be scheduled.

Next Steps

  • Again, bring the subject to the attention of the OASIS ODF Adoption TC; we want to have the TC's "approval" of the icon set as the official ODF document icon set. Unclear what needs to be done to get there. Lutz will discuss with Louis.
  • How can we make OOo builds with ODF icons available?
    • Use the new icon set in CWS odficons01 or similar.
    • Provide a CWS build (can be done in two weeks tentatively)
  • Continue completion of the project home page
  • Meet with designers of other desktop systems (KDE, GNOME), according to the ESC meeting minutes

Round Table

  • Stella: Need to discuss the "Badge on Previews" solution as early as possible, as it may backwards impact the design of the icon. E.g. if we can't have a banner on top of the previews, we may want to decide not to have it on the icons either.

Action Items

Action Item Owner Due Date Status
Get the OASIS ODF Adoption TC on board (via Louis) Lutz open
Publish Minutes of ESC Meeting from Nov 03, 2009 Martin Done ESC_minutes#Meeting:_November_3th_2009_in_Orvieto
Clarify Clash with MacOS X Guidelines with Philipp Lohmann Lutz open
Introduce Icons into CWS odficons01 (or so) and provide CWS builds Mikhail Dec 10, 2009 open
Check if we need i-Team support from Documentation Lutz open
Plan for a meeting between visual designers (see ESC meeting minutes) Lutz in progress

Issues to be Addressed later

  • What about platforms, that associate different icons with e.g. odt (like MacOS X does)?
  • Need to change the descriptive text of ODF files from "OpenDocument something" into "ODF something"; This seems to be translation relevant, which makes it more likely that this feature is a candidate for a minor release (3.3) rather than for a micro release (3.2.1).
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