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Revision as of 12:12, 27 August 2006 by Zero0w (talk | contribs) (Add Category:CJK issues)
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My name is Wily Yuen. I pursue Linux and open source advocacy activities thru initiatives such as OAKA in Hong Kong. In addition, I am now a member of the Ubuntu CJK testers team, helping developers to test and fix CJK problems under Linux and

In addition, I am also currently studying the XML round-trip possibility between the file formats of DocBook -> -> Scribus.

It will be very cool if these FOSS apps can join forces to provide a smooth and interoperable workflow in many publishing and business organizations. It certainly will boost the appeal for each of these applications.

Wiki page to work on

  • Firefly's OOo CJK Patches
    My No.1 priority on the list right now since I believe it will tremendously increase the acceptance of Linux and among CJK users, and increases the install base among Asian countries.
  • Font-FAQ
    Help on improving and documenting the CJK support in 2.x
  • OOoHelpOutline - User resources
    1. Probably need further re-organizing
    2. Expand to cover links & resources for international community.
      • I know that one of the Chinese user groups is trying to build up a strong community resource portals, with add-on module and projects of their own. Hence we can expand to cover OOo resources for users with different languages.
      • What is interesting is that, right now, is the best gathering source for international information: the "in other languages" column on the left side of the page will lead you to loads of information of in other languages around the world.
      • Given strong community interest, we can build up wiki page similar to OOoHelpOutline for users of other languages in this official Wiki.
  • Wikipedia did a very great job of gathering information and resources on OpenDocument (most of the writing was undertaken by David Wheeler I believe). I'm not sure, but it may be a good idea if we can have them mirrored in this Wiki (assuming the content licenses are compatible).
  • Firefox ODFReader extension -- It will go a long way to help the spread of ODF if everybody can read it without downloading the 70-100MB+ main program (at least on Windows or Mac), when a 20-200kb+ Firefox extension can do the job.
  • Autopackage distribution -- While autopackage format may still need further polish, in the long run, I believe the official Linux binary of should be delivered in autopackage format (*.package) to address the following needs:
    1. Installation among multiple Linux distributions without end users converting RPM to other package format
    2. An incremental update system (such as the one in Firefox 1.5) that can work independently outside existing (RPM/DEB) package database: Users want to use the latest and greatest -- and possibly security fixes, not wait for Linux suppliers to release a new version in a 6-9 month upgrade cycle.
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