Community Council/Minutes 2008

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This page archives the old meeting minutes of the Community Council.

Related pages:

2008-11-04 (in-person meeting, Beijing OOoCon)


  • Sophie Gautier, Stefan Taxhet, Louis Suarez-Potts (note taker), Cor Nouws, Martin Hollmichel, Matthias Huetsch, André Schnabel
  • Pavel Janík and John McCreesh were unable to attend and were replaced by their deputies, Christian Lohmaier (lead, Website Project) and Jacqueline Rahemipour (lead, Germanophone Project)

New Action Items

  • Louis to post new trademark policy synthesizing comments to trademark list by Monday.
    • (not done: in process. Sophie and Louis will do this by end of Friday 14 November)
  • (Louis or if not by end of Wed. someone else) OOoCon Agenda: to publish it as soon as possible, deadline (made now) Wednesday evening (-0400). Resolution: we used the agenda from the minutes; see below.
  • Louis/whoever: contact Peter Junge to see if we can have a 1-1.5 hour session on last day where public can either ask questions raised previously or raise them there, as was done in Barcelona (done)

Agenda (proposed items)

  • engagement/leadership: promoting it, with actual specifics to be detailed
    • Hamburg meeting points to be included either in the above or as separate items
    • Statement clarifying the CC's abilities, power, scope, ambition
  • Elections: we need to go ahead with this, and can be discussed at Beijing. (It could also be discussed before then)
  • Issues around 3.0 (more on this later); may be resolved prior to OOoCon and so may not be on the final agenda.
  • The actual agenda as discussed followed a path that differed slightly from the scheduled one, and accommodated pertinent but unscripted points.

Agenda (actual)

  • CC response to the public critique of the Project and of the 3.0 release
  • Approval/disapproval of charter proposal drafted by André
  • Trademark: policy and issues related to it
  • Elections: initiate elections as soon as possible
  • Engagement / leadership of community

  • CC Response to public critique: Resolved, and the CC has endorsed that:
  • Martin Hollmichel drafted a strong response; John and Louis will edit it and contact a journalist to publish it in a suitable journali
  • MatthiasHuetsch (MHU) to ask Meeks what is he doing on the ESC as his public comments are destructive to the community and project and make it difficult for collaboration. The intent is to request that Meeks either change his behaviour or ask that he be replaced as the Novell representative, if indeed that is his role on the ESC.
  • Collabnet issue under discussion. Sun, which pays for hosting with CollabNet, has a contract with that company and the consequences of the prolonged failure of CollabNet's servers during the release of 3.0 are still under discussion.
  • Charter revisions: Unanimously approved charter changes and to send as soon as we can to the project leads, per protocol, allowing one week of discussion at most then send on to discuss, where it will also be allotted one week of discussion.
  • Trademark:
    • Review it–sophie and louis and produce by end of next week a synthesized document highlighting key points.
    • Implications with major distributors. Work with Linux distributors who currently use or who are planning on using “” so that they may efficiently distribute the vanilla binaries and code (ie, that which is QA'd and downloaded from the site via our mirror network.)
    • Trademark ownership in the US: CC unanimously requested Team OOo e.V for the the transfer of trademark to Sun Microsystems. After brief discussion, Team agreed. The funds from the sale to go to the community.
  • Elections: Propose to have special election: Sophie and André to stand for election at soonest 23 November (after charter approval process is completed) and then two to three weeks later two more candidates.
    • CC members to seek out nominees via the usual mail lists. Nominees are for the CC.
  • Leadership/participation. Issues to consider:
    • That we look out at as CC/community what can we expect and what is needed in the coming year.
    • That we have a good idea of what areas of interest in the CC
    • That we provide a community vision for the future of the project and its doings
  • Thursday: CC to sketch out some questions and that we do need participation of others to make some effect. (done)

2008-10-23 (Regular meeting)


  • Louis: to publish the draft for trademarks
  • Matthias and Sophie : to send the AB letter
  • (work on charter - see further on on the agenda): became: OOoCon Agenda
  • ESC query


  • Pavel Janík
  • Sophie Gautier
  • Cor Nouws
  • André Schnabel
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • Martin Hollmichel
  • Louis Suarez-Potts
  • Absent: Stefan Taxhet, John McCreesh

New AIs:

  • Louis to post new trademark policy synthesizing comments to trademark list by Monday.
  • (Louis or if not by end of Wed. someone else) OOoCon Agenda: to publish it as soon as possible, deadline (made now): by Wednesday evening (-0400)
  • Louis/whoever: contact Peter Junge to see if we can have a 1-1.5 hour session on last day where public can either ask questions raised previously or raise them there, as was done in Barcelona (done)

IRC log


  • Trademark: Discussion ongoing on trademark list. It has not reached such a point where we can publish it. Deadline was set for Monday 27 Oct. for Louis to send in a synthesized version. Louis also will send version to Sun legal for their opinions on the issue.

  • Advisory Board update. Jim Parkinson, VP at Sun, sent a letter to the Advisory Board members disbanding the AB. The contents of the letter are below. We publish the letter with Mr Parkinson's permission.
Sun has decided to no longer pursue the instantiation of an Advisory Board for the following reasons:

-- I have learned that the Community Council will be discussing possible changes to its charter with the intention
of strengthening its relation to the Community and look forward to the outcome.

-- Many of the motivations driving the need for an Advisory Board no longer exist.
  -- New LGPL v3 license is in place
  -- A much better SCA that supports the communities needs
  -- A much enhanced web experience and build environment with better tools

-- Overall a much better developer, contributor and user experience

-- The issue of a foundation has been tabled for at least 3 years, which was a major driver of the
Advisory Board Members.

My original concerns and the concerns of the board have been  addressed,  I strongly believe the right
course of action is to support the Community Council and Engineering Steering Committee.


  • We will surely discuss the consequences of the letter's import at the OOoCon meeting in Beijing.
  • ESC issue: "stand in" for Meeks. Matthias Huetsch raised the question if the CC needs to intervene (take a stand) regarding Meeks' "stand-in" in Beijing. Regular members of the ESC need to be confirmed by the CC but in temporary cases, no.

  • OOoCon Agenda: We need to publish before OOoCon the agenda for CC meeting. Some discussion on wording of a key point, but the main point being to put into place strategies that promote community engagement and leadership.
  • Items proposed:
    • engagement/leadership: promoting it, with actual specifics to be detailed

***Hamburg meeting points to be included either in the above or as separate items ***Statement clarifying the CC's abilities, power, scope, ambition

    • elections: we need to go ahead with this, and can be discussed at Beijing. (It could also be discussed before then)
    • Issues around 3.0 (more on this later); may be resolved prior to OOoCon and so may not be on the final agenda. AI: Martin said he'd get a draft out by Friday evening.
  • No other points raised and the meeting adjourned. (The summary of the points above does not reveal their complexity.)

2008-10-03 (informal face2face meeting)


Informal meeting to discuss the current situation and the future of the council.


  • Martin Hollmichel
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • Cor Nouws
  • Andre Schnabel
  • Stefan Taxhet


Only notes have been taken, see Community_Council_Notes_20081003



See the The Community Council Agenda


  1. André Schnabel
  2. Martin Hollmichel
  3. Stefan Taxhet
  4. Cor News
  5. Matthias Huetsch
  6. Pavel Janick
  7. Sophie Gautier


  • Approval of the last meeting minutes
  • Trademarks

Skipped because Louis was not present and the draft has not yet been sent

  • Community year plan

Cor proposed to stall the plan until other urgent matters (trademark, council memberships and voting) are solved, and in the hope that this item will get enough real support later on. All agreed about this request.

  • Update on Ask the AB to define clearly its role in OOo

The letter will be sent by Matthias and Sophie on behalf of the CC.

  • Update on modifications of the CC charter
    • Council Proposal is done.
    • Election proposal has still two open points:

- 1st - electorate for Code Contributors. This will be discussed during the face 2 face meeting in Hamburg next week

- 2nd - better description of the "Schulze voting method". Andre will submit the question on dev@de and will provide a summary of the discussion with pros and cons explained more deeply. We will then take some weeks to prepare and we must be able to explain to non-mathematical people the process.

  • Face2face meeting in Hamburg

October the 3rd, 17h00 is the date of the Council members meeting to work on the CC charter.

IRC log

See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080925





  1. André Schnabel
  2. Martin Hollmichel
  3. Stefan Taxhet
  4. Cor Nouws
  5. Matthias Huetsch (partly)

IRC log

See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080911



See the The Community Council Agenda


  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Sophie Gautier
  • Pavel Janík
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • John McCreesh
  • Louis Suarez-Potts
  • André Schnabel


  • Martin Hollmichel
  • Cor Nows


  • Trademarks

Louis and Sophie are working on since last week and are near to a final draft. There is still the issue that trademark for OOo is owned by Team OOo e.v. in the US and Sun is obtaining it elsewhere on a country by country basis.

AI for Louis : the draft will be sent and discussed by the CC (may be on GoogleDocs) before to be sent to the trademark list.

  • Community Innovation Program

Over the last couple of weeks (if not longer) the committee went over the project lead suggestions, compiled, reviewed, discussed, and have finished today the final list of winners. This list will be sent to Sun, and they will do PR. Louis has to find out what sort of PR and how it will articulate with any PR we do here.

Winners and those who are not awards will be informed by Louis and Stefan in the next days but ask them not to publicize it until the time of the Sun PR.

Stefan said during a talk with peter junge about OOoCon we came up with the idea to ask the winners whether they are in Beijing (or why not) and would like to enter the stage. The members supported this idea and Stefan will go further with it.

AIs for Stefan and Louis: to notify the winners and losers and coordinate the PR with Sun.

  • Elections

Louis needs help on this organization and Sophie proposed to help him. But we need to finish the Charter modifications before proceeding to new elections. A face 2 face meeting will be organized as soon as possible.

AI for Andre to finish the draft on the new charter proposal.

IRC log

See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080828



See the The Community Council Agenda


  • Sophie Gautier
  • André Schnabel
  • Martin Hollmichel
  • Cor Nouws


  • Pavel Janík
  • Louis Suarez-Potts
  • Stefan Taxhet
  • John McCreesh
  • Matthias Huetsch

From the last meeting

  • Minutes of previous meeting for approval
  • Actions from previous meetings

Old Business

  • Election
  • Trademark


As we were only 4 members, we decided to do not vote during the session.

Minutes and agenda are approved.

  • Community Year Plan

The content is now on the wiki and details for the various items are set up.

AI: Cor to send a mail to find who will work on what.

  • Role of the AB in OOo

We do agree on the existence of the AB, so the letter will be worked out again with Cor and Sophie.

AI: Sophie to send a new draft to Cor.

  • Work on modification of the CC charter

The draft for the proposal is now on the wiki. Martin will bring the discussion on the charter to the dev@ list in order to get more feedback from developers (core and non core developers) about the interest of that group to get involved in issues not related to source code.

A face to face meeting is proposed by Martin in order to improve the ideas proposed and find something better or newer. A subset of CC members concerned by the item will attend.

It has been decided that we continue to work on the actual proposal and that the meeting will be discussed on the discuss@council list.

AI: Martin to bring the discussion on dev@

  • Infrastructure budget

Positive replies from Florian Effenberger and Christian Lohmaier, this is adopted.


See the Community_Council/Minutes/20080814



See the See The Community Council Agenda


  • Hirano Kazunari
  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Sophie Gautier
  • Pavel Janík
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • André Schnabel
  • Martin Hollmichel


  • Cor Nouws
  • John McCreesh
  • Louis Suarez-Potts

From the last meeting

  • Minutes of previous meeting for approval
  • Actions from previous meetings

Old Business

  • Election
  • Trademark


Community year/growth plan

AI for Cor (with help by khirano and others): publish Community year/growth plan at the wiki and start working on details.

ask the AB to define clearly its role in OOo

AI for Sophie: resend the draft to all members.

Michael Meeks suggestion for CC charter modifications

Ai for Andre: summarize the discussion about CC charter modification.

Budged holders / approvers

AI for Stefan and Martin: propose a team for the infrastructure budget. AI for Louis: propose approvers for common administration and Capital Budget.

Review and approve Community Council Payments Procedure

The procedure has been adopted as is with the remark that the CC will review the system after a year.

Update on CIP

28 submissions have been received with very different quality.

  • Feedback from project leads will be gathered this week
  • Vote will take place next week
  • Final decision will then be published

AI for the committee: to update the pages to reflect the new deadline.

Community Contributors (mailing lists) This was a request from Hirano in order to reach the moderators of the discuss and users lists of

Stefan has explain how to reach those moderators.


See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080724



See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080710



See the See The Community Council Agenda


  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Sophie Gautier
  • Pavel Janík
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • Martin Hollmichel
  • Cor Nows
  • John McCreesh
  • Louis Suarez-Potts
  • Absent: André Schnabel

From the last meeting

  • Minutes of previous meeting for approval
  • Actions from previous meetings

Old Business

  • Louis to do elections: will go out for Council members review
  • Summary of last time's discussion on trademark: to be done
  • AI on expanding the elligibility list of project leads to include the actual managers of Incubator and NLC: to be done
  • Sophie to write the minutes: done


Update to OooCon 2008

  • Done by John on the list: [1]
  • In addition the private sponsor alias will be used again for sponsor discussions.
  • Change of deadline and use of financial services are approved.

Community growth plan Due to lack of feedback the draft is not ready yet.

Plan is:

  • 1. Cor to put the idea of the community growth plan to the council list for discussion
  • 2. that we (members) contribute our ideas, etc. over the next two weeks
  • 3. that we then bring the draft to the next meeting for vote (+1/-1)
  • 4. that someone who does not reply, is counted as + 1

Ask the AB to define clearly its role in OOo

  • i.e what is the AB, what is its role, and how can we (or should we) inform the world of it.
  • Sophie to send the draft of the letter asap.

Michael Meeks suggestion for CC charter modifications

  • Louis and Cor to package the discussion that has took place in several lists and pursue it on only.
  • Vote will take place on next meeting or if not ready on a subsequent one.



See the See The Community Council Agenda

From the last meeting:

  • Minutes of previous meeting for approval
  • Actions from previous meetings

Old Business:

  • Election
  • Trademark

New Business:

  • Update on OOoCon 2008
  • Community Growth Plan ("year plan")
  • Ask the AB to define clearly its role in OOo


  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Sophie Gautier
  • Pavel Janík
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • André Schnabel
  • Martin Hollmichel
  • Cor Nows
  • John McCreesh
  • Absent: Louis Suarez-Potts

Activity Items

  • AI: Sophie to write the minutes
  • AI: All: read LS-P's proposal again; debate on list; come to next meeting ready to vote
  • AI: LS-P: organize the elections asap
  • AI: LS-P: circulate a trademark proposal for consideration on the list by the CC in time for the next meeting
  • AI: Cor,John, Stefan, Sophie or Pavel,Louis to work on a community growth plan
  • AI: Sophie to draft a letter asking for terms of reference to the AB


  • Approval of last minutes
    • There was no minutes to approve
  • Elections
    • Louis proposed to add the leads of the category to the people eligible for a CC seat (beyond the project leads).
    • We have agreed to defer Louis' proposal to change the rules to the next meeting to let members give it proper consideration.
    • We agreed that elections now have to be done with the present rules
  • Trademark
    • As there is no proposal written yet to take in consideration, this item is reported to the next meeting
  • Update on OOoCon 2008
    • The CfP has gone out
    • The AB won't be solicited any more as a sponsor and Peter will be contacting potential sponsors directly
    • The team have come up with cool OOoCon logo including a cute panda
    • Number of received proposals will be check off line
  • Community Growth Plan
    • The proposal is to have a team look at this and develop a proposal. Core members are Louis, John, Stefan, Sophie, Cor, plus any other community members they choose to involve
  • AB to define clearly its role in OOo
    • We action Sophie to draft a letter on the list so we can formally vote on it next meeting


See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080522


See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080417. IRC log.


See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080327. IRC log; minutes in the works.


See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080311. It's an IRC log; minutes have not been posted yet.


See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080131. It's an IRC log; minutes have not been posted yet.


See the Community_Council_Minutes_20080124 IRC log; minutes have not been posted yet.


See the IRC log; minutes have not been posted yet.



See The Community Council Agenda

  • from last meeting:
  • reviewing action items assigned
  • status of criteria for certification
  • adding nonvoting members
  • trademark
  • Fosdem 2008 funding
at project leads List, LSP suggested to assign travel funds for fosdem 2008
Eric Bachard asked for funding (in case his presentation is accepted). Cost for travel and will lodging be around 300 EUR (400 if booked short before the event)
  • account of AB meeting
  • new mission statement


  • Sophie Gautier (sophi)
  • Martin Hollmichel (_Nesshof__)
  • André Schnabel (Thalion72)


  • Pavel Janík
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • Laurent Godard
  • Louis Suarez-Potts
  • John McCreesh

Activity Items

  • Sophie: give more detailed update about certification criteria activities on the mailing list at the weekend
done: see Sophie's mail
  • Andre: publish the Advisory Board meeting minutes (with comment that Zaheda did not comment the minutes yet) by the weekend
done: see Documents & Files - AB meeting minutes
  • Martin: send proposal for a budget to the council list by the weekend


The IRC log for the last meeting is at Community_Council_Minutes_20071206.

  • because we had trouble to agree on a time for the meeting only three members were present. Present members agreed to go through the Activity Items and some of the Agenda Items.
  • status of criteria for certification (Sophie)
    • the work has just begun this week at the certification list
    • we have first contributions at the certification issue (several people including Leif Lodahl and Franz Jakob are working on that)
    • Sophie will report more details via council mailing list at the weekend
  • account of AB meeting
    • Sophie got the 4th version of the minutes today. Not all attendees have commented the minutes (Zaheda is missing)
    • We are going to publish the minutes at the council website (AI for André)
    • Info from Sophie: OOoSCA addendum draft should be available next week for review by the AB
    • Info from Sophie: for information next AB meeting is on 17th of December
  • funding / budget of Team OOo (AI from last meeting)
    • Martin is working on a draft for a budget (income / spendings of Team OOo and how to use it within OOo)
    • Martin will post the draft by the weekend to the council list
  • other agenda items (adding nonvoting members, trademark, Fosdem 2008 funding) have been postponed, as this would need more input from other council members

Next Meeting

Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday 2008-01-09



see The Community Council Agenda#2007-11-22


  • Martin Hollmichel (_Nesshof__)
  • Stefan Taxhet (stx12)
  • Sophie Gautier (sophi)
  • Pavel Janík (paveljanik)
  • Matthias Huetsch (mhu)
  • Laurent Godard (lgodard)
  • Louis Suarez-Potts (louis_to)
  • Absent: John McCreesh
  • André Schnabel

Action Items


The IRC log for the last meeting is at Community_Council_Minutes_20071122. Minutes to follow, to be located on the same page. Not all the agenda items were dealt with the time allotted, 1.5 hours. These items will be addressed the next meeting.

Next Meeting




Activity Items


Nothing significant happened on 17 October during the meeting: absentees. Work was done via mail list

Next Meeting

November 22, 14:00 UTC or some other friendly time


Barcelona in-person meeting


  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Sophie Gautier
  • Pavel Janík
  • Matthias Huetsch
  • André Schnabel
  • Marin Hollmichel
  • Michael Meeks (stand-in for Laurent Godard)
  • Louis Suarez-Potts (note taker)
  • Absent: John McCreesh (conflicting event)

Activity Items

  • AI: Sophie to contact candidates for creating the support/certification criteria. Discussions can be held on the public certification list in documentation project.
  • AI: LSP: start elections for CCR
  • AI: LSP: ask at trademark list for reasons to actively defend trademark (would we loose trademark, if we do not defend it?)


  • Note: We used—or tried to—the wiki for the agenda this meeting. That did not work out.
  • Elections
    • Proposal: To start them immediately after OOoCon, beginning with the Community Contributor followed shortly (two weeks later) with other CC elections. As usual, we will announce elections to all the major lists.
    • Action: accepted
  • Trademark
    • Synopsis of the issues regarding the trademark: status quo of team e.V. Owning US trademark and Sun the defending it elsewhere.
    • question about reasons to sell trademark to sun arose. Possible reason: we would loose trademark if we do not defend it (Team OOo who actually owns the TM in US does not have the ressource to defend it)
    • Proposal: to vote to continue discussions on the above point—status quo.--on the trademark list.
    • Action: let's discuss it more on the list and find out precisely from Sun the legal issues at stake.
  • Training and certification yes, this again.
    • Proposal: to clarify the issue. ECDL and others want to certify users of OOo and the issue is, how do we participate. Drafting criteria has not worked out: no one wants to do it. But if we want to postion so that it s relevant, it seems needed.
    • AI Sophie inquire about funding someone to drive the criteria for payment. The CC would provide the funds via Team

Other items

  • Do we need to change the structure and charter?
    • Action: There was a fair amount of discussion on the issue and the answer was no. Of the things that were suggested (see below) the changes were procedural, not substantive. The issue was that we need to enjoin participation by the council members. It's too easy for things to go slack. Regarding a change of the Council due to new companies joining the community, it was discussed, that this would rather imply a new board instead of adding companies to the concil.
  • After discussion, in which we even re-read the Charter, we agreed on the following:
    • Timeframe must be stipulated in the message to discuss@council (if a council member fails to vode within the timeframe she is considered as "Absent from Council Participation" as written at pt. VI n of the Council Charter)
    • We keep with consensus (if one member continously blockes votes, this might be considered as misconduct and dealt wiht according pt. IV, b, iv, iii of the coincil charter)
    • Use wiki to post agenda, minutes
    • Drop agenda@council and use a wiki page, the last week's minutes; minutes would also be posted to the date titled page and linked to from the usual places, such as the OOo logon page.
  • We also more tentatively agreed to have standard agenda items:
    • finances
    • community events
    • And we agreed, provisionally to hold meetings once a month at minimum but also whenever there are pressing issues
  • We also discussed the possibility of including new permanent members, in the same capacity as Stefan, but the conclusion was that though this may be in fact what occurs, it's at the moment hypothetical occasion,.
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