Performance/Meetings/2010 01

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Meeting Minutes
IRC Meeting of ORACLE with RedOffice
Performance Project

Date: 2010/01/29


<kuangliang> hi
<LiHeng> Hi,all
<LiHeng> Sorry, we are late
<cd_oo> Hi all :-)
<LiHeng> Our network have some trouble
<LiHeng> Let's update our status
<liangjun> hi all :)
<cd_oo> Nothing from my side. I was involved in show stoppers and currently I 'am working on an important internal task.
<liangjun> I 'm working on merger dll and rtl::OUString. It had little performance.
<cd_oo> mhu: ping!
<cd_oo> sb_: ping!
<mhu> pong !
<sb_> Nothing.
* mhu is still working on improving idlc / regmerge speed wrt compiling udkapi / offapi modules on cws mhu22
<LiHeng> I and Yu Guoqiang updated the Website of Benchmark-System, We think it's available for us to start use it to trace OOo
<mhu> ...but had not much time this week
<LiHeng> Okay,if no more words, I introduce yujl to you all, the new people from CH2000, to improve preformance of OOo
<yujl> hi all
<mhu> hi yujl
<sb_> Welcome on board.
<yujl> thx
<mhu> your full name is "yu jinliang", right ? you're welcome
<cd_oo> yujl: Hi yujl
<yujl> yes ,it`s my full name
<LiHeng> So,if we no more works on performance I suggest can we change this IRC to be biweekly, until OOo3.2 finish?
<mhu> well, yes, but 3.2 should be finished within the next days, if we dont find more show stopper bugs
<LiHeng> Oh, :-),It seem we don't need to change anything.
<mhu> yes, maybe we can the meeting short, but do it every week
<mhu> s/can the/can keep the/
<LiHeng> Okay, good idea :)
<mhu> :-)
<LiHeng> That's all for me.
<cd_oo> +1
<yujl> me too
<sb_> bye then
<cd_oo> Bye all
<mhu> bye all, have a nice weekend
<yujl> bye

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