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Public Documentation License Notice

The contents of this Documentation (excepted Native Port Roadmap),are subject to the Public Documentation License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may only use this Documentation if you comply with the terms of this License. A copy of the License is available at The Original Documentation is "Mac OS X native port". The Initial Writer of the Original Documentation is (JCA) Eric Bachard (C) 2005-2006. All Rights Reserved. (Initial Writer contact(s):

Mac OS X Native port


Native Port Roadmap


  • June 2006: work in progress

- Basis: frame, instances, threads, drawing, painting, resizing (Stephan Schaefer, Tino Rachui)

implement threads
create, manage instance
create, manage windows (including parents)
create, manage events
create manage drawing, resizing
create, add menus (Pavel Janik)
toggle window fullscreen (Pierre de Filippis)
make font server work (Stephan Schaefer)
  • Current status font support (Stephan Schaefer, 2006/07/28): the following features are basically working now
    • font selection
    • font size
    • simple font attributes (bold, italic)
Next step: document first part, and propose design

- native filepicker (Oliver Braun)

- native printing implementation (Oliver?)

- native font implementation (Eric Bachard)

  • September 2006:

- first proofs of concept: fonts, filepicker .. (more?) - show the results (OOoCon 2006?)


  • January 2007: first alpha implementation

Strategy for native port

Possible Actions:

Identify us:

  1. Complete the arrays below
  2. Update photos on

Share the work:

  1. Divide the work between little Teams
  2. Update Todo list regularly -> needs some love these days ... [1]


  1. Teach tools between us
  2. Do a debug party on IRC
  3. write documentation

Meet us:

  1. IRC
  2. Mac Meeting (like nov2005 in Hamburg?)


  1. Update website regularly
  2. Blogs


Mac Team:

Developer \ skills build write code code review debug/trace (higher is better) contribute to documentation
ericb x x 1 x

Other resources:

fonts: ?

events: ?

QA: ?

graphical: ?

Communication: ?

WHAT: Status of most important tasks

Task Names Urgency (1=higher) Work in Progress Done Code review Debug Integration
Get rid of X11 1 x x
Bundle 1 x
Drawing 1 x
Fonts 1 x
Events management 2 x
Controls (see list) ericb, aliscafo 2 x
Native FilePicker 3 x x
Native Printing 3 x
Native SpellChecker 4
Player 4 x

Other tasks:

Help for writing bug lists, status of bugs ..etc

Write howto use gdb, leaks, other tools


From Christian Lippka (last meeting, 25th of august 2006):

Aug 26 00:21:38 ChristianL
from my point of view what is missing for point 1:
text layout, complete font support, keyboard support,
fixing repaint issues, having aqua install and run out of the box

September 2006

Present the current state of the project at the 2006 OpenOffice conference in Lyon and Paris

Late 2006

fix launch fix drawing (repainting) Implement missing methods and fix most important bugs (mainly the one leading to crash) in: ATS Salgraphics Salinstance

January or February 2007

make Java work (works partially) make intensive debug present something working as alpha

June 2007

Implementation of: native filepicker native printing

2nd Mac porters meeting


2nd and 3rd of December or 9th and 10th of December


Google Hamburg
ABC-Strasse 19
20354 Hamburg

How to get there

Airport: HAM
There is a bus connection from the airport. A taxi costs about 10 euros in one direction.


A fun weekend of hacking! Google will provide the following facilities on-site:

  • A conference room for the common sessions (40+ people)
  • a few smaller rooms for hacking workshops
  • 4 G5 workstations for the workshops (PENDING)
  • Lunch on Saturday and Sunday (PENDING)

PENDING means this has been authorized but we are still working out the practical details.

Where to stay

NB: Rates might not be accurate

Side Hotel

Side Hotel
Drehbahn 49
20354 Hamburg
+49 (040) 30-99-90
+49 (040) 30-99-93-99 fax

This is a very nice, modern hotel within seven minutes' walk from the office.

Superior Category
Single Room: €135,00
Double Room: €160,00

Deluxe Category
Single Room: €150,00
Double Room: €175,00

These prices include breakfast, and all taxes.

Four Seasons Hotel

Raffles Vier Jahreszeiten (Four Seasons Hotel)
Neuer Jungfernstieg 9-14
+49 (040) 34-94-0
+49 (040) 34-94-2600 fax

The name "Four Seasons" speaks for itself.

Superior Category (view to the courtyard)
Single Room: €155,00
Double Room (single occupancy): €180,00
Double Room (double occupancy): €205,00

Deluxe Category (view to the Alster)
Single Room: €220,00
Double Room: €270,00

These prices do not include breakfast, but do include all taxes.

Marriott Hotel

Very near to the office is the:

Marriott Hotel
ABC-Straße 52
20354 Hamburg
+49 (040) 350-50

Special Rates
Standard Deluxe Single or Double Room: €146,00

These prices include a French buffet (coffee, tea, croissants, etc).

This is a standard chain hotel, within two minutes' walk from the office.


2) write a list of interested people


[complete the list]

4) Find money for travels, rooms and food

By plane? 
come together by car?
Note: I'll propose the amount of money we need to Louis.

7) Content

Common sessions / Workshops around native issues: 

- windowing (salinst*)
- redrawing
- fonts
- controls
- native printing
- packaging
..etc (propose other)

Agenda (can be modified)

[FIXME] create an array ..


- Common session from 12:00 to 15:00

- Workshops: From 16:00 to 19:00

[Saturday evening: some dinner in the city? ]


- Workshops from 10:00 to 12:00

- Conclusions from 13:00 to 14:00

Time to return after ...

IRC Mac port meetings

This section has been moved to MacOSXPortMeetings.

Description of the Native Port problem

How does work on Mac OS X?

Currently, on Mac OS X, uses X11, as "client": X11 is a graphical server, coming from Unix world, and able to run under Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X.

- X11 is run as an application, managed like other Apple applications.
- All unix like applications are managed by X11, and from Aqua environment, only X11 is seen as only one applicatiion, 
 even if other Unix/Linux (e.g.) applications are runing. asks X11 to display a window, waits for X11 acknowledgment, and displays the window. All transactions use the network, locally or not. the same mechanism is used for everything to be displayed.

Ericb 11:39, 3 June 2006 (CEST)

Issues and known problems

All events are managed by and X11, using the Xlib

Only .ttf fonts type is currently available. Note: system fonts are available

The rendering is made by X11, not by Mac OS X rendering engine.

X11 and all its clients are seen as one application only: drag and drop protocol does not work because of that (solution: Pasteboard Manager)

Other links

Ericb 11:39, 3 June 2006 (CEST)

What do we have to do?

  • Implement direct access to Apple graphical engine, using Apple API: Quartz2D/CoreGraphics (and replacing Xlib use)

like: instantiate, manage events and threads for a graphical instance + all needed objects, drawing: manage all drawing cases

  • Implement native events management, using CarbonEventManager (replacing Xlib management)
  • Implement native font use, using Apple Type Server and ATSUI (for Unicode Imagery) (replacing X11 management)

Work in progress:

  • Implement Native Filepicker
  • Implement Apple Spellchecker

Where is located the code to be modified?

Most of the changes are located in vcl (Visual Class Layer), for everything graphical, events, fonts, rendering and printing.

Other, for sound and movies will be in avmedia (where the player is implemented in sources).

For drag and drop, dtrans is concerned (Pasteboard Manager implementation)

[FIXME]: Filepicker? Apple Spellchecker?

Ericb 11:39, 3 June 2006 (CEST)

How will the new implementation be tested?

Currently, all code can be compiled without using the Xlib. but of course, a lot of features are missing,

and the final package simply won't work

In vcl module", a toy called svdem is built at buildtime. This binary is linked to libvcl* and so all new stuff can be tested.

e.g. : draw anti-aliased lines works well.

Everything implemented in aqua vcl code will be included in libvclplug_aqua, and svdem source code will contain a specific part to proceed tests.

[FIXME]: add more complete list of features to implement and test.

Sort of documentation about VCL around Native Mac OS X port

Do we really need to understand how it works? ;-)

vcl content:

ls -laR | wc -l


-> Uff 1750 files to analyse :-/

Our purpose is to describe the vcl organisation. The content of vcl is so important, that at the begining, the content will looks a bit confused. e.g. class names ..etc have nothing to do, only description with words and sense, but this will need some time before we can understand everything.

How analyse with more efficiency? After some months to anlalyse "horizontaly", it appears that list all the content of a directory is not the solution. Of course, we learned a lot, but we now have to complete with "orthogonal" method (compared to the previous one). The first method wasn't obviously not the good/best way to describe vcl.

[UPDATE] After some investigations, the use of Design patterns seems to be the most efficient approach to describe vcl. Will try to do so asap.

[FIXME] a different approach (will ask confirmation to Philipp Lohman), could be a description of how it work in runtime. First define what an instance is, a frame, and what exactly is concerned by such "objects".

With that, we can write a list of different objects all using the same scheme: empty boxes (means pure virtual methods and classes in generic libvvcl), really implemented in the specific part, and finally, the API "encapsulated".

The most difficult is to see where the API is used. But for all the parts, this is the same.

Finally, what is important is the design of vcl. Which patterns are used? What are the dependencies, how works the stack for the events, how works the scheduler, the timers too is very important, even fundamental for Aqua implementation. Will have a look at gsl mailing list, and other resources. Probably everything is already (randomly) written somewhere.

VCL organisation

Thank's to Philipp Lohmann for this short, but precise description:

Basically vcl is divided in the system dependent and the system independent part. The interface between these two is mostly the Sal interface (every interface name Sal*: SalInstance, SalFrame, SalGraphics, SalPrinter, etc.).

SalInstance is a factory that can create all the other abstracted interfaces of the system dependent part. It also provides the main loop SalInstance::Yield()

SalFrame abstracts any kind of system window.

SalVirtualDevice abstracts an offscreen window (e.g. a Pixmap on X11)

SalPrinter and SalInfoPrinter abstract the system print queues where SalInfoPrinter is for querying and SalPrinter for actual printing.

SalGraphics is an interface produced by either SalFrame, SalVirtualDevice or SalPrinter which is used for actual drawing operations (text, bitmaps, vector graphics)

SalSound is for sound playing.

SalBitmap provides memory for bitmap graphics as well as methods converting this memory to a system handle (e.g. a Pixmap on X11).

SalOpenGL provides OpenGL functionality if available.

SalTimer is an interface for periodically triggering the event queue (to timer implementation).

SalI18NImeStatus handles how the status window of an Input Method Editor (IME) should display (this is mainly X11 specific).

SalSystem has some system specific methods that did not belong anywhere else:-)

Of all these there interfaces is at least one implementation per system (Windows, X11 or Mac). The Unix implementation also has a plugin concept to allow for integration of different native toolkits (currently gtk and Qt) which became necessary for the implementation of Native Widget Framework (NWF) to display controls like their normal desktop counterparts.

Basically the independent part (what is beneath vcl/source directory) has generic methods for drawing, window handling and stuff which it brings into a suitable form and then delegates to the system specific implementaion (located beneath vcl/win for Windows and vcl/unx for the X11 platforms).

Ericb 16:12, 1 July 2006 (CEST)

Sub-directories description

Organisation of vcl directories

Aquavcl organisation complete 02.jpg

Directories in vcl. Short description

aqua : The name Aqua means Apple look and feel, and is well known as Aqua Human Interface Guidelines. This look and feel means Mac OS X. The work was begun by (probably) P. luby, Dan Williams Herbert Duerr (most of fonts stuff) and Ed Peterlin. Currently in ruin, this directory does contain a lot of ideas to investigate. The most important part of needed changes for native version (3.0) will be done inside aqua dir inc: does contain all vcl relative includes [PART1]

prj : Does contain build.lst and d.lst build.lst give us dependencies: probably a lot for vcl, build 98th module over ~148. Everything graphical depends in vcl.

qa does contain all quality assurancy stuff

source: the most important:-) This directory contains common sources for all architectures and OS. Mainly: Windows, Unix: Linux , Mac OS X (X11), Solaris, including generic, kde and gtk plugins, and Aqua (Mac OS X without X11, work currently in progress).

Depending on the OS and the architecture, binaries are built or not.

test : This directory does contain all the needed stuff for tests. As example, in qa/testdocuments, you'll find three documents (one writer, one calc and one impress) for tests purpose. Other available tests are about memcheck and persistent window state.

unx : this directory does contain all unixes stuff. We have to understand what is inside to implement aqua port. For example, a lot of classes/strutures and objects use Xlib calls we have to replace with Carbon/Cocoa call (at least at first time) for Mac OS X native port.

win : Doing Mac OS X native port, I first believed this directory was not interesting for us, but I was wrong: roots are inside this directory, and a lot of comments and resources are inside. Mainly interesting if Carbon is used.

workben: Does contain a toy called "svdem". svdem is a binary, used for new implementations. For example, actual aqua development uses svdem intensively, to verify all important properties we need:

- display a window first (al least ...:))

- close cleanly this window

- display a point

- trace a line

- trace an area

- superpose two areas doing some important graphical operations, (like xor),

- display a character

- display a menu.

- intercept events correctly.

[FIXME] add more tests

Ericb 13:21, 3 June 2006 (CEST)

Naming convention

  • Class names start with upper case letters, to improve readability.
  • Implemented Class names are derived from the virtual classes but can of course take arbitrary names.

To increase readability, it's recommended to closely follow the base class name.

  • Impl prefix: means Implementation details. The concerned class or method or function is not used outside of this module, so no external code (or other libraries) can see it.

Events types using Carbon API (Mac OS X): A lot of events have to be managed in runtime. Here is a short description

- do not freeze because bad event loops

- event types implementation: currently, they are defined in vcl/aqua/inc/aquavclevents.hxx

Apart: exact sense of hedabu? -> [FIXME] as far as I understood it: it is like "copy" to deliver software into the solver, with extra magic. The header files for example are manipulated so paths need not be exact. "headabu" is supposed to disappear little by little.

What do we have to build in vcl?

Two libraries, corresponding ressources (localized) and a toy so called « svdem »

Common part:

in grey on right. The result will be a non architecture dependant library, built in all cases: for instance, libvcl680mxi.dylib on Mac Intel.

Specific part " a plugin " :

Light yellow: aqua part will only concern Mac OS X (non X11) the name will probably be libvcl_aqua680mxi.dylib

As you can see, win means windows part, in blue

For Unix build (Linux, Solaris or current Mac OS X X11), in purple.

Result will be:

libvclplug_PLUGIN680mxi.DLLSUFFIX , where PLUGIN can be iether gen (generic) or gtk (using gtk+) or kde (using qt), and DLLSUFFIX can be either .so (linux) or .dylib (Mac OS X) ...etc (I'm not sure for other cases).

Example: libvcl680mxi.dylib and libvclplug_aqua680mxi.dylib

In runtime, libvclplug_aqua will be linked to libvcl680. the first one will contain the real implementation (respecting the API, e.g. Carbon) while the generic libvcl will only contain pure virtual methods ...etc like "empty boxes".

Current Aqua content

A more complete description of aqua (Mac OS X / no X11 specific): Vcl aqua organisation 02 tree.jpg

EXISTING objects to build in aqua

Sal APP "everything application"

[FIXME] add all objects descriptions


  • Defined in plugin exclusively (i.e. for headers)

Unix: unx/source/app/saldata.cxx (header in unx/inc)

Aqua: aqua/source/app/saldata.cxx (header in win/inc)

Windows: win/source/app/saldata.cxx (header in aqua/inc)

  • Role: saldata contains various kind of data used by the implementation for the concerned platform. It is a bunch of global data collections reserved for the platform

It is just completely platform dependent, and nobody except this plugin can see it.

Saldata is something like a "second sal", but providing an abstraction regarding windowing and graphics, while SAL module provides an abstraction more Operating System oriented)

e.g. : have a look at XRequest array in vcl/unx/source/app/saldata.cxx => all calls are for Xlib (X11). Ok, useless there, but interesting:-)

[FIXME]: use Windows implementation could be a good starting point. Nothing is the same, but the current aquavcl cws uses similar objects, and it works very correctly.

saldatax.cxx uses classes SalInstance, SalObject, SalFrame, SalVirtualDevice, SalPrinter and fontList.

Current list of possible objects who can be instantiated/released:

structure SalData: does contain pointers on all kind of objects from other classes used in saldata.

inline functions: [FIXME]: complete the description

- SetSalData: - GetSalData: - GetAppSalData:


=> implemented in vcl/aqua/source/app/salinst.cxx


  • get environment, mutexes, instantiate AquaSalInstance (Ctor, Dtor),
  • instantiates/releases a lot of other objects using Get() / CreateObject() / DestroyObject() methods.

Current list of possible objects who can be instantiated/released:

* VirtualDevice [FIXME]: exact role?

- GetDefaultPrinter/ CreatePrinter() / DestroyPrinter - what a name ;-) -

- InfoPrinter (Get/Create/Delete)

- PrinterQueue (DeletePrinterQueueInfo / GetPrinterQueueInfo / GetPrinterQueueState)

* System (Create / Delete) [FIXME]: what means system here?
* Events: 




* Menu / MenuItem: 

AquaSalInstance::CreateMenu() / same for DestroyMenu()

AquaSalInstance::CreateMenuItem / same DestroyMenuItem()

* Sound: 

AquaSalInstance::CreateSalSound() => object to a pointer of SalSound type

Note: AquaSalInstance::DestroySalSound is not implemented (?)

* Timer: CreateTimer() /

AquaSalInstance:: DestroyTimer() is not yet implemented (?)

Class MacImeStatus: inherits of SalI18NImeStatus

-> only there to see if there is a window to toggle into menubar [FIXME]??

AquaSalInstance::CreateI18NImeStatus(): instantiates MacImeStatus

For futher informations, see: Content of salinst.cxx

(Ericb 16:11, 20 May 2006 (CEST) )


Role: if possible, runs the standard vcl application code SVMain()

(Ericb 16:15, 20 May 2006 (CEST))




Sal GDI (everything Graphical Display Interface)


native controls





sal bmp







Sal Window



TO BE IMPLEMENTED (missing in Aqua)






native sound







[FIXME]: is session manager usefull?

What is used for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ?

Description of the dependencies





Content of Aqua

Click here to see the complete list

Content of vcl/inc


1) Where to find includes

<foo/bar.hxx> means you can find bar.hxx in the foo module. The new style file is foo/inc/foo/bar.hxx, old style is foo/inc/bar.hxx and sometimes the file is somewhere else in the tree or generated. The deliver process copies/generates the file into solver at solver/680/build_type/inc/foo. Good for fixing broken builds. ;-)

2) suffix .h (for C calls or first version?) or .hxx (C++)

A) Family of includes:

Looking more closely at the list brings to the fore (expression from dictionary ;-) ) that include names are informatives. Most of the time, the name gives the function/role. What is interesting is the files with name begining with "sal". sal means System Abstraction Layer + include's function (or explicit name).

Partial list, for example:








sallayout.hxx (main header for fonts services) ... salmenu salnativewidgets ...etc

Other important families are "sv" and "uno" or "win" (window) prefixed. sal family will be analysed apart.

B) Includes of includes

Some includes are more important than other. To prove this, just have a look is sufficient: some are always needed, and some more rarely.

To verify, a simple test to do in vcl/inc:

egrep -H "#include" ./* | wc -l gives me 681 lines ! And some of them are the same...

To know more, the precedent command line can be modified to make appear the numerous call to the same includes files.

egrep -H "#include" ./* | cut -d"#" -f2 | sort > liste.txt

The content of liste.txt is explicit: dllapi.h, sv.h and some other are very important, while some other includes are only one or two times used. We can see too that vos includes are numerous, even if vos is deprecated**


I'm nearly sure that a complete analysis of just this result will give us a lot of information.

I propose to change the order of analysis starting with dllapi.h and sv.h.

[to be continued]

B1) "sal" includes family

salinst.hxx This seems to be the main include file







sallayout.hxx <-- see Native Fonts implementation



B2) Classicals includes

file: abstdlg.hxx [ means abstract dialog ]

This includes does contain the following classes definitions:

[FIXME] : choose a precise presentation template for classes





uses <tools/solar.h> , <tools/string.hxx> +


Note : dllapi.h is very interesting because when we have to find (for example) a library suffix, SAL_DLLEXTENSSION can replace all suffixes (every OS's and archs). Just including sal/config.h does it !


Window -> what? [FIXME] ResId -> what?

Does contain the prototype of VclAbstractDialog, inherit of VCL_DLLPUBLIC

file: dllapi.h [ dll for dynamic linked library ] Uses: <sal/config.h> and >sal/types/h> includes: VCL_DLLPUBLIC macro

file: accel.h [ means accelerator ]


Accelerator { } ImplAccelEntry { public members:


mnId maKeyCode mpAccel mpAutoAccel mbEnabled }

function / returns / parameters

ImplGetKeyCode / void / KeyFuncType eFunc, ref rCode1 , ref rCode2, ref rCode3

file: accel.hxx

Uses: <sv.h> , "dllapi.h" ,<tools/resid.hxx>, <<tools/rc.hxx>


ImplAccelData; ImplAccelEntry;

Important Links

Progressive implementation

Native Font server Implementation Fonts starting point and documentation

Native Sound Implementation: Mac OS X Porting - Native Audio and Video

Native Printing Implementation: Mac OS X Porting - Native_Printing

Drag and Drop implementation: Mac OS X Porting - Native Drag and drop

This work is part of

[to be continued:-) ]

--Ericb 15:00, 22 Jul 2005 (EDT)

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