Mac OS X Porting - Work Areas/Todo's

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This page is intended to serve as a living ToDo's list for the Mac OS X port. To keep things simple it contains the ToDo's for both the X11 version and the upcoming Aqua version of for Mac OS X. The page is divided into different work areas which either assigned to a person in charge or are unassigned yet. Below each area there is a detailed list of todo's which has to be maintained by the respective people himself. Persons who are in charge of a certain area are responsible for keeping their respective part of the page up-to-date.

If you're interested in contributing to the project please coordinate with Eric Bachard [1]

Areas and ToDo's X11 Version

Packaging related tasks
Oliver Braun [2]
Todo Status Assigned to
Improved packaging for OOo Done Oliver Braun

Installation related tasks
Oliver Braun [3]
Todo Status Assigned to
Provide an improved installer for OOo New Oliver Braun
Error messages during installation when no X11 is installed Started (messages need to be localised and more info supplied) Unassigned
Support language pack instalation New Unassigned

Desktop Integration
Desktop integration related tasks
Oliver Braun [4]
Todo Status Assigned to
Allow opening of documents with path names that need to be escaped for shell scripts Needs Tested see [5] Shaun McDonald [6]
Save documents in ~/Documents by default New Unassigned
Use the Mac OS X key chain for document signing New Unassigned
Read proxy settings and user information from the system settings New Unassigned
Mac OS X address book integration New Unassigned
Make use of the Mac OS X spell checker New Unassigned
Improved clipboard support New Unassigned
Support for standard Mac OS X shortcuts according to HI guideline New Unassigned
Integrate native FileOpen/FileSave dialog into OOo Started Florian Heckl [7]

Printing Unassigned [mailto: Name [??]
Todo Status Assigned to
Improved printing support (CUPS) Done Mox Soini, Oliver Braun
Use the native print dialog in OOo New Yvan BARTHÉLEMY

Native sound support Eric Bachard [mailto: Name [8]
Todo Status Assigned to
Implement native sound support Started Eric Bachard

New page has been updated.

See :

Estimation of code remaining to write : 40% ( macosxplayer.cxx mainly)

Ease of use Unassigned [mailto: Name [??]
Todo Status Assigned to
Reduce visible toolbars New Unassgined
Suppress icons in OOo menus by default New Unassigned
Suppress xterm window when launching OOo New Unassigned

Implement NeoLight plugin Unassigned [mailto: Name [??]
Todo Status Assigned to
Implement NeoLight (spothlight plugin) in 2.0. For more informations, please have a look at [9] New Unassigned

Areas and ToDo's Aqua Version

Messaging Tino Rachui [mailto: []
Todo Status Assigned to
Implement messaging infrastructure New Unassigned

Windowing Tino Rachui [mailto: []
Todo Status Assigned to
Implement salframe.cxx New Unassigned

Drawing Stephan Schaefer
Todo Status Assigned to
Implement drawing support In progress Stephan Schaefer

Key input Unassigned [mailto: [???]
Todo Status Assigned to
??? New Unassigned

Image Acquisition Eric Bachard
Todo Status Assigned to Unassigned [mailto: [???]
Implement Image Acquisition In progress Eric Bachard

See : Data_Acquisition on Mac OS X

Native Printing support Unassigned [mailto: [???]
Todo Status Assigned to
??? New Unassigned

Description : side :

AquaSalPrinter class is located in aqua/source/gdi/salprn.cxx

Headers are in :

Aqua implementation :
aqua/inc/salprn.h  (AquaSalPrinter class implementation, inherits from SalPrinter)

Mac OS X API side:

Todo : implement missing methods, using Carbon API

Link for Mac OS X API documentation :

Native font support Eric Bachard [10]
Todo Status Assigned to
ATS Started Eric Bachard

salatslayout.cxx License origin is justified here :] side :

1) Headers

1.1) vcl/inc/salgdi.hxx, including definition of :
SalGraphics class 
1.2) vcl/inc/sallayout.hxx, including definitions of :
classes :
MultiSalLayout (inherits of SalLayout)

struct GlyphItem

1.3) vcl/aqua/inc/salgdi.h, including definitions of 
classes : 
ImplMacFontData (inherits of ImplFontData)

AquaSalGraphics (inherits of SalGraphics, does have ATSLayout as friend class)

2) Implementation

2.1) vcl/aqua/source/inc/salatslayout.cxx

Implements the classes :
ATSLayout (inherits of SalLayout)

existing ATSLayout methods are :
bool ATSLayout::LayoutText()
void ATSLayout::AdjustLayout()
void ATSLayout::DrawText()
int ATSLayout::GetNextGlyphs()
long ATSLayout::GetTextWidth()
long ATSLayout::FillDXArray()
int ATSLayout::GetTextBreak()
void ATSLayout::GetCaretPositions()
bool ATSLayout::GetBoundRect() 
bool ATSLayout::InitGIA()
Other class : PolyArgs, implementing :
void PolyArgs::Init()
void PolyArgs::AddPoint()
void PolyArgs::ClosePolygon()
OSStatus MyATSCubicMoveToCallback()
OSStatus MyATSCubicLineToCallback()
OSStatus MyATSCubicCurveToCallback()
OSStatus MyATSCubicClosePathCallback ()

Mac OS X API side:

Carbon API implementation (binding) is made in salatslayout.cxx

ATS and ATSUI starting point :

Apple's starting page leading to deeper docs:

Todo-list for native font implementation :

- missing methods (to be implemented) :
bool ATSLayout::GetGlyphOutlines()
ATSLayout::Simplify( )
- Fix known bugs :
   MultiLine does not work (writer cannot be used, because)
   Bad keyboard/charset ? (missig chars)
   When redrawing, everything is redrawn using the most little font size -> even the dialog boxes on menu bars
   Bad values returned 
- Implement MultiSalLayout
- Complete implementation   
- read Apple API [ Work in progress]
- describe current implementation : organisation / design [work in progress]
- design of new implementation [FIXME] find examples

Estimation of code remaining to write ~40 %

Done ( mainly Stephan Schaefer, with initial salatslayout.cxx file written by Herbert Duerr)


- adapt salatslayout.cxx to make it match with sallayout.hxx, and salgdi.hxx, saldata.hxx .etc 
to make it build with aquavlcl01, and do some tests :
- verify this server can be initialized inside (needs a CFRunLoop working to be correctly initialized )
- run it and fix instant crashs and verity there is no freeze


- fix compilations issues
- rewrite complete salatslayout.cxx
- verify salatsfontutils.cxx definition does match with new salatslayout.cxx content
- define correct naming convention
- replace old SalGraphicsData object implementation (found in pre-aquavcl01 files, and now obsolete, because we won't use QDraw anymore)
- understand current font implementation  ( using old salatslayout.cxx )  ( work in progress )
- analyse and describe Carbon binding in salatslayout.cxx [ 90% done]

Resources : use sample code to test/initialize ATS server ( using e.g. ATSUIDirectAccessDemo )

For more informations, see :

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