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For AOO 3.4, based on the release test plan, no detail test cases. Instead, general testing will be done against specific platform and specific editor with some focus. Below table give the AOO 3.4 testing focus:

AOO 3.4 test focus:

IP Cleanup Test Cases

Here is the AOO 3.4 IP Cleanup and Impact:

Please volunteer update below table for your test cases against each specific library change in IP cleanup. First row is one sample.

Library What is changing User Impact Status Test Cases
lp_solve lp_solve is being replaced by CoinMP This functionality is invoked by the user in Calc via Tools->Solver. It is used for solving linear programming problems, including integer programming.

CoinMP comes from the Coin-OR open source project, an open source project that involves operations research professionals and includes cutting edge algorithms.

According to one research paper CoinMP offers superior performance compared to lp_solve. So the overall user impact from this change should be positive.

Solver function works in svn rev. 1236487 Create scenario followed by Excel solver sample, then solution is able to be found.


xpdf The xpdf source code was removed PDF import can only be built when the poppler library is pre-installed on the system. It will not be part of the binary release. xpdf is removed in svn rev. 1212451

It impact extensions Oracle PDF Import Extension not function in OpenOffice

No test required
MySQL Connector/C++ MySQL connector can only be built when the C++ connector is pre-installed on the system. It will not be part of the binary release.

It impact extension MySQL Connector for not function in OpenOffice

module has been removed in svn rev. 1212451
libwpd The libwpd library is being removed from the product. The WordPerfect filter ("WordPerfect Document (.wpd)") won't be available anymore. No replacement unless someone creates a filter extension that can be installed separately. module has been removed in svn rev. 1212451
3rd party/external library gentiumbasic-fonts & liberation-fonts Remove fonts from product. A useful set of high quality fonts, mostly equivalent to those from MS. It has been removed in svn rev. 1212451 Create sample file in OO 3.3 with text font set to "Liberation Sans Narrow", "Gentium Basic" and "Gentium Book Basic"

Open it in OO 3.4 with svn rev. 1212451.

Document loaded successfully, and font display same as OO 3.3.

New a document in OO 3.4 There is no font named as "Liberation Sans Narrow", "Gentium Basic" and "Gentium Book Basic"

i18nregexp i18nregexp was replaced by ICU Regular Expressions. No major impact for users; regular expressions will work as usual and be much faster. Some deprecated extended syntax supported in earlier versions may not be available. Find an regression issue, pls refer to bug 118887 verify regular expressions works in "Find&Replace" dialog:

open the file then copy the regular expression in cell B1, open "Find&Replace" dialog and paste into search for editbox, click Find button. It should matches cell A3:A5. File:Regexp.ods File:Regexp2.odt

berkeleydb The berkeleydb library is being removed from the distribution due to an incompatible license. The berkeleydb is used for managing extentions and was used for indexing help content.

Managing a handful of extensions using a database was overkill anyways and that is being rectified (118569). The impact is that extensions installed for older versions of OpenOffice have to be re-installed. three modules are impacted by this change l10ntools, xmlhelp and desktop.

Test in svn. 1240872 Search in help system

Start application

dictionaries Remove dictionaries from product package Before install dictionaries extension, spell check won't work Test in svn. 1240872, no dictionary Input misspell word, then launch spell check

Due to no dictionaries, so no misspell word is checked out

libneon The neon library is being removed from the distribution due to an incompatible license. The neon library is used to for all http based communication including WebDAV. Without a replacement it is for example not possible to insert an image via an http Url.

Work on a replacement (118569) has started but we will potentially lose WebDAV support at the beginning.

Test in svn. r1291124 create a sample file containing web picture, open, verify the picture can display.




Crystal and Oxygen icons removed. These were used by default in KDE and KDE4 only. The user can still choose other icon sets like galaxy or tango. Test in svn. 1240836 run the application in KDE enviorment. check Tools->Options->OOo-dev->View, verify the default value for "Icon size and style" is not Crystal or Oxygen, and the two styles are not in the list.
3rd party/external library javamail none as Java Mail is not used by mail merge removing unnecessary strings and help content Test in svn. 1240836
  • search for "Java Mail" in help
  • run mail merge case: create a mail merged document and send as OpenDocument Text attachment / HTML Message.
3rd party/external library gdk-pixbuf Used by AVMedia for Video playback Test in svn. 1243392

on Windows XP, Ubuntu, Mac 10.7

insert different format of video/sound files, play.
3rd party/external library cups Used for integrating into the print system on Unix Using the system provided cups functionality Test in r1240836 on Redhat 6.1 Print the three sample files


You can link to this page for IP Cleanup testing result:

AOO 3.4 Code Change Test Cases

Here is the AOO 3.4 code change:

Please vlounteer update below table for the code change related test cases.

Feature title Task ID Description Dev. Owner Component Test Cases
Improve ODF 1.2 encryption supporte in OOo i117562 The ODF1.2 specification allows to use W3C-specified algorithms to encrypt ODF1.2 documents. The new implementation let the following algorithms be used in case ODF1.2 encrypted document is stored: Start key generation: SHA256 Derived key generation: PBKDF2 Encryption algorithm: AES-256 Checksum generation: SAH256_1K It is possible to let start key and checksum generation use SHA1/SHA1_1K algorithms during storing of ODF1.2 encrypted document by setting the configuration entry org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/ODF/UseSHA1InODF12 to "true". It is also possible to let Blowfish algorithm be used in this case by setting the entry org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/ODF/UseBlowfishInODF12 to "true". The storing of encrypted ODF1.1/ODF1.0 documents is not affected. Please see for details. ?? framew Test Cases:
  1. Saving the document with password
  2. Saving the document with signature
  3. Open the protected document, save and reopen

The above scenarios cover writer, impress and calc

row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3 row 2, cell 4 row 2, cell 5 row 2, cell 6

AOO 3.4 General Testing Test Cases

Please volunteer update below table to give your AOO 3.4 General Testing Cases.

Component Feature Test Cases
Impress Numbering and Bullet The testing cover:
  • Apply numbering and bullet for several paragraphs
  • Modify the numbering and bullet for several paragraphs have appliced mixed numbering and bullet
  • Copy paragraph with/without numbering and bullet to one object paragraph which has applied numbering and bullet
  • Undo/redo
Impress Table The testing cover:
  • Copy&Cut&Paste table and table cells
  • Delete&Insert Columns and Rows, include single column and row,and multiple columns and rows
  • Select single column and row, Select multiple columns and rows
  • Merge&Split,include split single cell and multi-cells,include split Horizontally and Vertically.
  • Table Properties, include Borders,Line,Font Effects,Background
  • Undo/Redo
Common Features Security The testing cover:
  • Save with password
  • Save with File Sharing Password.

In details:

  • Save documents(odp,odt,ods) with open password
  • Save documents(odp,odt,ods) with read-only password
  • Save documents(odp,odt,ods) with edit password
  • Reopen the documents protected by password
Impress Annimation Effect The testing cover:
  • Add&Remove&Edit Annimation Effects
  • Copy&Paste Annimation Effect
Impress Shape The testing cover:
  • Insert Shape
  • Shape properties in context menu, inculde Line,Area,Text,Position and Size,Arrange,Alignment
  • Undo/Redo
Drawing Editing The testing cover:
  • Copy objects from other files
  • Check the appearance of the objects
Drawing Formatting The testing cover:
  • Modify format of objects in Draw
  • Do some actions, such as copy/paste
  • Check the appearance of the objects
Drawing UI The testing cover:
  • Do some operations to check the UI presents correctly.
Drawing SVG The testing cover:
  • Insert pictures from .svg files.
  • Open .svg files.
  • Export as .svg files.
Drawing PDF The testing cover:
  • Export as .pdf files.
  • Reopen the .pdf files to check the elements whether the same as the original.
Drawing FileOpen The testing cover:
  • Open/ save/ reopen different type of files, such as.odg, .svg, .dxf, etc.
  • Check files can be opened correctly.
Drawing FileSave The testing cover:
  • Open/ save file to different types.
  • Open/ Export files as different types.
  • Check the appearance and properties of saved files.
Calc Format Cell The testing cover:
  • Number format set/change/display
  • Alignment format set/change/display
  • Merge/Unmerge cells
Calc Data The testing cover:
  • Sort
  • Fiter
  • Validity
Calc Chart The testing cover:
  • Create a chart
  • Edit chart
  • Delete chart
Writer Table The testing cover:
  • Create table from menu or toolbar
  • Insert/Delete cell
  • Insert/Delete column/row
Writer Graphic The testing cover:
  • Insert graphic
  • Modify anchor
Writer Changes The testing cover:
  • Show/Hide changes
  • Accept/Reject changes
Calc Hyperlink The testing cover:
  • Insert hyperlink into cell, save, reopen, edit hyperlink, delete hyperlink.
  • undo/redo, font effect, options
  • Try different futher settings.
Writer FileOpen The testing cover:
  • Open/ save/ reopen different type of files, such as.odt, doc, docx.
  • Check files can be opened and displayed correctly.
Calc name range The testing cover:
  • create range, modify range name, modify range region, remove range
  • use name range: in fomula
Common Feature Security This testing is for Digital Signatures
Writer Envelope The testing cover:
  • Insert envelope in current document
  • Create enveloper in new document
  • Modify the envelope format
  • Verify the envelope dialog
Common Feature Toolbar The testing cover:
  • Predefined Toolbar customize
  • Add new toolbar
Installer Clean Install The testing covers clearn install on:
  • Windows XP
  • RedHat 6.1
 * standard install: rpm -ivh *.rpm
 * then remove: rpm -qa | grep ooo > rmlist
            rpm -e `cat rmlist`
 * customized destination: rpm -ivh --prefix /opt/customized *.rpm
 * then remove: System->Administration->Add/Remove software, search for "ooo" then mark the packages for removal.
  • Ubuntu 10.04
 * standard install: dpkg -i *.deb
 * remove: 
   * dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep ooo | cut -d' ' -f3 | sudo xargs dpkg -r
   * Synaptic package manager: search for "ooo" then use "installed" filter to list all installed openoffice packages,
then mark "ooodev-ure" fore remove. A message will appears and list all the affected packages, mark all of them. Then Apply.
  • Mac 10.6.8
Installer Upgrade The testing covers upgrade from OO 3.3 to AOO 3.4 against:
  • Windows XP
  • RedHat 6.1
  • Ubuntu 10.0.4
  • Mac 10.6.8
Common Feature Chart The testing covers:
  • Create different chart type
  • Add/Delete/Move up&down/Hide/Show data series and check the chart display
  • Chart properties edit
  • Chart copy/paste during different AOO editors
Writer Word Count The testing covers:
  • Paste “Apache OpenOffice Writer字數問題修正。” in a new text document and check if the word count is 10.
row 10, cell 1 row 10, cell 2 row 10, cell 3
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