User Experience

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Revision as of 05:52, 11 May 2012 by Greenyo (talk | contribs)
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UX Wiki Refresh - May 2012

This wiki has been an extremely valuable source of design insight and guidance for the OpenOffice products. Recently, the effort has stalled, and as a result some of the wiki content is now outdated.
The AOO UX team is looking to refresh this wiki and reinvigorate the UX community. The first step is to refresh this wiki, as it serves as the single, trusted source for our collective user experience design intelligence.
On 2012 05 07, Kevin Grignon proposed a review of this wiki content via the ooo-dev@incubator.apache mailing list. UX team will perform a rapid review of UX wiki content and share results and recommendations with the community.

Activities and Work in Progress

  • ODF Mimetype Icons RedesignUX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Great reference material. Recommendation: Move to OO design archive.
  • Project Renaissance - Create a User Interface so that becomes the users' choice not only out of need but also out of desire. 2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Create initiative, a lot of great content. Some outdated material. Recommendation: Move to OOo archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.
  • Current Activities UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated activities. Recommendation: Move to OOo archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.
  • ToDo List UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated ToDo List content. Recommendation: Move to OOo archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.
  • Competitor Software Analysis 2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Really outdated content. Recommendation: Create new competitor page. Move former to OOo archive.

The User Experience Team

The User Experience Team (UX team) works to make the best office suite in terms of usability, productivity and enjoyment.

  • User Experience Project Home on 2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Active blog. Recommendation: rename blog, links and anchor link in this page to all include "Apache" reference.
  • List of the team members 2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated members list. Recommendation: Move list to OOo archive, create new UX community list, link new page to this page.

How to work with us?

  • How to request assistance from the UX team 2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Content could be re-used, all links are outdated. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, harvest re-usable content.
  • How to join the UX team '2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - 'Content could be re-used, all links are outdated. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, harvest re-usable content.
  • How to contribute to the UX team work 2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Content could be re-used, all links are outdated. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, harvest re-usable content.

Communication Channels

Communication Channel Alternatives Help
Mailing List

2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - this mailing list is inactive. Address is not valid. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, propose and create new AOO UX mailing list.

Related mailing lists: User Experience mailing lists

As Newsgroup: GMANE gmane.comp.openoffice.devel.user-experience

As Feeds (RSS): GMANE all messages with complete text, GMANE all messages with excerpted text, GMANE topics with complete text, GMANE topics with excerpted text, Google feed

As Archives: web archive, Google archive (only last 6 days)



2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Does not appear to be overly active. Recommendation: Survey community to see if they still want to use this tool.

Blog User Experience Blog

2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Active blog. Recommendation: rename blog, links and anchor link in this page to all include "Apache" reference.

Related blogs: GullFOSS blogs on "user-experience",

Aggregation: Yahoo! pipes aggregation (blogs related to our project, web version)

Feeds (RSS): GullFOSS Subscribe blogs on "user-experience", Yahoo! pipes aggregation (blogs related to our project)

Documents and Resources

Project Management

Personal tools