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Check Curly Double Quotes


  • The macro checks sequences of double curly quotes. It allows multiple quoted areas per paragraph, and quotations continued in the next paragraph (no close-quote, but the next paragraph must start with an open-quote). Triply nested quotes will flag as errors, but the user can bypass these. (If this is a major nuisance for someone, let me know. Revisions are possible.)
  • The macro can stop on any error, with the error character selected, for easy fixing; however, after the fix, the macro must be restarted. Therefore, I strongly recommend that the user should assign a keyboard shortcut, at least temporarily and at first. You may get a lot of errors initially, which means a lot of restarts.


Sub QuoteChecker
Dim bMoreText as Boolean
Dim bQMS as Boolean			'Quote Must Start next para
Dim iAnswer as Integer			'MsgBox reply
Dim iClose as Long			'Found close-quote here
Dim iOpen as Long
Dim iWork as Long
Dim jClose as Long			'Previous close-quote position
Dim nErrs as Integer			'Counts
Dim nPara as Integer
Dim oDoc as Object
Dim oTC as Object			'Text cursor
Dim oViewCursor as Object
Dim sPara as String			'Paragraph text
Dim vEnum as Variant
Dim vPara as Variant
Const kLeft = &H201C			'Curly quotes
Const kRight = &H201D

oDoc = ThisComponent
vEnum = oDoc.Text.createEnumeration
While vEnum.hasMoreElements
  vPara = vEnum.nextElement
  nPara = nPara + 1
  oTC = vPara.Text.createTextCursorByRange(vPara.Anchor)

  sPara = oTC.getString()
  iOpen = InStr( sPara, """" )
  While iOpen <> 0			'Found un-replaced straight quote, stop
    'These are easier to fix with GUI Find&Replace.
    nErrs = nErrs + 1
    call QuoteVC( oDoc, oTC, iOpen )	'set visual cursor to problem
    iAnswer = MsgBox( "Stop on straight quote?" _
      ,MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "Unreplaced Straight Quote" )
    If iAnswer = IDYES Then Exit Sub
    If iOpen = Len(sPara) Then	'at end of para
      iOpen = 0	'force exit
      iOpen = InStr( iOpen+1, sPara, """" )
    End If	'end of para
  Wend 'Straight quote(s) in paragraph
  iOpen = 0
  iClose = 0
    jClose = iClose
    iOpen = InStr( iOpen + 1, sPara, chr(kLeft) )
    iClose = InStr( iClose + 1, sPara, chr(kRight) )
    If bQMS and (iOpen <> 1) Then
      call QuoteVC( oDoc, oTC, 0 )
      nErrs = nErrs + 1
      iAnswer = MsgBox( _
        "Previous paragraph has an extra open quote." & chr(13) _
        & "This paragraph does not start with an open quote." & chr(13) _
        & "Stop here?" _
        , MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "Unbalanced Quotes" )
      If iAnswer = IDYES Then Exit Sub
    End If 'bQMS + iOpen
    bQMS = False

    If (0 < iOpen) and (iOpen < jClose) Then
      call QuoteVC( oDoc, oTC, iOpen )
      nErrs = nErrs + 1
      iAnswer = MsgBox( _
        "Two open quotes before close quote." & chr(13) _
        & "Stop here?" _
        , MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "Two Open Quotes Before Close" )
      If iAnswer = IDYES Then Exit Sub
    End If '0 < iOpen < jClose 
' I find it easier to think of four separate cases. YMMV.

    If (iOpen = 0) and (iClose = 0) Then
      Exit Do	'Done with paragraph
    ElseIf (iOpen > 0) and (iClose = 0) Then
      If InStr( iOpen + 1, SPara, chr(kLeft) ) = 0 Then	'one extra open is ok
        bQMS = True		'Quote must start next para
      Else		'more than one is /not/ ok
        call QuoteVC( oDoc, oTC, iOpen )
        nErrs = nErrs + 1
        iAnswer = MsgBox( "Multiple extra open quotes. Stop here?" _
          , MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "Multiple Unmatched Open Quotes" )
        If iAnswer = IDYES Then Exit Sub
      End If 'more open quotes
      Exit Do			'Done with this para, good or bad
    ElseIf (iOpen = 0) and (iClose > 0) Then
      call QuoteVC( oDoc, oTC, iClose )
      nErrs = nErrs + 1
      iAnswer = MsgBox( "Stop on unmatched close quote?" _
        , MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "Unmatched Close Quote" )
      If iAnswer = IDYES Then Exit Sub
      Exit Do
    Else		'Found both open and close quotes.
      If iOpen > iClose Then	'close before open? No.
        call QuoteVC( oDoc, oTC, iClose )
        nErrs = nErrs + 1
        iAnswer = MsgBox( "Stop on unmatched close quote?" _
          , MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "Close Quote Before Open" )
        If iAnswer = IDYES Then Exit Sub
        Exit Do
      End If 'close before open
    End If 'iOpen & iClose
  Loop While True	'Thru one paragraph
Wend				'For all paragraphs
MsgBox "Paragraphs processed - " & str(nPara) & chr(13) _
  & "Total Errors - " & str(nErrs) _
  , MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION, "QuoteChecker Results"
End Sub 'QuoteChecker

Sub QuoteVC(oDoc as Object, oTC as Object, iOffset as Long)
'Set visual cursor to targeted character(s).
Dim oVis as Object
oVis = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
oVis.goToRange( oTC, False )
If iOffset > 1 Then oVis.goRight( iOffset - 1, False )
oVis.goRight( 1, True )
End Sub 'QuoteVC
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