Talk:Pootle User Guide

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This page contains a draft of my plan for changing and update the content. Please edit here and discuss it on Part like <comment> will be removed later.

The Apache Software Foundation runs a Pootle Translate service to allow its projects an easy, cooperative way to localize their products. This guide describes how to use Pootle in the Apache OpenOffice project. As of August 2013, already 40 languages (out of the 120+ languages OpenOffice supports) are maintained in Pootle and more coming soon.

For an introduction to the localization process read and for a more general overview start at

Registration and Login

You need not to register or login for helping in translation. Anyone can make suggestions in Pootle. Those will be reviewed by committers and then stored into the database.

Start with Pootle at and choose your language and project in any order. The project Apache OpenOffice 4.x covers the strings, which can be seen in the user interface (UI), the project Apache OpenOffice 4.x Help covers the texts in the built-in help. Always choose the project with the highest version number.

<merged! into this guide. Can it be removed on CWIKI?>

If you are seriously interested and will work collaboratively with the other translators, you can get a Pootle account.

  1. Subscribe to the localization mailing list. Note: It's a public list and you will probably get many related mails, but it's a way to get in touch and communicate each other.
  2. Introduce yourself on the list and find members in your language.
  3. Become familiar with Pootle. If your language is missing on Pootle, ask on to add it. We will react as soon as possible.
  4. Ask for a Pootle account by sending an email:
 Subject: New Pootle Account
 Hello my name is ..... and .... 
 Please create a Pootle account for me. I state that my contributions are under
the Apache 2 license and I will work on ...<your language>... My preferred username is ...<preferred username>...

The administrators of the Pootle server will contact you for username/password.

All project committers have automatically a Pootle accout and can use their Apache username/password on Pootle.

To login at Pootle click on the log-in text, top right in the blue area. Afterward you will find a link to your account settings in this area.

If you are willing to maintain the translation in the longer term, tell this on the mailing list and find collegues there. Add yourself to the list on

Overview to the Pootle Online User Interface

Note: The user interface of Pootle is localized. Therefore the screenshots here show non English texts. When you login, you can choose the language of the Pootle UI.

The user interface for committers has some additional items, but translating itself is the same as for anyone.

Tab page "Overview"

PootleGuideA QuickTranslateExample2.png
The summary text in the upper left area provides predefined filters; it is the so called Quick Translate mode. It shows only items, which need to be worked on.
PootleGuideA QuickTranslateExample1.png

PootleGuideB TreeView.png
The tree view follows the internal structure of the source code. Here you get access to all strings of a specific file; this is the so called Translate All mode. It shows all items, regardless of their translation status. Hover the green bar to see what percentage of the folder is already translated. There are about 440000 words in the built-in help and 90000 words in the UI to translate.

PootleGuide SearchField.png
For correcting a single wrong text, you will likely need the search. Here on the overview tab page it is in the right top corner and on the translation tab page you find it in the left bottom corner. It will be explained in detail in section <insert local link>.

PootleGuide DownloadUpload.png
For off-line translation<insert local link> you can download and upload .po-files. Find the links in the right part.

PootleGuide TabPageOverview.png

Choosing any of the modes A-C you get a list of translation records in the translation tab page. To switch back to the overview click on the left tab, top left on the screen.

Tab Page "Translate"

Template:Documentation/Tip <New screeshot needed with new letters, and letters need be ordered newly here.>

The tab page "Translation" shows a list of translation records. When you are logged in, you can set in your preferences, how many record lines are shown at a time. Click a record to open it, the other record will collapse automatically. Please be patient, Pootle reacts sometimes slowly.

PootleGuide TabPageTranslationWithMarkers.png

The translation record line shows you

the file name of the .po file, which contains the string.
Such .po file collects basically the strings from one folder in the source code.
the exact position of the string in the source code.
Left of the # sign you see the file name, right of the # the identifier of the string.
the terminology with translation suggestions of single words.
Read details on Pootle_Glossary_Guide. Ask the administrators in case you want to use such Glossary for your language.
the English original text
In case you have selected alternative languages in the preferences of your account or the translation target language is different from your locale, you see here the translations into those languages too.
the input field to enter your translation
already existing translations of similar strings
Read details on Pootle_Glossary_Guide. Ask the administrators in case you want to use such Translation Memory for your language.
a button to submit the suggestion.

In the lower part of the user interface you get

the search
a direct link to the current translation record.
Such is useful, if you will reference a special translation item in an email, for example.
the navigation area.
Look at the tooltips to get further hints for navigation.

Committers have some items in addition.

PootleGuide TranslateInCommiterViewWithMarkers.png
a text link to toggle the button between Suggest and Submit
a checkbox to mark, that the translation needs work.
This state was called Fuzzy in previous Pootle versions.
a link to open an input field for a comment
Buttons to accept or reject suggestions

Offline translation

Documentation caution.png Before starting to translate off-line, you should make sure to coordinate the translation activity with your team.

< Need the existing text an update or is it sufficient to copy it? --- the text in translate.html is accurate>

If you want to translate off-line, you need to download the files from Pootle and to upload them once translated. These options are available on the "Overview" tab page.

Download Files

PootleGuide PrepairForDownload.png

You can download either the complete project files, or by folder, or single files. First select the folder in the tree-view on the left side of the "Overview" tab page, so that you see the content of the folder. Then click "Download". You need to wait a little bit, because the .zip file is generated on demand. In the situation shown in the picture you would get a file Notice that the file name contains the path as it is shown on the picture.

Work Off-line

You can work with a preferred editor. Most commonly used editors by community are:

If you want to work with only fuzzy/untranslated strings, an extra step is needed to filter those strings from downloaded .po file.

  • Run pofilter which is a part of Translate Toolkit. You can download Translate Toolkit from here
    • pofilter -t isfuzzy -t untranslated <input file> <filtered file>

This will extract all strings which are fuzzy or untranslated.

Once you finish working in filtered po file, you can merge it back into the original file using pomerge before uploading to Pootle.

Upload Translated Files

Once translation is completed, you need to upload your work to Pootle.

There are three options of upload. Anyone has the option "suggest", logged in users have the additional options "merge" and "overwrite".

PootleGuide Upload Anyone.png
PootleGuide Upload Commiter.png
All changes are treated as suggestions.
Default option for logged in users. Previously untranslated strings are submitted and the modifications of already translated strings are marked as 'suggestion', which means they need a review before submission. If you make some modifications to existing translations (e.g., bug fixing), please make sure that they are reviewed and accepted by reviewer. Unless, the modifications won't be applied.
The uploaded file overwrites the existing file on Pootle. This option should be carefully used as it has possibility to loose existing data. If you make sure all the contents of your file are valid, you can choose 'overwrite' option for quick upload.

Note: During uploading, you should make sure that you're located in the right folder. You should upload a .zip file in the same folder that you downloaded it from. If you upload a file to a wrong location, please contact aPootle administrator.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Peer review

<How to organize it?> <Work with 'fuzzy' marker as described in translate.html> <Any other good tipps?>

Show Pootle Warnings

<insert screenshot>

Click on the left tab to switch to the Overview. Click on the Detail link to show, what Pootle considers to be an error. You see a list with check categories and corresponding number of errors. At least the red, critical ones you have to examine carefully.

<insert screenshot>

Click on the proof item or on the number to get the list of translation records. Be patient even when your browser thinks that "a script has stopped working".

<insert screenshot>

The translation record shows too, that a check failed. And in the screenshot you can see, that Pootle is right in this example. Placeholders must not be translated.

<insert screenshot>

The list of failed records is available too from the "Translate" tabpage. Select the item "Check" from the "Filter"-drop-down-list at the bottom of the page. It is the last item in the list. Now you get a second drop-down-list to select the check category. The number in brackets tells you how many translation records failed the check.

Review language builds

<This needs rework. The step bringing back Pootles .po files to trunk is missing>

Before the final release you will get a beta release in your language. Review it carefully to catch all translation errors.

If you want a localized version earlier, you have to build an own version. To get a localized build, use the configure switch --with-lang in your configure parameters.

Or you ask on the list; perhaps another member is able to provide you with a localized build or it is possible to set up a build bot accordingly.

Releasing a localized build

We have agreed to release a localized version of Apache OpenOffice, if the UI is 100% translated.

And for long-term maintainability we also recommend that:

  • the UI is translated to 100% and
  • the help is translated to 100% too and
  • there is a small team (even just two members) to maintain the translation and ensure QA.

<How to verify the technical correctness of the translation? Add description here.>

When you are ready, write an issue in Bugzilla in the product <Native-Language>. Also write an issue, if you later on make changes to the translation and want them to be integrated into the next release.

Note that if you edit strings in Pootle you need to explicitly ask on the mailing list for them to be integrated into OpenOffice. Integration is not automatic.

How to Search


You will find, that it is a large problem in translation to be sure what part of the UI or the built-in help is shown in the current translation record and the other way round to find a specific string from the installed application in Pootle. The following sections show you some tools.

<Remark: Write the description using concrete examples>

Search Inside Pootle

<Explain the check boxes and the filter>

Search in the Source Code

Translators generally do not have a local copy of the code, but sometimes want to lookup something. This tools might help you:


Example: You see the string "Purple Pipe" as name of a color gradient and wants to know, which files contain this string.

To search the code use That is as powerful tool for developers. For translators this short instruction might be sufficient:

  • Select "aoo-trunk" on the right side.
  • Enter the search term in the "Full Search" field. The wild cards * and ? are allowed, but not as first character. A phrase has to be enclosed with quotation marks. If you enter several words, they are automatically treated as been connected by AND.
  • In the field "File Path" you can enter a part of the path or filename, for example 'helpcontent2' for all files of the built-in help. Or you use NOT to exclude those paths, you know to be irrelevant.
PootleGuide OpenGrok.png

In the example you will find that the string "Purple Pipe" is contained in the file standard.sog. Click on the search result to open the file in your browser.<See Issue 122790 , why this string is not yet (August 2013) in Pootle.>


This tool provides a read access to all files of Apache-SVN. The tree of the OpenOffice project starts in .

You will notice, that this is similar to the tree view in the page "Overview" in Pootle. Click on the directory name to open that folder and move down in the tree, click on "Parent directory" to move up.

A click on a file name gives you its revision log. To view the current file in the browser, click "View" of the top entry; use "Download" to save it to your PC. To go back, up in the tree, use the navigator line at top of the page.

PootleGuide viewvc localizesdf.png

The .po files for the user interface are based on localize.sdf files. Each language has its own file. Find these files in These files are about 13MB in size. <As of August 2013, there are plans to get rid of the localize.sdf files and use .po files directly. Such change was already done in LibreOffice.>

The .po files for the built-in help are based on .xhp files. Find these files in

Make Your Installation Verbose

Extended Tips

Set the environment variable HELP_DEBUG=true. It depends on your operating system how to do it. Find details on environment variables for Apache OpenOffice in

Now your extended tips in AOO look like this

PootleGuilde ExtendedTipExample.png

Notice there is an additional part under the --- divider. The tip shows now the helpID of the item and the internal module. You can use the last part after the colon to search for it in Pootle, here search for CBX_PREVIEW for example.

Using extended tips is not enabled in the defaults. Use one of these ways to show extended tips

  • Enable them in Tools > Options > OpenOffice > General
  • In the toolbar "Standard" set the icon "What's this?" to visible. Click the icon and hover with the mouse over an UI element. Click again to leave this mode.
  • Customize a toolbar and add the item "Extended Help" to it. Find it in the category "Application". This command has no icon assigned. To connect an icon to the command or change the command name to e.g. "Help+" click on the button "Modify" in the customization dialog and select the corresponding item. With this command you can easily toggle between extended tips on/off. Use a similar way to assign a shortcut key to this command.

Transforming the Style of the Built-in Help

Issue 56321 "Instructions on Help review" provides three tools to make the structure of the build-in help visible.

It adds an entry "All Help Documents for Debug Purpose" to the "Content" page of the build-in help. This new section shows the helpfiles not by title but by filename and in the same hierarchical order as in Pootle.
This file colors the help texts in a way, that you can easily see, what kind of content it is.
This file causes, that in the build-in help the helpIDs are shown in addition to the text. With the information about file and location from Pootle, you can now easily identify the string in the help and see its context.

To transform your help do this:

  1. Get the newest versions of the files allfiles.tree, default.css, and main_transform.xsl from Issue 56321 .
  2. Close your OpenOffice including the Quickstarter.
  3. Locate the folder "help" in your installation. For my Windows 7 it is the path C:\Program Files\OpenOffice 4\help. For you it should be similar.
  4. You should see a file main_transform.xsl in this folder. Rename it to e.g. main_transform.xsl.orig and copy the corresponding file form the issue here.
  5. You should see subfolders that are named as the language codes. Open the folder of the language, for which you will produce the translation.
  6. You should see some files with file extension .tree. Copy the file allfiles.tree here.
  7. Locate the file default.css in this folder and rename it to e.g. default.css.orig. Copy the corresponding file from the issue here.
  8. Start OpenOffice and open a help page. At top of the page you will see a short explanation about the meaning of the colors and styles.

<Some new files are missing in allfiles.tree. But I don't know yet, whether the file has to be updated manually or a script for generating the file exists.>

Using a KeyID -Build

<How to get a keyID build; link to existing pages in this wiki>

<How to use a keyID>

Tips and Tricks for Translation of the User Interface

Accelerator keys (mnemonics)

<see mail from Andrea; explain difference with shortcuts like CTRL-O>

How to find a string in my OpenOffice-Installation

<Problem description by example>

<get the application module>

<Search identifier in source to get other texts from the same dialog or menu.>

<Verify a candidate by the identifier>

How to find an UI string in Pootle

<Problem description by example>

<Case .uno:command, using it in the search>

<Using a keyID build>

Tips and Tricks for Translation of the Help

What must not be Translated

<show examples for each item>



<StarBasic source code>

Extended tips

<Location inside the help>

Finding items

<Find an item by filename and paragraph ID.>

General problems

The English word is ambiguous

<example: record -- database item or verb>

The corresponding UI Element does not exist

<example: main toolbar>

The English Help is Wrong

<writing issues>

I'm stuck

<native language mailing list>

Personal tools