XML processing to CSV

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This script was published by Tommy at the OpenOffice Basic, Python, BeanShell, JavaScript.

This script allows to convert from XML to CSV.

Original code

    #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import os, sys, zipfile, xml.dom.minidom
    # Script to export LibreOffice Auto Correct Entries
    # into a flat file (e.g. to reuse some of them with autokey)
    ACEfile=r'C:\Program Files\OpenOffice\User\LibreOffice 3\user\autocorr\acor_it-IT.dat'   # This is a ZIP where LibreOffice stores its auto correct entries
    '''ACEfile=r'C:\Program Files\OpenOffice\User\LibreOffice 3\user\autocorr\acor_it-IT.dat' #for windows ''' 
   ifname='DocumentList.xml'                                # Name of the file inside the ZIP archive that contains auto correct entries
    ofname='AutoCorrectEntries.csv'                          # any desired output file name for the export
    tagname= 'block-list:block'                              # (as in DocumentList.xml)
    schema=['block-list:abbreviated-name','block-list:name'] # (as in DocumentList.xml)
    default_encoding='UTF-8'                                 # (as in DocumentList.xml)
    ofdelimiter=";"                                          # any desired delimiter for export
    of = open(ofname,"w")
    oACE = zipfile.ZipFile(ACEfile)
    zif = oACE.open(ifname, "r") # access as read-only ZipExtFile object
    doctree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(zif)  # Parse the input file as DOM (document object model, xml-tree) into memory
    if doctree.encoding:
        encoding = doctree.encoding
       encoding = default_encoding
    for elem in doctree.getElementsByTagName(tagname):
       for fieldname in schema:
    of.close()     # Close output file
    doctree.unlink # and deallocate DOM object

Process of the script

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