Localization AOO/workPlan

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< Localization AOO
Revision as of 22:11, 25 December 2014 by Pescetti (talk | contribs) (Clarify this is a proposal)
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The following is a milestone plan for transition from the current l10n to the new l10n.

The plan is updated whenever something major has happened, and only the missing parts are described.

There are 2 separate project, which will be executed in parallel:

Information project

This project is the interface to offline translators, NLC and people interested in l10n.

The milestones are as follows

  • Update all of wiki localization/l10n
  • Update country specific pages and contact NLC to get things running

Due to what seems to a conflict of interest, this part has been postponed

Development project

This project is mainly developer and integrator oriented.

The milestones are as follows:

  • change l10n tools to one tool (genLang) that generates module specific files (instead of a file pr source) and not sdf file
  • build "extraction" in genLang tool
  • update local git branch, with svn trunk (requires committer)
  • build "merge" in genLang tool
  • update local git branch, with svn trunk (requires committer)
  • QA test of "extraction" process
  • update procedures for getting text to pootle
  • build "generate" in genLang tool
  • update local git branch, with svn trunk (requires committer)
  • build "insert" in genLang tool
  • update local git branch, with svn trunk (requires committer)
  • QA test of flow to/from sources
  • change build/make to include new target, I need someone to ping-pong with about the best way forward

The second phase awaits the outcome of a discussion with pootle people (can SVN be used, etc), but assuming yes:

  • Update Pootle server to work on SVN, here I need help since I have no access at all
  • Update Pootle server with missing funnctionality
  • QA whole process, help would be appreciated (4 eyes are better than 2).
  • update documentation.

it can be seen, that I need a lot of communication with a committer just for the pure work, I would anyhow appreciate input/comments from time to time.

The total calendar time needed is about 2 months, if the committer and I have a very close working order.

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