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Revision as of 16:22, 17 February 2015 by JZA (talk | contribs) (Added code from oooforum.)
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This code was originally written on the oooforum, you can reach it here. The code was somewhat broken down into different areas so the reader can understand each step.

The intend of the code is to:

  1. Create a new spreadsheet
  2. Open an existing spreadsheet
  3. Insert strings inito a cell
  4. Insert formulas into a cell
  5. Insert graphs to a range
Sub Main 
   ' Work with the writer document that this macro is embedded into. 
   oWriterDoc = ThisComponent 
   ' Get the collection of tables from the Writer doc. 
   oWriterTables = oWriterDoc.getTextTables() 
   ' Get the table named FooBar. 
   ' Each table has a name.  We want the table named FooBar. 
   ' To see or change the name of a table, first click in the table, 
   '  then Format-->Table, pick the Table tab, and adjust the Name. 
   oWriterTable = oWriterTables.getByName( "FooBar" ) 
   ' Find out how many Rows and Columns the table has. 
   nRows = oWriterTable.getRows().getCount() 
   nCols = oWriterTable.getColumns().getCount() 
   ' Create a new Calc spreadsheet. 
   oCalcDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/scalc", "_blank", 0, Array() ) 
   ' Get the first sheet of the document. 
   oSheet = oCalcDoc.getSheets().getByIndex( 0 ) 
'   oSheet = oCalcDoc.getSheets().getByName( "Sheet1" ) ' an alternate way to get by name 

   ' Determine where we are going to insert the data from the Writer table. 
   nFirstRow = 6 
   nFirstCol = 2 
   ' Copy the data, row by row, column by column 
   For nRow = 0 To nRows-1 
      For nCol = 0 To nCols-1 
         oWriterCell = oWriterTable.getCellByPosition( nCol, nRow ) 
         oCalcCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition( nCol+nFirstCol, nRow+nFirstRow ) 
         ' If the cell has a formula, then copy that... 
         If oWriterCell.getFormula() <> "" Then 
            oCalcCell.setFormula( oWriterCell.getFormula() ) 
         ' If the cell has a non-zero numeric value, then copy that... 
         ElseIf oWriterCell.getValue() <> 0 Then 
            oCalcCell.setValue( oWriterCell.getValue() ) 
            ' Question... what if the cell is numeric, but zero? 
         ElseIf oWriterCell.getString() = "0" Then 
            oCalcCell.setValue( oWriterCell.getValue() ) 
            oCalcCell.setString( oWriterCell.getString() ) 
End Sub

This code can be greatly enhanced, if you want to provide a better version of the code, please edit it and notify me for feedback. JZA (talk)

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