Getting the source (older versions)

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Book-old.png    {{#switch:EN

| RU = Статья устарела.     | UA = Статья устарела.     | EN = This article is outdated.     | PT = Este artigo está desatualizado.     | #default = This article is outdated.    


{{#if: | |}}

Documentation caution.png This page is for the 3.1.x version. For the latest release, see the Building Guide.

SCM access for the 3.1 release code line (named OOO310) using Subversion

Checking out a milestone (a stable development version released by RelEng)

svn checkout svn://

Replace XX with the highest currently available milestone.

The files will be placed in the current directory.


for a list of available milestones.

Documentation note.png For more information on using Subversion with OOo, see:

Book-old.png    {{#switch:EN

| RU = Статья устарела.     | UA = Статья устарела.     | EN = This article is outdated.     | PT = Este artigo está desatualizado.     | #default = This article is outdated.    


{{#if: | |}}

Documentation caution.png This page is for the 2.4.x version. For the latest release, see the Building Guide.

The source code can be fetched in several ways, as described below.

Downloading the source

The 2.4.2 version of the source code can be downloaded as tarballs from this page.

The source is pretty big and has therefore been split into several files.

Tarball Description
OOo_2.4.x_src_core.tar.bz2 The necessary part for each build, the other tarballs depend on this one.
OOo_2.4.x_src_system.tar.bz2 Libraries that usually exist on a standard Linux system. It's not absolutely necessary to build own version on Linux. For a Windows build this package is usually required.
OOo_2.4.x_src_binfilter.tar.bz2 The filters for old binary StarOffice formats
OOo_2.4.x_src_l10n.tar.bz2 Translations of the software for many languages
OOo_2.4.x_src_sdk.tar.bz2 SDK source package

Unpack these tarballs to a directory. They will create a new directory with the name of the milestone, such as OOH680_m18. This folder will from now on be the $SRC_ROOT, so set this environment variable to this path on your machine.

If you intend to build on Linux without the system tarball:

  • You will need to tell ./configure explicitly to use the system libraries for the software that is otherwise contained in this tarball. Otherwise the build will fail.
  • System software is in active development. If it has changed significantly (and Mozilla sometimes does), the build may fail or may not work correctly.
  • unowinreg.dll - Do not be fooled by the .dll extension. Without it, the build will fail on Linux and it is not included in the core package. Don't worry about downloading this now because the build process will tell you where to get it and where to stick it to proceed.

For a full build you need them all. For development, src_core is usually all you need (but see the caveats for src_system above).

You might be interested particularly in the Get the source code section in the build guide. It is written for Linux, but it is quite similar for all the platforms.

export ''
cvs login
(CVS password: anoncvs)
cvs co -r <milestone> OpenOffice3

The tool to browse project source code online has some additional hints.

If you want just to test development releases, you can download already compiled builds from [1]. List of available Mac builds is in Mac OS X Development Builds.

Checking out a CWS through CVS

This section is a draft!

First, find the CWS name such as picom. Then, lookup the CWS name in EIS (e.g., picom). Notice "Milestone (current)" is m222 (in this example as of time of writing): that is the base milestone. Then, notice the affected modules listed under "Modules & Files."

You will checkout the base milestone from CVS. The convention for base milestone is SRC680_m### (later DEV300_m###?). Then in each affected module (where a module is basically a directory), you will update the module with CVS. The convention for the revision tag for the CWS is cws_src680_####.

Here is a script.

# configure these variables according to the particular CWS
AFFECTED_MODULES="basebmp basegfx canvas comphelper cppcanvas \
        desktop filter goodies offapi offuh psprint sal  \
        slideshow solenv testshl2 tools unotools vcl xpdf"
export CVSROOT=''
echo 'Enter the password is anoncvs'
cvs login
cvs co -r $BASE_MILESTONE_TAG OpenOffice2
       echo "updating module $d"
       pushd $d
       cvs up -dP -r $CWS_TAG

If you have a working ~/.cwsrc configuration file setup and the SOLARENV environment variable is set to an already existing solenv directory of a previously checked out OOo tree, e.g. export SOLARENV="$HOME/ooo/SRC680/src.m222/solenv", and PATH contains the solenv/bin directory, e.g. export PATH="$SOLARENV/bin:$PATH", then the list of affected modules may be automatically obtained using AFFECTED_MODULES="$(cwsquery -m src680 -c picom modules)"

You also may use cwsquery to obtain the current milestone of the CWS with BASE_MILESTONE_TAG="SRC680_$(cwsquery -m src680 -c picom current)"

When scripting this it is a good idea to check the exit code of cwsquery commands in case your ~/.cwsrc is broken or the environment prerequisites aren't met or the EIS database isn't reachable, so add the following after each cwsquery command:

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   echo 'cwsquery unsuccessful.'
   exit 1

If you already have ~/.cwsrc working and a milestone master build ready and want to work on a CWS based on that milestone see Tuning in to a CWS, which offers a method that does not require to rebuild the entire tree.

External links

See also


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