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Edit-find-replace.png {{#switch:EN | RU = Эта статья должна быть проверена на точность и соответствие стилю. | UA = Ця стаття повинна бути перевірена на точність і відповідність стилю. | EN = This article should be checked for accuracy and conformity to style. | PT = Este artigo deve ser verificado quanto à precisão e conformidade ao estilo. | #default = Эта статья должна быть проверена на точность и соответствие стилю. (This article should be checked for accuracy and conformity to style) }}

The UNO C++ Language

The aim of this chapter is to explain peculiarities of the C++ language in the UNO environment and not to provide skills on traditional C++. To put it differently, I want to give here the UNO/C++ background, quite helpful in getting us started. You can find e-Books on C++ here.

See also Understanding Uno, Objects, Interfaces, and Services and OOoBasic UNO Guide for a start with UNO.

Our starting Example : Simple Binaries (Executable)

We want now to start with a SDK example. The purpose of the example presented is to create an executable which interacts with Apache OpenOffice. We can imagine two kind of interactions : direct interaction with OpenOffice or interaction with one of AOO's shared library. We focus on this second case where the makefile is simpler. The shared library involved is then ( under Windows). Former case will be examined later. I assume (I know nobody of the SDK team) this example is given to provide the simplest example we can do with the SDK. This is the Lifetime example: see at “<SDK_Folder>/examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/Lifetime”

Before diving into the examples, you will need to set up your programming environment so you can create UNO programs. What's required depends on what platform you're working. This is shown in the first example with LINUX platform. To check this example you only have to launch the makefile :

Documentation linux.png
cd <SDK_Folder>
cd examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/Lifetime
make ProfUnoLifetime.runexe

The last command line only launch the binary executable “ProfUnoLifetime” which interact with ( under Windows) even if Apache OpenOffice is not running. This example creates and releases an object, nothing more. The constructor and destructor of the object only write out a message. Its little size allows us to give its code here:

// Listing 1 First Example (from SDK)
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/weak.hxx>

class MyOWeakObject : public ::cppu::OWeakObject
fprintf( stdout, "constructed\n" ); 
fprintf( stdout, "destructed\n" ); 

void simple_object_creation_and_destruction()
// create the UNO object    
com::sun::star::uno::XInterface * p = new MyOWeakObject(); 
// acquire it, refcount becomes one    
fprintf( stdout, "before release\n" ); 
// release it, refcount drops to zero    
fprintf( stdout, "after release\n" );
int main( char * argv[] )
return 0;

The two methods acquire and release will be encountered later. What exactly they do is not important for the moment. This example shows us how to write a class which inherits from another class, how to write and call methods and how to instantiate the class. All the listings given below only need to modify this C++ code, compile it and run it. You can therefore use the same makefile by possibly changing the name of the source file (tackled in next section).


The UNO types are given in the table below :

UNO Types
UNO Type description Java C++ Basic
char 16-bit unicode character type char sal_Unicode -
boolean boolean type; true and false boolean sal_Bool Boolean
byte 8-bit ordinal type byte sal_Int8 Integer
short signed 16-bit ordinal type short sal_Int16 Integer
unsigned short unsigned 16-bit ordinal type - sal_uInt16 -
long signed 32-bit ordinal type int sal_Int32 Long
unsigned long unsigned 32-bit type - sal_uInt32 -
hyper signed 64-bit ordinal type long sal_Int64 -
unsigned hyper unsigned 64-bit ordinal type - sal_uInt64 -
float processor dependent float float float (IEEE float) Single
double processor dependent double double double (IEEE double) Double

The UNO's column represents all the types you can find in the specifications files : IDL files. We describe IDL files later (see chapter 10). The C++ column is what we are interested in when we program with this language. If you want to check the different programs given in this chapter, you can use the <OpenOffice.org1.1_SDK>/examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/Lifetime example. Replace object_lifetime.cxx completely with the listing below (don't forget to save the old file)

// Listing 2 A short UNO Program 
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>

main( ) {
	sal_Int32 var1;
	var1 = 34;
	printf("The var1 value is : %d\n",var1);
   	return 0;

then launch

make ALL
make ProfUnoLifetime.runexe

and it works. Don't forget ./setsdkenv_unix (only one time) on Linux and the corresponding command (setsdkenv_windows.bat) on Windows.


We can find also good materials in Developer's guide on Sequence. A sequence is an abstract view of a set of UNO types with a variable number of elements. As first example, we give a very simple program:

// Listing 3  UNO Sequences
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;

main( ) {
	Sequence < sal_Int32 > SetOfInt(5);
	//var1 = 34;
	printf("The value is : %d\n",SetOfInt[2]);
    return 0;

The important things to notice are as follows:

  • the type of each element of the set is put between angular brackets: "<" and ">". In the example above sal_int32 is the type.
  • declaration of sequence is done with parentheses "(" and ")" and the number of elements of the sequence between them. In the example above a sequence of five sal_Int32 elements is declared.
  • accessing elements of the sequence is done with "[" and "]" and an index between them (generally called subscript operator). This allows us to say that sequences are referenced like arrays. But they are different in some way, for instance they don't have a fixed size.
  • We have to include Sequence.hxx file in a program when using Sequence. Note that this file is provided with the SDK and this is not always the case for all hxx files (some of them have to be reconstructed).

We have to use the correct namespace with adding "using namespace …" If you don't use this statement, you have to write com::sun::star::uno::Sequence instead of Sequence. A Sequence can be created with arbitrary UNO type but not with other types. The object SetOfInt has many methods. We give an example to show some of them:

// Listing 4 Examples of using Sequence Methods
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;

main( ) {
	Sequence < sal_Int32 > SetOfInt(5);
	sal_Int32 *table;
	printf("The value is : %d\n",SetOfInt[2]);
	// Tests whether the sequence has elements, i.e. elements count is greater than zero
	if (SetOfInt.hasElements()) printf("Set not empty\n");
	// Gets a pointer to elements array for reading and writing. If the sequence 
	//  has a length of 0, then the returned pointer is undefined
	table = SetOfInt.getArray();
	printf("The value is : %d\n",SetOfInt[4]); // prints out 78
	printf("New length : %d\n",SetOfInt.getLength()); // prints out 7
	return 0;

The comments explain what is printed out when executing this example. The method realloc is particularly important: it allows the size of set to change.

Let us focus on using sequences in function or as parameter. An example is again more descriptive than a long text:

// Listing 5 Sequence and Parameters 
// C++
// function
Sequence < sal_Int32 > initSequence(){
	sal_Int32 sourceArray[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
	Sequence < sal_Int32 > SeqOfInt(sourceArray,5);
	return SeqOfInt;
// reference parameter
void initSequence2(Sequence < sal_Int32 > &SeqOfInt ) {
	sal_Int32 sourceArray[4]={1,2,3,4};
	Sequence < sal_Int32 > SeqOfInt2(sourceArray,4);

An obvious call could be :

// Listing 6 Sequence and Parameters (following) 
// C++
	SetOfInt = initSequence();
	printf("New length : %d\n",SetOfInt.getLength()); // prints out 5
	printf("New length : %d\n",SetOfInt.getLength()); // prints out 4

We cannot leave this section without adding that operators == and != are available with sequences. Note also that "toUnoSequence()", "getCppuSequenceType()" and "getCharSequenceCppuType()" are also member functions.

Passing a sequence into a function by value is, like a vector, somewhat inefficient because the function must make a copy of all elements. It's better to use a constant reference as shown below:

// Listing 7 The Constant Reference method
#include <iostream>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace std;

// Passing a Sequence by value using the Constant Reference method
void avoidCopy(const Sequence< double > &ConstRef){
	// ConstRef[2]=6.7; would fail here
	for(int i=0;i<ConstRef.getLength();i++)
           cout<<ConstRef[i]<<" ";
main( ) {
    Sequence < double > demo(5);
    return 0;

See other material in Developer's Guide (UNO C++ Binding).


In C, a string is simply an array of characters that always includes a binary zero (often called the null terminator) as its final array element. UNO/C++ API manages strings with two classes: OUString and OString. The former uses Unicode characters.

UNO Type description Java C++ Basic
string String of 16-bit unicode characters Java.lang.string ::rtl::OUString String

But, if you want to use ASCII characters the latter class is for you.

OUString and OString

OUString and OString classes are designed for UNO programmers. Only OString can be used with a standard C printf. To put it differently OString is nearer to the common C ASCII strings (array of characters) than OUString (which is an array of Unicode). But all strings managed by UNO API are OUString. That means, if you want to see something in the console, you have to convert OUString to OString. If you ask something to the user and want to pass it to UNO API, you have to convert OString to OUString. Then if you want to use the console (in general for testing) you have to learn first both conversions.

OUString to OString

If OUStr is a OUString object, we give this example for conversion:

// Listing 8 Converting OUString into OString
// C++
#include <rtl/string.hxx>

	OString o = OUStringToOString( OUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
	printf( "Conversion result : %s\n", o.pData->buffer );

OString to OUString

The inverse conversion is easy too :

// Listing 9 Converting OString into OUString
// C++
	OUString foo;
	foo = OUString::createFromAscii("Hi everybody");

Here is a complete conversion example:

// Listing 10 A complete Example
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <rtl/string.hxx>
using namespace rtl;

main( ) {
	OUString OUStr;
	OUStr = OUString::createFromAscii("Hi everybody");
	OString OStr = OUStringToOString( OUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
	printf( "OUStr was : %s\n", OStr.pData->buffer );
	return 0;

We see that a rtl namespace has to be used. If not, please replace OUString by ::rtl::OUString. OUString and OString objects are class type variables, and then the operations that can be performed on O(U)Strings take the form


For example, if string1 and string2 are variables of type OUString, then


can be used to compare both strings. A function like compareTo(), which is part of the O(U)String-class is called a member function. The O(U)String class offers a large number of these member functions, as well as extensions of some well-known operators, like the assignment (=) and the comparison operator (==). These operators and functions are discussed in the following sections. The OUString and OString methods are similar: we give a complete example which shows some of them:

// Listing 11 A more complete Example
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <rtl/string.hxx>
using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OString;

main( ) {
	OUString OUStr1,OUStr2;
	OString OStr1, OStr2;
	OStr1="Hi every body";
	OStr2="every body";
	OUStr1 = OUString::createFromAscii("Hi everybody");
	OUStr2 = OUString::createFromAscii("Hi everybody");
	// Returns the length of this string
	printf("Length : %d\n",OUStr1.getLength()); // prints out 13
	// Compares two strings
	printf("CompareTo : %d\n",OUStr1.compareTo(OUStr2)); // prints out 0
	// Compares two strings
        // serviceName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("my_module.MyService2") );
	printf("equals : %d\n",OUStr1.equals(OUStr2)); // prints out 1
	if (OUStr1.equals(OUStr2)) printf("OK\n");// prints out OK
	// Compares two strings
	printf("CompareToAscii : %d\n",OUStr1.compareToAscii(OStr1)); // prints out 0
	// Compares two strings with a maximum count of characters
	printf("CompareToAscii : %d\n",OUStr1.compareToAscii(OStr1),10); // prints out 0
	// Perform a comparison of a substring in this string
	// is "every body" in position 3 of OUStr1 ?
	if (OUStr1.match(OUString::createFromAscii("everybody"),3))
		printf("match : OK\n"); //prints out match : OK
	// Perform a comparison of a substring in this string
	if (OUStr1.matchAsciiL(OStr2,OStr2.getLength(),3))
		printf("matchAsciiL: OK\n");
	// Returns the float value from this string
	OUStr2 = OUString::createFromAscii("1.675");
	printf("toFloat : %f\n",OUStr2.toFloat()); // prints out 1.675000
	// Value Of :
	OUStr1 = OUStr1.valueOf((float)1.56);
	printf( "Value of : %s\n", OStr1.pData->buffer );
	// concat
	OUStr2=OUStr2.concat(OUString::createFromAscii(" ..."));
	printf( "concat is : %s\n", OStr1.pData->buffer );
	return 0;

We can also see in this program how the concat method (three last lines) is used. The toFloat() conversion method is not alone: toBoolean(), toChar(), toInt32(), toInt64(), toDouble(), toAsciiLowerCase() and toAsciiUpperCase() exist also. Now we terminate with presenting some other methods (see C++ material):

String methods
indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting the search at the specified index
sal_Int32 hashCode() Returns a hashcode for this string
sal_int32 lastIndexOf(sal_Unicode ch ) Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character, searching backward starting at the end
sal_Int32 lastIndexOf(sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex ) Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character, searching backward starting at the specified index
sal_Int32 lastIndexOf(const OUString & str ) Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified substring, searching backward starting at the end
OUString copy(sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) OUString copy(sal_Int32 beginIndex ) Returns a new string that is a substring of this string
OUString replaceAt(sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString & newStr ) Returns a new string resulting from replacing n = count characters from position index in this string with newStr
OUString replace(sal_Unicode oldChar, sal_Unicode newChar ) Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar
OUString trim() Returns a new string resulting from removing white space from both ends of the string
OUString getToken(sal_Int32 token, sal_Unicode cTok, sal_Int32 & index ) Returns a token in the string

I cannot close this section without giving a code found in AOo source /OOB680_m5/registry/source/regimpl.cxx

//Listing 11-b Printing out an OUString
// C++
void printString(rtl::OUString const & s) {
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < s.getLength(); ++i) {
        sal_Unicode c = s[i];
        if (c == '"' || c == '\\') {
            printf("\\%c", static_cast< char >(c));
        } else if (s[i] >= ' ' && s[i] <= '~') {
            printf("%c", static_cast< char >(c));
        } else {
            printf("\\u%04X", static_cast< unsigned int >(c));

If you want to see the content of an OUString with standard output, you have only to convert it to OString :

//Listing 11-c Printing out an OUString with standard C++ output
// C++
  OUString OUStr  = OUString::createFromAscii( "Hello" );
  OString   OStr  = OUStringToOString ( OUStr,RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
  cout <<  Ostr << endl;

File Path

Documentation linux.png Linux related content : the file paths are OS-dependent. To remove this dependency, UNO use URL and a way to transform a file path to an URL. We show an example now
// Listing 12 UNO URL
// C++
// Don't forget #include <osl/file.hxx>
	OUString sDocUrl;
// Windows C++ to check
//	osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(
//			  OUString::createFromAscii("\"C:\\My Documents\\tata.sxc\""),sDocUrl);

A complete example is given in the below listing :

// Listing 13 Using URL
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OString;
using namespace osl;

main( ) {
	OUString sDocUrl;
	OString toPrintOut;
	toPrintOut = OUStringToOString( sDocUrl, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
	printf( "URL is : %s\n", toPrintOut.pData->buffer );
	// prints out URL is : file:///home/smoutou/edt.sxd
	return 0;

which shows how to use the conversion. Remember that we work with UNO and therefore the URL is an OUString.

Documentation windows.png Only file paths have to be changed to transform these programs into Windows programs

SDK Example

Here is some code provided by SDK :

// Listing 14 SDK Example
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/string.hxx>

using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OUStringBuffer;
using rtl::OString;

int main( int argc, char * argv [] )
    // string concatination

    sal_Int32 n = 42;
    double pi = 3.14159;

    // give it an initial size, should be a good guess.
    // stringbuffer extends if necessary
    OUStringBuffer buf( 128 );

    // append an ascii string
    buf.appendAscii( "pi ( here " );

    // numbers can be simply appended
    buf.append( pi );

    // lets the compiler count the stringlength, so this is more efficient than
    // the above appendAscii call, where length of the string must be calculated at
    // runtime
    buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(" ) multiplied with " ) );
    buf.append( n );
    buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(" gives ") );
    buf.append( (double)( n * pi ) );
    buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "." ) );

    // now transfer the buffer into the string.
    // afterwards buffer is empty and may be reused again !
    OUString string = buf.makeStringAndClear();

    // I could of course also used the OStringBuffer directly
    OString oString = rtl::OUStringToOString( string , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );

    // just to print something
    printf( "%s\n" ,oString.getStr() );
    return 0;

This example shows an other way to use OUString, OString and buffer.

For performance analysis see Some String Performance Thoughts

Sequence of Strings

Sequence has been tackled in a previous section. If you want to construct a Sequence of string (useful in list box ...) have a look on this piece of code :

// Listing 15 An Example of Sequence of Strings
// C++
// Sequence of string
#include <rtl/string.hxx>
// Don't forget to add #include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
// Don't forget to add using namespace com::sun::star::uno;

// retrieve them and prints out
	for (int i=0;i<seqStrlistItems.getLength();i++){
		OString toPrintOut = OUStringToOString(seqStrlistItems[i],RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
		printf("-- %s\n",toPrintOut.pData->buffer);

This code prints out in the shell console :

-- Item1
-- Item2
[smoutou@p3 Lifetime]$ 

It is easy to understand and therefore I have nothing more to say about it.

Exercise on Sequence of Strings

Write and test the following "convert2SeqOUStrInDEBUGMODE" function with a sequence of "sal_Int8" as parameter and which returns a sequence of Strings in a format like the dump method of the old "debug" of DOS. This format will be used here, but without this function.

Solution : here is the corresponng function code

Sequence< OUString > convert2SeqOUStrInDEBUGMODE(Sequence < sal_Int8 > seqBytes){
  sal_Int8 Hexa[16]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
  sal_Int32 lin,col;
  sal_Char line[80];
  sal_Int32 len,sequenceSize,index;
  if ((len&0XFFF0)==len) sequenceSize--; //if len%16==0
  Sequence< OUString > SeqOUStr(sequenceSize);
  // First line with length 
  SeqOUStr[0] = OUString::createFromAscii("Length:")+
                OUString::valueOf((sal_Int32) seqBytes.getLength());
  len = len&0XFFF0; // remove the modulo 16
        line[3*col]=Hexa[((unsigned char)seqBytes[lin+col])>>4];
	line[3*col+2]=' ';
        if ((seqBytes[lin+col]<128)&&(seqBytes[lin+col]>20)) line[50+col]=seqBytes[lin+col];
        else line[50+col]='.';
      } /* end of for */
      line[66]=0; /* end of cstring...*/
      line[48]=' ';line[49]=' ';
  // ready to add the OUString in Sequence
      if ((lin%16)==0) index = lin/16+1; else index=lin/16+2;
  } /* end of for */ 
  // the last line is more complicated because not complete
  // we only keep modulo
  if (len>0) { // only a line here if non-empty
  for (lin=0;lin<len;lin++){
    line[3*col]=Hexa[((unsigned char)seqBytes[lin])>>4];
    line[3*col+2]=' ';
    if ((seqBytes[lin]<128)&&(seqBytes[lin]>20)) line[50+col]=seqBytes[lin];
    else line[50+col]='.';
  // we complete the line
  for (++col;col<16;col++){
	line[3*col]=' ';line[3*col+1]=' ';line[3*col+2]=' ';line[50+col]=' ';
  line[66]=0; /* end of string...*/
  line[48]=' ';line[49]=' ';
  // ready to add the OUString in Sequence
  } //end if
  return SeqOUStr;

and now how this function can be used :

sal_Int8 sourceArray[32]={1,22,23,24,55,56,57,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,61,62,-32,-33,-34,-35,26,127,-31,29,56,23,67};
        Sequence < sal_Int8 > seqBytes(sourceArray,32);
	Sequence < OUString > seqOUStr=convert2SeqOUStrInDEBUGMODE(seqBytes);
	printf("%s\n",OUStringToOString( seqOUStr[0], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer);
	printf("%s\n",OUStringToOString( seqOUStr[1], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer);
	printf("%s\n",OUStringToOString( seqOUStr[2], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer);

In our introspection tool we need also this format but in one string. It's easy to write the corresponding code :

OUString convert2OUStrInDEBUGMODE(Sequence < sal_Int8 > seqBytes){
  Sequence <OUString> SeqOUStr = convert2SeqOUStrInDEBUGMODE(seqBytes);
  OUString OUStr;
  for(sal_Int32 i=0;i<SeqOUStr.getLength();i++)
    OUStr = OUStr+SeqOUStr[i]+OUString::createFromAscii("\n");
  return OUStr;

which can be used with :

sal_Int8 sourceArray[32]={1,22,23,24,55,56,57,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,61,62,-32,-33,-34,-35,26,127,-31,29,56,23,67};
        Sequence < sal_Int8 > seqBytes(sourceArray,32);

        OUString OUStr=convert2OUStrInDEBUGMODE(seqBytes);
        printf("%s\n",OUStringToOString( OUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer);


We can find also good materials in Developer's guide on Any type. Any is easy to use only with <<= and >>= operators and we then often use intermediate variables. We can use also the build-in “makeAny” function :

// Listing 16 makeAny Example
// C++
Any any = makeAny((long) 1000);

We give first an example above :

//Listing 17 Any Example
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OString;
using com::sun::star::uno::Any;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace rtl;

main( ) {
	Any any,any2;
	sal_Int32 n=5,n2=18;
	any <<= n;
	// Gets the type name of the set value
	OUString OUStr = any.getValueTypeName();
	OString OStr = OUStringToOString( OUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
	printf( "Any type : %s\n", OStr.pData->buffer );// prints out Any type : long
	// Tests if any contains a value
	if (any.hasValue()) printf("Any has a value\n");// prints out Any has a value
	// Clears this any. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed and
	// its memory freed. After this has been called, the any does not contain a value.
	if (any.hasValue()) printf("Any has a value\n");// prints out nothing
	any <<= n2;
	any2 <<= OUStr;
	// Unequality operator: compares two anys. The values need not be of equal type,
	// e.g. a short integer is compared to a long integer
	if (any != any2) printf("Two different any\n");

	Sequence< Any> aValues(2);
	aValues[0] <<= (float) 1.1; aValues[1] <<= OUString::createFromAscii("Text");
	aValues[1] >>= OUStr;
	float real;
	aValues[0] >>= real;
	printf("Seq - length : %d val : %f val %s\n",aValues.getLength(),real,OStr.pData->buffer);
	return 0;

This program prints out :

Any type : long
Any has a value
Two different any
Seq - length : 2 val : 1.100000 val Text

Another important problem is a sequence of sequence of Any : we give now a piece of code without explanation :

// Listing 18 Sequence of Sequence of Any
// C++
Sequence< Sequence< Any > > aValues(2); 
Sequence< Any > aValues2(2);
aValues2[0] <<=  (double) 1.1; aValues2[1] <<= OUString::createFromAscii("Hello");
aValues[0] = aValues2;
aValues2[0] <<=  (double)2.2; aValues2[1] <<= OUString::createFromAscii("Hi");
aValues[1] = aValues2;

This code uses two sequences. I have not found an other simpler way to do that. If anybody has a more straightforward solution, I would be happy learn about it. If it is possible to access directely a value in a 2D array but I found only one means using an intermediate sequence (avalues2) in the case of sequence of sequence.


Documentation linux.png

We now want to create a textfile named "demo.txt". Here is the code to do this :

// Listing 19 A little Example manipulating Files
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>

using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OString;
using namespace osl;

main( ) {
	OUString FileName;
	sal_Int8 tab[25]="Hi every body\n";
	sal_uInt64 nb;
	File myfile(FileName);;
	printf("%d bytes are written\n",nb);
	return 0;
Documentation note.png The method open is not described in C++ documentation !!! I have found it while reading the “file.hxx” header file.

The flag you can pass to the "open" method are : OpenFlag_Write, OpenFlag_Read, OpenFlag_Create. The " using namespace osl;" is obligatory even if the compiler doesn't complain without. When a file is open, you can use the methods above :

// C++
// Write a number of bytes to a file
write( const void * pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesToWrite, sal_uInt64 & rBytesWritten );

// Read a number of bytes from a file
read( void * pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesRequested, sal_uInt64 & rBytesRead );

// Read a line from a file
ReadLine( ::rtl::ByteSequence & aSeq );

// Test if the end of a file is reached
isEndOfFile( sal_Bool * pIsEOF );

// Retrieve the current position of the internal pointer of an open file
getPos( sal_uInt64 & uPos );

// Set the internal position pointer of an open file. 
setPos( sal_uInt32 uHow, sal_Int64 uPos );

There are other possibilities : move, remove, copy... See the documentation or read the file.hxx file.

See « Streaming interfaces » for an other way to use files.


It would be great to use the Thread Class but it's so badly documented that we begin with process instead thread. Starting from an example posted in the forum Working with a Spreadsheet Document in C++ (by lirincy). This example gives a working code to start AOO if not started when launching a binary executable. We remove what was not usefull for us and give two examples.

Documentation linux.png
// Listing 20 A Process Example
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <osl/file.hxx>

using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OString;

main( ) {
// Don't forget to add #include <osl/process.h>
	oslProcess hProcess = NULL;
// Don't forget to add #include <osl/file.hxx>
	OUString FileURL;
	oslProcessError osl_error = osl_executeProcess(
	 0, /* osl_getCurrentSecurity() */
	 &hProcess );
	osl_error = osl_joinProcess(hProcess);
	return 0;
Documentation note.png Note that the demo file is an existing binary in /home/smoutou.

If you want to pass something to the launched program see AppArgs variable in the second example :

Documentation linux.png
// Listing 21 A second Process Example
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <osl/file.hxx>

using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OString;

main( ) {
// Don't forget to add #include <osl/process.h>
	oslProcess hProcess = NULL;
// Don't forget to add #include <osl/file.hxx>
	OUString FileURL;
	OUString AppArgs = OUString::createFromAscii("Arg1");
	oslProcessError osl_error = osl_executeProcess(
	 0, /* osl_getCurrentSecurity() */
	 &hProcess );
	osl_error = osl_joinProcess(hProcess);

	return 0;

I have tried working with thread but only with C style at the moment (not with using the thread class). Here is my first example code :

Documentation linux.png
// Listing 22 A working Thread Example
// C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <unistd.h> // LINUX

using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OString;

/** wait _nSec seconds.
void thread_sleep( sal_Int32 _nSec )
/// print statement in thread process must use fflush() to force display.
	printf("# wait %d seconds. ", _nSec );
	fflush( stdout );
	sleep( _nSec );
	printf("# done\n" );

void SAL_CALL thread1(void *) {
	printf("\n thread running");


void SAL_CALL thread2(int *nb){
	printf("\n thread nb=%d running",*nb);

main( ) {
// Don't forget to add #include <osl/thread.h>
	oslThread hThread = NULL;
//oslWorkerFunction type : void (SAL_CALL *oslWorkerFunction)(void*); in osl/thread.h
	oslWorkerFunction pFunction = (void (SAL_CALL *)(void*)) thread2;
	int pthreaddata=2;
// create and start the thread2 with 2 as a parameter value
	oslThread hThread2 = osl_createThread(pFunction,(void *) &pthreaddata);
// create and start the thread1 
	hThread = osl_createThread(thread1,NULL);

	return 0;

What is printed out is depending on how the screen is managed by your OS. Under Linux I obtained something like this :

 thread running
 thread running
 thread running
 thread running# done
 thread nb=2 running
 thread nb=2 running
 thread nb=2 running
 thread nb=2 running

Here you can see the second thread launched writes at first and only when the main sleeping is terminated, thread two is writing out. The other thread primitives can be found in osl/thread.h :

/** Create the thread, using the function-ptr pWorker as
	its main (worker) function. This functions receives in
	its void* parameter the value supplied by pThreadData.
	Once the OS-structures are initialized,the thread starts
	@return 0 if creation failed, otherwise a handle to the thread
oslThread SAL_CALL osl_createThread(oslWorkerFunction pWorker, void* pThreadData);

/** Create the thread, using the function-ptr pWorker as
	its main (worker) function. This functions receives in
	its void* parameter the value supplied by pThreadData.
	The thread will be created, but it won't start running.
	To wake-up the thread, use resume().
	@return 0 if creation failed, otherwise a handle to the thread
oslThread SAL_CALL osl_createSuspendedThread(oslWorkerFunction pWorker, void* pThreadData);

/** Release the thread handle.
	If Thread is NULL, the function won't do anything.
	Note that we do not interfere with the actual running of
	the thread, we just free up the memory needed by the handle.
void SAL_CALL osl_destroyThread(oslThread Thread);

/** Wake-up a thread that was suspended with suspend() or
	createSuspended(). The oslThread must be valid!
void SAL_CALL osl_resumeThread(oslThread Thread);

/** Suspend the execution of the thread. If you want the thread
	to continue, call resume(). The oslThread must be valid!
void SAL_CALL osl_suspendThread(oslThread Thread);
/** Returns True if the thread was created and has not terminated yet.
	Note that according to this definition a "running" thread might be
	suspended! Also returns False is Thread is NULL.
sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_isThreadRunning(const oslThread Thread);

/** Blocks the calling thread until Thread has terminated.
	Returns immediately if Thread is NULL.
void SAL_CALL osl_joinWithThread(oslThread Thread);

/** Blocks the calling thread at least for the given number
    of time.
void SAL_CALL osl_waitThread(const TimeValue* pDelay);

For more information you can read Multi-Thread Programming.

To go further : the Enumeration Type Problem

Sometimes we will encounter enumeration values. We have to learn how to resolve the problem. An example will be discussed later but we give it without its context here. The Cell content in Apache OpenOffice Calc is described by an enumeration. How can I know that, is not easy with the previous material, but I want to tackle the problem even if too soon to understand for a first reading.

All types used in programming are described in IDL files. Sometimes these IDL files are used to create hpp/hxx files.

This example is around CellContentType.idl file. Here is the summary of this file where we remove comments :

// Listing 23  CellContentType Enumeration type (IDL File)
// IDL
namespace com{
namespace sun{
namespace star{
namespace table{
enum CellContentType
    CellContentType_EMPTY = 0,
    CellContentType_VALUE = 1,
    CellContentType_TEXT = 2,
    CellContentType_FORMULA = 3,
} // table
} // star
} // sun
} // com

Three tips can be used when using this kind of enumeration :

  • In C++ a corresponding using namespace is necessary

using namespace com::sun::star::table This line can be drawn from the IDL file.

  • In C++ an include directive is necessary
#include <com/sun/star/table/CellContentType.hpp>

The name of the file to include and the path is easy to draw from IDL file.

  • We have to construct the previous hpp file. This is done with adding the red line above in the makefile :
TYPES := \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

After you can use this enumeration without problem like this :

// Listing 24 Enumeration type : an Example
// To check
// Don't forget to add #include <com/sun/star/table/CellContentType.hpp>
// Don't forget to add " \" in the makefile

	using namespace com::sun::star::table
	short enumval;
	enumval =  CellContentType_EMPTY;
	switch (enumval){
		case CellContentType_EMPTY : printf("Empty\n");break;
		case CellContentType_VALUE : printf("Numerical Value\n");break;
		case CellContentType_TEXT : printf("Text\n");break;
		case CellContentType_FORMULA : printf("Formula\n");break;

What is shown here is a general SDK's feature : we construct a hpp file starting from an IDL file. This is so important and unexpected for beginners that I will repeat many times these explanations later and more deeply here.

To go further : the Constant Type Problem

Values are not always defined with enumeration types as shown in previous section. Sometimes constants are used when programming with UNO. One example is again tackled later but we want again writes on it now. We first present the corresponding IDL file (as an example)

// Listing 25 CellFlags Constants type : IDL File 
module com {  module sun {  module star {  module sheet {
constants CellFlags
	const long VALUE = 1;
	const long DATETIME = 2;
	const long STRING = 4;
	const long ANNOTATION = 8;
	const long FORMULA = 16;
	const long HARDATTR = 32;
	const long STYLES = 64;
	const long OBJECTS = 128;
	const long EDITATTR = 256;
}; }; }; };

Compare this listing with Listing 23 to see the differences. If you want to use the constants above you first generate the corresponding hpp file with modifying the makefile as in previous section, and then add the corresponding include directive :

// C++
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/CellFlags.hpp>

in your C++ code. Note that with this include directive you can directly write something like

// C++

instead of

// C++
CellFlags_VALUE | CellFlags_DATETIME

as seen previously.

Going further with Sequences

We want to give any utilities used later in this document.

Converting Sequences into Array

Because it exists a correponding member function this conversion is very easy :

//Listing 27 Conversion Example
// C++
Sequence < sal_Int32 > SetOfInt(5);
sal_Int32 *table;
table = SetOfInt.getArray();

If you read carefully to this point, this code is familiar for you : it's drawn from Listing 4 and then already explained.

Converting Sequence of Sequence into Array

This problem has to be solved. We will use this kind of conversion later (see chapter 14). We first give two subprograms, to print out and to convert :

//Listing 28 Sequence of Sequence into 1D array
// Sequence of Sequence is printed out like that :
// toPrint[0][0] toPrint[0][1] toPrint[0][2]...
// toPrint[1][0] toPrint[1][1] toPrint[1][2]...
// ...
// Note that i denotes the first index
void printOutSeqSeq(const Sequence < Sequence < double > > &toPrint){
	cout << "Prints out SeqSeq" << endl;
        for(int i=0;i<toPrint.getLength();i++){
                Sequence < double > rLine = toPrint[i];
		double *line= rLine.getArray();
		for(int j=0;j<rLine.getLength();j++)
			cout << " " << line[j] << " ";
		cout << endl;

double *SeqSeqToArray1D(const Sequence < Sequence < double> > &seqseq){
	sal_Int32 iMax=seqseq.getLength(),jMax;
	Sequence < double > rLine = seqseq[0];
	double *table1D = new double[iMax*jMax];
	for (sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < iMax; i++ )
		for(sal_Int32 j = 0 ; j < jMax; j++ )
			table1D[i*jMax+j]= seqseq[i][j];
	return table1D;

Using these sub is easy : it can be done like that :

//Listing 29 Using the conversion
// We first construct a sequence
	Sequence < double > demo(5);
// We then construct the sequence of sequence
	Sequence < Sequence < double > > seqseq(3);
	for (int i=0; i<seqseq.getLength();i++)
// We print out the result of the construction	
// Here is the conversion
	double *table = SeqSeqToArray1D(seqseq);
// We finish wit printing out the result 
	cout << "Array1D -> 2D : "<< endl;
	for (int i=0; i< 3; i++){
		for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
			cout<<" "<<table[i*5+j]<<" ";
	delete table;

which gives us :

Prints out SeqSeq
 1.1  2.1  3.1  4.1  5.1
 1.1  2.1  3.1  4.1  5.1
 1.1  2.1  3.1  4.1  5.1
Array1D -> 2D :
 1.1  2.1  3.1  4.1  5.1
 1.1  2.1  3.1  4.1  5.1
 1.1  2.1  3.1  4.1  5.1
[smoutou@p3 Lifetime]$

Converting a sequence of sequence directly in an 2D array is not an easy task because the compiler has to know the size of the second index before compiling. At first something like

//Listing 30 Array2D conversion
// C++
double **SeqSeqToArray2D(const Sequence < Sequence < double> > &seqseq){
	double **table2D; 
	double *table1D;
	table1D = SeqSeqToArray1D(seqseq);
	table2D = &table1D;
	return table2D;

seems interesting but let's see if that works out. A first idea is to write something like :

//Listing 31 Wrong code for  conversion
// C++
	double **table2= SeqSeqToArray2D(seqseq);
	for (int i=0; i< 3; i++){
		for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
			cout<<" "<< table2[i][j]<<" ";
	delete table2;

but the compiler is unable to calculate table2[i][j] here. For that it has to evaluate the expression i*jMax+j but has no knowledge on jMax !!

More Abstractions with STL

If you plan to use C++ you will certainly use the STL extensively. We begin first by conversions. Here is the easier one :

//Listing 32 Converting a Sequence of Sequence into a vector
// C++
// Inspired by Eric Ehlers's code but using template
// See chapter 14
template< typename T>
vector < T >SeqSeqToVectorTemplate(const Sequence< Sequence < T > >& ss) {
    vector < T >v;
    for (int i=0; i<ss.getLength(); i++)
        for (int j=0; j<ss[i].getLength(); j++)
    return v;

My start point for achieving this code was Eric Ethler's code presented here. This code is again easy to use :

//Listing 33 Using the previous Convertion
// C++
#include <iostream>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace std;

template< typename T>
vector < T >SeqSeqToVectorTemplate(const Sequence< Sequence < T > >& ss);
main( ) {
	Sequence < double > demo(5);
	Sequence < Sequence < double > > seqseq(3);
// simply use the same sequence
	for (int i=0; i<seqseq.getLength();i++)
// template
	vector <double> v=SeqSeqToVectorTemplate(seqseq);
	cout << "vector1D -> 2D : "<< endl;
	for (int i=0; i< 3; i++){
		for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
			cout<<" "<<v[i*5+j]<<" ";
	return 0;

We give now three other conversions (see also here)

//Listing 34 Converting Utilities with Template
// C++
// Inspired by Eric Ethler's code but using template
// See chapter 14
template< typename T>
Sequence< Sequence< T > > VectorTemplateToSeqSeq(const vector < T > &v) {
    Sequence< Sequence< double > > ss(v.size());
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
        Sequence< T > s(1);
        s[0] = v[i];
        ss[i] = s;
    return ss;
template< typename T>
vector < vector < T > >SeqSeqToMatrixTemplate(const Sequence< Sequence < T > >& ss) {
    vector < vector < T > >vv;
    for (int i=0; i<ss.getLength(); i++) {
        vector < T >v;
        for (int j=0; j<ss[i].getLength(); j++)
    return vv;
template< typename T>
Sequence< Sequence< T > > MatrixTemplateToSeqSeq(
			const std::vector < std::vector < T > >&vv) {
    Sequence< Sequence< T > > ss(vv.size());
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<vv.size(); i++) {
        std::vector < T > v = vv[i];
        Sequence< T > s(v.size());
        for (unsigned int j=0; j<v.size(); j++)
            s[j] = v[j];
        ss[i] = s;
    return ss;

One way to use it is for instance :

//Listing 35 Converting Utilities with Template
// seqseq must be initialized	
	vector <vector <double> > v2=SeqSeqToMatrixTemplate(seqseq);
	cout << "vector2D : "<< endl;
	for (int i=0; i< 3; i++){
		for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
			cout<<" "<<v2[i][j]<<" ";

Because there is a lot of algorithms based on STL I think these utilities will be very helpfull.

See also

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