Automatic Icon Positioning (Packaging)

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Revision as of 00:56, 20 May 2007 by Ybart (talk | contribs)
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Here is an Apple Script allowing to automatically place correctly the icons in OpenOffice installation folder :

on run argv
	set argv to POSIX file (item 1 of argv)
	tell application "Finder"
		set fichiers to items of folder argv
		set i to 0
		repeat with myItem in fichiers
			set i to i + 1
			set itemProperties to (properties of myItem)
			set itemPos to position of itemProperties
			set myName to name of itemProperties
			if i is 1 then set position of myItem to {332, 191} -- in alphabetic order "Applications"
			if i is 2 then set position of myItem to {97, 62} -- LICENSEs
			if i is 3 then set position of myItem to {101, 191} -- OpenOffice*
			if i is 4 then set position of myItem to {304, 61} -- READMEs
		end repeat
	end tell
	return argv as string
end run

To use it, assuming you called it ooo_pack_finalizer.scpt, just type : $ osascript ooo_pack_finalizer.scpt

To use it, from a remote host, you will need to sudo to access the WindowServer : $ sudo osascript ooo_pack_finalizer.scpt

Notice than executing that script will starts the Finder with root rights, and any user with physical access to the computer will be able to use Finder during the script execution (until quit). In order to avoid security problem, make sure the Finder is really quit either by issuing $ sudo osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to quit" or using sudo kill. This way potential attackers will have access to Finder only few seconds.

For better security, it should be possible to lock the user interface during the execution of the script by developping a simple app which captures all mouse and keyboard events in order to disallow access to Finder.

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