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Problems with colons in the filename of Write saved *.doc documents

I downloaded OpenOffice because it has been around for a while and should be utterly stable by now. I even had the confidence to uninstall MS Office (shock, horror!) It was happily working and so was I until a college of mine sent me a Word doc to edit. I did that in OpenOffice Write and saved the output file to "*.doc" format. I emailed it back my friend and she could NOT open it with MS Word. She said the document must have been "corrupted" by OpenOffice Write. MS Word went through a complex process of installing a document import feature which ended with a dialogue box providing options to make the code readable to MS Word and so on ... none of which features worked to open the document.

So I then reinstalled MS Word and tried to open the document... the same thing happened to me... then I looked at the filename .... it was:

"Anger in AN inpatients 20.9.07.doc"

...see the "." (colons) in the filename? They cause a problem.

1. OpenOffice Write can open a file with a colon in the filename.

2. MS Word can open a file with a colon in the filename.

3. OpenOffice Write can save a file with a colon in the filename as a *.doc (MS Word document)

4. Of course MS Word can save a file with a colon in the filename as a *.doc

5. However, MS Word cannot open a file with a colon in the filename that OpenOffice Write has saved as a *.doc format.

The colons n the filename are the problem

7. The SOLUTION is to RENAME the OpenOffice Write *.doc document, replacing the "."s with (for eg;) "-"s.

8. MS Word can now open the document.

But why can't MS Word recognise an OpenOffice Write saved *.doc with colons in the filename?

I am sorry. I have no idea about structure or how to do a Wiki page correctly.

My point obviously however must be clarified. To this end I have edited the above and also provided an additional explanation below.

It is this:

When OpenOffice Write saves a file with a "." (a colon) in the filename (eg "my.file.doc"), MS Word can no longer read the file as a native *.doc file (It cannot read it at all).

1. Create a document in MS Word and save it as "my.file.doc"

2. Open the file in OpenOffice Write and edit the document and simply re-save that (overwrite) as "my.file.doc"

3. Now try and open "my.file.doc in MS Word.

Word cannot open the file. Not only that - it wants to install a document import feature and things become very complicated very quickly. However... to fix the problem...

4. RENAME (in Explorer)"my.file.doc" to "my_file.doc".

MS Word can now open the document with no problems at all.

I hope this - with my previous posting above - makes it more clear... if anyone can do better and wants to edit all this ...please, be my guest. As I say - I know absolutely nothing ...just trying to be helpful.

Regards, CBSEBE :)

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