Log Mac Meeting October 10th 2007

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[15:01] <PhilippL> meeting time ?

[15:01] <PhilippL> hdu_hh: ping

[15:02] <hdu_hh> PhilippL: pong... let's start

[15:02] <hdu_hh> 1. Welcome new devs joining Mac OS X port

[15:02] * hdu_hh doesn't see any new nicks

[15:02] <hdu_hh> 2. Latest news: last fixes, aquavcl03 integration, other cws ?

[15:03] <PhilippL> aquavcl03 is integrated.

[15:03] <hdu_hh> PhilippL: yeah!

[15:03] * Fridrich has quit (Remote closed the connection)

[15:03] * Fridrich (n=fridrich@33-185.203-62.cust.bluewin.ch) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:03] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Fridrich

[15:04] <ericb2> hello

[15:04] * Tweek_ (n=Tweek@ has joined #ooo_macport

[15:04] <hdu_hh> hi eric!

[15:04] <PhilippL> hello ericb2

[15:04] * fne (i=fne@nat/sun/x-1af25b8125d2e877) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:05] <ericb2> hello PhilippL

[15:05] <Tweek_> re ici alors :)

[15:05] <ericb2> Tweek_: english please ;)

[15:05] <Tweek_> sorry

[15:05] * ericb2 want to present Tweek_ interested to help us for the design

[15:05] * paveljanik has quit ("Leaving")

[15:05] <hdu_hh> Tweek_: welcome!

[15:05] <PhilippL> hi tweek !

[15:06] <Tweek_> hey :)

[15:06] <ericb2> Tweek_: you are just at the begining of the meeting , reserved for the newcomers :)

[15:06] <Tweek_> okay sweet ;)

[15:06] <hdu_hh> Tweek_: what topics are you intersted in?

[15:07] <Tweek_> Well I'm mainly here as Eric said to help to improve the User interface of OpenOffice ;)

[15:07] <Tweek_> changing the toolbar icones and the main icon

[15:07] <Tweek_> giving something more "Mac" and appealing ;)

[15:08] <hdu_hh> Tweek_: good!

[15:08] <ericb2> Tweek_: this is a big work: OpenOffice.org has a lot of icons

[15:09] <Tweek_> I know

[15:09] <Tweek_> But I'm glad if this can help to get a better looking software ;)

[15:10] <ericb2> Tweek_: in fact, we progressed a lot since last year: just try the X11 version to compare ;-)

[15:10] <Tweek_> Haha :p I dont have X11 installed

[15:10] * ericb2 can provde screenshots :)

[15:11] <Tweek_> cool

[15:11] <ericb2> Tweek_: ok. I propose to keep in contact with you, and help you if you need more infos

[15:12] <Tweek_> Okay sounds great. Do you have an email adres to give me ?

[15:12] <ericb2> Tweek_: to contact me ?

[15:12] <Tweek_> yep

[15:12] >Tweek_< : ericb@openoffice.org

[15:12] <ericb2> Tweek_: but you can join the channel, and all people here will be glad to help if needed

[15:13] <Tweek_> Oh okay sounds good :)

[15:13] <ericb2> Tweek_: thanks again for your proposal !

[15:13] <Tweek_> i kep the channel in colloquy

[15:13] thorsten tino Tweek_

[15:13] <Tweek_> No problem ;)

[15:14] <hdu_hh> Tweek_: or subscribe to dev@porting.openoffice.org (http://porting.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList)

[15:14] <ericb2> hdu_hh: mac@porting ?

[15:14] <hdu_hh> ericb2: even better :-)

[15:15] <Tweek_> cool, thank you guys

[15:15] <jsi_sun> Tweek_: Some cool suggestions to reduce the count of icons would be also my favourites :-)

[15:16] <Tweek_> Oh well Ill see what i can do ;)

[15:16] <hdu_hh> Next item?

[15:16] <hdu_hh> 3. Status of most important issues

[15:16] <mav_eric> ericb2: is there no meeting today?

[15:16] * mav_eric just noticed that the meeting is already in progress - sorry

[15:16] <hdu_hh> mav_eric: no problem ;-)

[15:17] <ericb2> ok, that's great to see new people

[15:17] <ericb2> Tweek_: have you something to add, to present you ?

[15:18] <jsi_sun> hdu_hh: I have in my query 151 issues on 'aqua' ....

[15:18] <jsi_sun> hdu_hh: am I right?

[15:18] * ericb2 has 268

[15:18] <jsi_sun> ericb2: and hdu_hh already started the meeting...

[15:19] <PhilippL> ericb2: those are probably macport and keyword aqua combined ?

[15:19] <jsi_sun> ericb2: without closed and keyowrd = "aqua" -> 151

[15:19] <ericb2> jsi_sun : PhilippL: yes, they are

[15:20] <jsi_sun> ericb2: I look only on 'aqua'.... and now 152 :-)

[15:21] <hdu_hh> jsi_sun: do you agree with ericb2 on the top issues (http://eric.bachard.free.fr/mac/aquavcl/todo/october_2007/ aqua_Top15_of_tasks_7th_october.rtf)

[15:21] <ericb2> Can we go back with point2 ?

[15:21] * ericb2 just suggested

[15:21] <hdu_hh> ericb2: go ahead :-)

[15:22] <jsi_sun> hdu_hh: rtf...grrrr

[15:22] <ericb2> spotlight01 is integrated too

[15:22] <ericb2> Florian Heckl did a great work

[15:22] <hdu_hh> ericb2: yay!

[15:22] <ericb2> FYI, Florian rewrote the plugin from scratch. then we will remove ( mh is aware) the NeoLight license from OpenOffice.org sources

[15:23] <ericb2> no longer needed

[15:23] <hdu_hh> ericb2: indeed. Thanks fheckl

[15:23] <jsi_sun> hdu_hh: why is 4) Use native print dialog box (issue 77583) important? Important means that it is possible to print.

[15:23] <ericb2> jsi_sun: this is a stopper for migrations

[15:23] <ericb2> jsi_sun: even a big one

[15:23] <jsi_sun> hdu_hh: 7) emulate right click with CTRL + click does not work for popup menus ( issue 82284 ) is in my eyes VERY IMPORTANT because you can not really work on notebooks if you like using context menus

[15:24] <IZBot> porting DEFECT NEW P3 emulate right click with CTRL + click does not work on Aqua ( Mac OSX ) http://qa.openoffice.org/ issues/show_bug.cgi?id=82284

[15:24] <mav_eric> jsi_sun: native printing is the most common request I get via private mails

[15:25] <jsi_sun> hdu_hh: 12)Mousewheel does not work in some listboxes http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=82266 not important

[15:25] <IZBot> issue 82266: porting DEFECT NEW P3 Mousewheel does not work in listboxes Tiger (font list e.g.)

[15:25] <PhilippL> mav_eric: native printing or native print dialog ?

[15:25] <ericb2> jsi_sun: I disagree

[15:25] <jsi_sun> mav_eric: okay, then you should add it to the issue

[15:25] <mav_eric> PhilippL: more the native printing dialogue - the OOo is very limited

[15:25] <jsi_sun> ericb2: hdu_hh asked _me_ if I agree

[15:25] <jsi_sun> :-)

[15:25] <ericb2> jsi_sun: mousewheel is a nightmare on Tiger, but not ( why ? ) on Leopard

[15:25] <jsi_sun> hdu_hh: the rest is ok from my point of view

[15:26] <ericb2> jsi_sun: if you have other tasks in mind, please propose

[15:26] <ericb2> jsi_sun: I can be wrong

[15:26] <jsi_sun> ericb2: Tiger? Do we support Tiger with 2.4? Panther is the black one, right? SCNR

[15:27] <mav_eric> yes we should support Tiger aka 10.4.x with 2.4

[15:27] <jsi_sun> ericb2: yes, I have some.... declare() is not working, native TT can not be startet via batch mode....

[15:27] <ericb2> jsi_sun: + Leopard to come

[15:27] <mav_eric> users would kill us we only support Leo with 2.4+

[15:27] <ericb2> mav_eric: we cannot support a non existing OS ? 8)

[15:27] <jsi_sun> mav_eric: okay, I am alwys confused with the code names... 10.3.x is not on the list, am I right?

[15:28] <ericb2> jsi_sun: you are

[15:28] <ericb2> FYI, 10.5 is broken with X11

[15:28] <ericb2> I got a strange breaker in sal

[15:28] <ericb2> Aqua is ok

[15:28] <jsi_sun> ericb2: thx 10.4. is the recent one and 10.5. will be the next, so we should support these both primarily

[15:28] <ericb2> jsi_sun: exactly

[15:29] <jsi_sun> Can someone give me a hint where a scroll problems in list boxes?

[15:29] * jsi_sun uses 10.4.x

[15:29] * ericb2 proposes an Action Item :

[15:29] <PhilippL> jsi_sun: open the font list box and try to use the wheel

[15:30] <jsi_sun> PhilippL: thx

[15:30] <ericb2> decide whether the list of the 15 proposed tasks can fit in aquavcl04 ?

[15:30] <PhilippL> jsi_sun: or click on font listbox, keep button pressed and move over popup ...

[15:30] <ericb2> jsi_sun: try inside and outside (slowly) ;-)

[15:31] <jsi_sun> PhilippL: works fine here?!

[15:31] <ericb2> jsi_sun: using m232 + aquavcl03 ?

[15:31] <PhilippL> ericb2: numer 2 issue 82259 is certainly not for aquavcl04. Unless someone has found a Cococa theming API.

[15:31] <IZBot> porting TASK NEW P3 Implement Cocoa controls (replace Carbon ) for Aqua version (Mac OS X) http://qa.openoffice.org/ issues/show_bug.cgi?id=82259

[15:31] <ericb2> PhilippL: sure

[15:31] <ericb2> PhilippL: sorry, not that one

[15:31] <jsi_sun> ericb2: It is from my point of view much more important to get basics of automated testing fixed asap otherwise we can not turn on the 24hrs/7days a week QA control...

[15:32] <ericb2> jsi_sun: what is still missing ? Maybe we can fix the issues for TT in priority, and continue after with the other ?

[15:32] <jsi_sun> ericb2: the aqua version is not paintung squares via TestTool and selections fails.

[15:32] <jsi_sun> ericb2: I will send you the issue list

[15:32] <ericb2> jsi_sun: thanks

[15:32] <jsi_sun> ericb2: yes

[15:33] <ericb2> Can we agree on: aquavcl04 content ?

[15:34] <ericb2> BTW, some other issues in the scope, are fixed in pj85

[15:34] * paveljanik (n=Pavel@unaffiliated/paveljanik) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:34] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to paveljanik

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