Base/Data Types

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Variable Types for Embedded Base Database

Numeric Types

Data type
No. of Bytes
Boolean yes/no I Byte
0 - 1
Tinyint Tiny Integer 1 Byte
0 - 255
Smallint Small Integer 2 Bytes
215-1 to -215
Integer Integer 4 Bytes
231-1 to -231
Bigint Big integer 8 Bytes
263-1 to -263
Numeric Number No limit
(Max Scale, Max Precision )
Max Scale = unlimited
Max Precision = e+/-231
Decimal Decimal No limit
(Max Scale, Max Precision )
Max Scale = unlimited
Max Precision = e+/-231
Real Real 4 Bytes
(2-2-52)* 21023 to 2-1074
Float Float 4 Bytes
(2-2-52)* 21023 to 2-1074
Double Double 4 Bytes
(2-2-52)* 21023 to 2-1074

(2-2-52)* 21023 to 2-1074 could also be stated as 1.7976931348623157e+308 to 5e-324

Alphanumeric Types

Data type
Max length
Memo Long Var Char 2 GB for 32 bit OS Stores up to the max length or number indicated by user. It accepts any UTF 8 Character
Text (fix) Char 2GB for 32 bit OS Stores exactly the length specified by user. Pads with trailing spaces for shorter strings. Accepts any UTF 8 Character.
Text Var Char 2GB for 32 bit OS Stores up to the specified length. No padding (Same as long var char)
Text Var Char Ignore Case 2GB for 32 bit OS Stores up the the specified length. Comparisons are not case sensitive but stores capitals as you type them.

Binary Types

Data type
Max length
Image Long Var Binary 2GB for 32 bit OS Stores any array of bytes (images, sounds, etc). No validation required.
Binary Var Binary 2GB for 32 bit OS Stores any array of bytes. No validation required.
Binary (fix) Binary 2GB for 32 bit OS Stores any array of bytes. No validation required.

Date time

Name Description Format
Date Stores month, day and year information 1/1/99 to 1/1/9999
Time Stores hour, minute and second info Seconds since 1/1/1970
Timestamp Stores date and time information

Other Variable types

Other Stores serialized Java objects – user application must supply serialization routines
Object Same
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