ESC dashboard

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ESC Dashboard

Name Owner Prio Due Notes
CVS to bazaar/git/subversion transition Fuhrmann, Meeks, Klose 1 Q1 2008 Weekly meeting Friday 2pm UTC #oooscm, set up prototypes for evaluation. Details on SVN and git prototypes available and publicaly accessable (via SSH). Bazaar import is work in progress. Next steps: discover workflows wrt the different SCMs and development tasks. Open: Split of git repository just because of perfromance issues when dealing with big repositories.
Unified sign on/Federated Identity Fuhrmann 1 Discussion took place sun internally. Requirement added to and handed over to Sun team which evaluates hosting efforts.
Wiki/better search, structure Peters 1 Update wiki engine to 1.11 (staging wiki on, implementing hierarchical structure on wiki/Documentation, starting to negotiate structure of localized content with NLC reps
Buildbots Fuhrmann, Cheng 2 Gregor Hartmann from Sun and Bao Honglin from Redflag CH2000 assigned to this task. Kick of on IRC will take place before X-Mas. List of potential participants gathered and send out to ESC alias.
CWS Upload area Hollmichel 2 work in progress, Jan '08
Mailing lists/unsubscribed people should get replies to their threads Fuhrmann 3 Do we realy have to invest into such feature? How many people are affected by this in their daily work? What is the common beahviour of mailing lists?
low barrier of entry/simple account creation Fuhrmann 4 Talk to Sun team which evaluates hosting efforts took place. Registration via Login-name + Mail + Country seams to be simple enough.
Storage needed for l10n builds, related to modularization issues Fuhrmann, Hütsch 2
Language Packs/help content should be platform independent Braconi, Peters 2
Dictionaries to be moved to extensions, modularization Hütsch 2 Configuration nailed down to make dictionaries as extensions. In progress.
Language Fallback to en-US must be fixed (help img fallback doesn't work) Bauer 2 Issue existent. Target is OOo 3.0.
Access to translation data to be moved to Pootle Braconi 2
Process and tools to allow localization of wiki content Braconi 2
email (offline) access to bugtracking Fuhrmann 2 Discussion took place sun internally. Requirement added to and handed over to Sun team which evaluates hosting efforts.
make cvs artwork authoritative Bauer 3 done Matthias talked to the owner of the image tool. The tool does corret updates, so people are able to deal with images within CVS directly without getting any conflicts.
create checklist for full open source compliance for developers Engelhardt 1
QA Unit tests Meeks, Hütsch
Make high impact bug reports visible Hollmichel work in progress, Jan '08 [Ubuntu], [Redflag 2000]
More Developer-focues in processes
fast legal reviews for external modules Hollmichel to create meta issue for to be approved issues
easy integration of small fixes Bauer, Hollmichel, Meeks
fast development turnaround Bauer, Hollmichel, Meeks follow up meeting needed to determine the issues
short build times Bauer, Hollmichel, Meeks follow up meeting needed to determine the issues
more ways of being diverse in the source code get agreement on including distro-specific patches, artwork, per-distro configuration options etc. into the (D)RCS, and look at ways of making existing hard-to-configure things (eg. settings defaults) build-time configurable.
Modularization, independent Apps Hütsch, Meeks
Modularization, customizable components (cust. features) Hütsch, Meeks
Modularization, build on installed OOo Hütsch, Meeks
Modularization, small developer packages Hütsch, Meeks
Modularization, modular packages Hütsch, Meeks
Modularization, smaller, independent packages Hütsch, Meeks
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