JA/translation/OOoCon Call for Papers

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Call for Papers 発表論文募集

The OpenOffice.org Community invites potential speakers to submit proposals for papers for OOoCon 2008. Whether you are a seasoned presenter, or have never stood up in public before, if you have something interesting to share about OpenOffice.org - we want to hear from you. Please note the Conference language is English.

OpenOffice.org コミュニティは、OOoCon 2008 への論文を提出し発表して頂ける人を募集しています。経験豊かな人であれ、また聴衆の前で発表したことがない人でも、OpenOffice.org に関する興味のあるものであれば、あなたの発表をお聞きしたいと思っています。ただし、会議での言語は英語であることには留意してください。

A unique occasion

OOoCon 2008 will see the biggest concentration of OOo developers ever assembled in one location on this planet. For this reason, we particularly welcome proposals from developers with information to share with fellow developers, from how to get started with simple extensions, through to the deep, dirty, and downright technical aspects of hacking the OpenOffice.org codebase.

Papers are also welcomed on any topic of interest to the Community: to the thousands of people who have joined one of our Projects and design, develop, maintain, translate, test, document, support, promote, or in any other way help us bring OpenOffice.org's products and services to the world. As this is the first OOoCon to be held in Asia, we encourage local communities to submit papers for a special feature on local success stories.


  • 20th June: deadline for regular submissions for consideration by the OOoCon Jury. If your proposal is submitted by this date, we guarantee it will be considered on its merits against all the other proposals.
  • 6月20日: 発表論文提出締め切り。OOoCon 論文審査委員会が審査を始めます。この日までに提出されたものについては、その内容を吟味し厳正に審査することを保証します。
  • 7月1日: 提出していただいた論文が採用されたかどうかをお知らせします。旅費助成を申請された方には、結果をお知らせします。
  • プログラムに空きがある場合、7月18日まで締め切り後の論文を受け付けます。また、旅費助成基金が残っていれば、締め切り後論文提出者にも旅費を助成します。

  • 採用された論文とOOoConのプログラムは、8月1日に発表します。

Conference Topics コンファレンスのトピック

We welcome contributions on any of the following topics ... but feel free to add your own: 私達は以下にあるようなトピックに関する論文を歓迎しますが、自身の好きなトピックをご自由に追加してください。

Development 開発

  • The source and how to work with it
    • ソースコードと開発
  • The roadmap beyond 3.0
    • 3.0以降のロードマップ
  • Tools for development
    • 開発用のツール
  • Integration and localization
    • 統合と地域化
  • QA, UI, and development processes
    • QA, UI と開発プロセス
  • Packaging for distribution
    • 配布用のパッケージング
  • Porting and platform specifics
    • 移植とプラットフォームの種類
  • System integration with OpenOffice.org (ODF, UNO, API, extensions)
    • OpenOffice.org(ODF、UNO、API、拡張機能)とシステムの統合
  • Macros and Extensions
    • マクロと拡張機能

OpenDocument Format

  • ODF State of the art
    • ODFの技術状況
  • ODF Future Directions
    • ODFの将来
  • ODF interoperability
    • ODFの相互運用性

Community コミュニティ

  • Celebrating and promoting OpenOffice.org 3.0
    • OpenOffice.org 3.0の発表祝いと促進
  • Commercializing, integrating, and supporting OpenOffice.org
    • 商業化、統合、サポートしているOpenOffice.org
  • Migration methodology
    • 統合の方法論
  • Marketing OpenOffice - the product and the Community
    • OpenOfficeのマーケティング - 製品とコミュニティ
  • Branding and artwork
    • ブランドとアートワーク
  • Funding the project, defining the product, and extending it
    • プロジェクトの財政的援助、プロジェクトの定義と拡張

Native Languages 諸母国語

  • More than translation: building local language communities
    • 翻訳を超えて - 地域語コミュニティの設立
  • Tools and techniques for localisations
    • 地域化用のツールと技術
  • The OpenOffice.org Release Process
    • OpenOffice.org の公開プロセス

Case Studies 事例研究

  • OpenOffice.org in Government and Public Administrations
    • 政府・公共機関における OpenOffice.org
  • OpenOffice.org in the private sector (SME - Small to Medium-sized Enterprise)
    • 中小企業における OpenOffice.org
  • Building a successful business around OpenOffice.org (training, migration, support, development of extensions, technical authors...)
    • OpenOffice.orgに関するビジネスの設立(トレーニング、統合、サポート、拡張機能の開発、技術の開発など)

How to submit a Proposal 申し込みを提出する方法

Submissions must be made via the form on the Conference website. Your proposal (abstract) must be submitted in line with the Key Dates.


Types of Session セッションの種類

A presentation is a general discussion of some topic, including (but not limited to) the software, the community, relationships with other software or communities, and political or philosophical issues. Presentations should be limited to 50 minutes (including questions and answers).


A workshop is a "hands-on labs." session, in which the presenter takes the audience step-by-step through a task, or provides hands-on tuition for audience in a classroom format. Presenters may request extended workshop sessions up to half a day in duration for complex tasks (e.g. how to set up a build environment).


A BoF (Birds of a Feather meeting) is an informal gathering of people in a particular group, or interested in a specific topic. Examples include the members of a native-language group, the marketing project, documentation writers, or Apple Mac porters.


A panel discussion involves a group of people (usually 3 or 4) led by a moderator. The participants make opening and closing statements on the topic, may discuss the topic among themselves, and may answer questions from the audience (usually submitted in advance).


Travel Bursaries 旅行奨励金

As this is the first time OOoCon has been held outside Europe, we are will be offering bursaries to speakers to help defray the costs of attending. A bursary will consist of free room-only accomodation in a conference hotel, plus a lump sum contribution of Euro 500 towards travel expenses.


Each request will be considered on the basis of both merit and need, so if you need a busary to enable you to present your paper, please give as much information as possible to help us evaluate your request.


Presentation Materials プレゼンテーション資料

An OpenOffice.org Impress template recommended for use for the conference presentations will be published around 1 July 2008. All speakers are required to file a copy of their presentations with the Conference organisers in advance. These presentations will be filed on the Conference website.

発表プレゼンテーションに推奨されるOpenOffice.org Inpress テンプレートは2008年7月1日頃公開されます。 発表者は、前もってカンファレンス主催者へプレゼンテーションを提出してください。 これらのプレゼンテーションは、カンファレンスのウェブサイトに公開されます。

Please note that your session may be streamed as a live broadcast and may be recorded and made available for download from the Conference website.


We look forward to receiving your proposals


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