Sharing Files with Microsoft Office Users

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번역 중인 문서입니다. 원문 : Documentation/OOoAuthors User Manual/Migration Guide/Sharing Files

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파일 형식

이 섹션에서는 오픈오피스의 파일 형식에 대한 간략한 소개를 할 것입니다.

오픈오피스는 압축된(zip) XML 형식으로 파일을 저장합니다. 이 형식은 압축을 풀면 사람이 읽을 수 있습니다. 이는 오픈된 문서이며, GNU 라이센스( 하에서라면 범용으로 사용될 수 있습니다.

ODF 에 관한 자세한 내용은을 참조하세요.


이와는 대조적으로 MS 오피스 파일은 사람이 읽을 수 없고 공개되지 않은 독점 포맷으로 저장됩니다. 이때문에 개발자들이 MS 포맷의 파일을 가져오거나 내보내는 필터를 만드는데 어려움을 많이 겪습니다.

오픈오피스 2.0 은 오픈오피스 1.1.x 와 파일 포맷이 약간 달라졌습니다. 이러한 변화는 공개 표준 회의인 OASIS 의 결정에 따른 것입니다. Apache OpenOffice 는 공개 문서 포맷(ODF)을 사용하며, KOffice와 같은 다른 프로그램에서도 이러한 ODF 포맷을 지원하고 있습니다.

오픈오피스 2.0 의 파일 확장자(오픈오피스 1.1.x 의 확장자는 괄호안에 표시)
문서 유형 프로그램 확장자 MS 오피스의 경우
텍스트 라이터 odt (sxw) doc
텍스트 서식 라이터 ott (stw) dot
마스터 문서 라이터 odm (sxg) doc
HTML 문서 라이터 html html
스프레드시트 칼크 ods (sxc) xsl
스프레드시트 서식 칼크 ots (stc) xst
그리기 드로우 odg (sxd) N/A
그리기 서식 드로우 otg (std) N/A
프리젠테이션 임프레스 odp (sxi) ppt
프리젠테이션 서식 임프레스 otp (sti) pot
수식 매쓰 odf (sxm) N/A
차트 차트 odc N/A
데이터베이스 베이스 odb mdb


한꺼번에 변환하기

오픈오피스를 이용하면 많은 파일을 한번에 변환할 수 있습니다. 파일 > 마법사 > 문서 변환기

대량의 파일을 변환하기 전에 이 문서를 잘 읽고 변환 과정의 한계에 대해 명확히 인지하시기 바랍니다.


파일 열기

텍스트 문서 열기

오픈오피스 라이터는 오픈문서 포맷(.odt, .ott) 외에도 다음과 같은 텍스트 문서 포맷을 가져올 수 있습니다.

MS 워드 6.0/95/97/2000/XP) (.doc, .dot) 워드퍼펙트 문서 (.wpd)
MS 워드 2003 XML (.xml) WPS 2000/Office 1.0 (.wps)
MS 윈워드 5 (.doc) 닥북(DocBook) (.xml)
스타오피스 라이터 포맷 (.sdw, .sgl, .vor) Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd, .jtt)
AportisDoc (Palm) (.pdb) 아래아한글 97 (.hwp)
포켓 워드 (.psw) .rtf, .txt, .csv

.HTM 이나 .HTML 파일을 열면 오픈오피스 라이터는 위지윅 에디터로 바뀝니다.

스프레드시트 파일 열기

오픈오피스 칼크는 오픈문서 포맷(.ods, .ots) 외에도 다음과 같은 스프레드시트 포맷을 열 수 있습니다.

마이크로스프트 엑셀 97/2000/XP (.xls, .xlw, .xlt) 고급 텍스트 포맷 (.rtf)
마이크로스프트 엑셀 4.x–5/95 (.xls, .xlw, .xlt) 텍스트 CSV (.csv and .txt)
마이크로스프트 엑셀 2003 XML (.xml) 로터스 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wk1)
데이터 교환 포맷 (.dif) 스타오피스 칼크 포맷 (.sdc, .vor)
dBase (.dbf) SYLK (.slk)
웹페이지 쿼리를 포함한 .htm, .html 파일 포켓 엑셀 (pxl)
Quattro Pro 6.0 (.wb2)

프리젠테이션 파일 열기

오픈오피스 임프레스는 오픈문서 포맷(.odp, .otp) 외에도 다음과 같은 프리젠테이션 포맷을 열 수 있습니다.

MS 파워포인트 97/2000/XP (.ppt, .pps) 컴퓨터 그래픽 메타파일 (.cgm)
MS 파워포인트 97/2000/XP Template (.pot) 스타오피스 드로우, 임프레스 (.sda, .sdd, .sdp, .vor)

그래픽 파일 열기

오픈오피스 드로우는 오픈문서 포맷(.odg, .otg) 외에도 다음과 같은 그래픽 포맷을 열 수 있습니다.


수식 파일 열기

오픈오피스 매쓰는 오픈문서 수식 파일 외에도 스타오피스 매쓰 파일(.smf) 이나 MathML(.mml) 파일을 열 수 있습니다.

내장된 수식 편집기 개체를 포함한 MS 워드 파일을 열 경우, 도구 > 옵션 > 로드/저장 > Microsoft Office 에서 MathType을 Math로 / Math를 MathType로 항목의 [L](개체 가져오기와 변환)을 선택해두면 MS 워드 내의 개체를 자동으로 오픈오피스 매쓰 개체로 변환합니다.

파일 저장하기

기본 파일 포맷

오픈오피스는 기본값으로 오픈문서 포맷으로 파일을 저장합니다. 이 기본값은 변경할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 항상 MS 오피스 파일로 저장하려고 한다면 다음 과정을 따라하십시오.:

  1. 도구 > 옵션 > 로드/저장 > 일반 을 찾아갑니다..
    Figure 1:Choosing default formats for saving files
  2. 이 페이지의 기본 파일 포맷 및 ODF 설정 부분에서 문서 유형(예:“텍스트 문서”)을 선택합니다. 그리고 항상 다음 포맷으로 저장에서 파일 포맷을 선택합니다.
  3. 필요한 경우 각 문서 유형에 대해 같은 과정을 반복합니다.
  4. 확인을 눌러 변경 사항을 저장합니다.


PDF 와 XHTML 로 내보내기

오픈오피스의 각 프로그램은 PDF(Portable Document Format) 포맷으로 직접 내보낼 수 있는 기능을 가지고 있습니다. 일반적인 파일 압축과 보기를 위한 산업 표준 포맷인 PDF 포맷은 다른 사람에게 파일을 보내기에 이상적인 포맷입니다. PDF 파일은 어느 운영 체제에서든지 아크로뱃 리더와 같은 PDF 보기 프로그램으로 볼 수 있습니다.

문서를 PDF 포맷으로 내보내려면, 도구모음에서 프린터 아이콘 옆에 있는 PDF로 내보내기 버튼을 누르거나 메뉴에서 파일 > PDF 로 내보내기 를 선택합니다. 그러면 PDF 로 내보내기 위한 옵션 대화상자가 호출됩니다.

XHTML 로 내보내기를 하려면 파일 > 내보내기 를 선택한 다음, 아래로펼침 상자의 파일 형식란에서 XHTML 을 선택합니다.

다른 포맷으로 파일 저장하기

다른 포맷으로 파일을 저장하려면 파일 > 다른 이름으로 저장 을 선택하고, 파일 형식에서 저장할 포맷을 선택합니다.

Figure 2: 오픈오피스의 다른 이름으로 저장 대화상자 중 저장 포맷이 표시된 부분

라이터로 저장할 수 있는 파일 포맷

오픈문서 포맷 외에 다음 포맷으로 저장할 수 있습니다.:

오픈오피스 라이터 1.x (.sxw, .stw)

MS 워드 97/2000/XP (.doc)

MS 워드 95 (.doc)

MS 워드 6.0 (.doc)

MS 워드 2003 XML (.xml)

MS 포켓 워드 (.psw)

닥북(DocBook) (.xml)

Aportis Doc (Palm) (.pdb)

고급 텍스트 포맷 (.rtf)

스타오피스 라이터 5.0 (.sdw)

스타오피스 라이터 서식 (.vor)

스타오피스 라이터 4.0 (.sdw)

스타오피스 라이터 4.0 서식 (.vor)

스타오피스 라이터 3.0 (.sdw)

스타오피스 라이터 서식 3.0 (.vor)

텍스트 (.txt)

텍스트 인코드 (.txt)

HTML (.html; .htm)


칼크로 저장할 수 있는 파일 포맷

오픈문서 포맷 외에 다음 포맷으로 저장할 수 있습니다.:

오픈오피스 칼크 1.x (.sxc, .stc)

MS 엑셀 97/2000/XP (.xls; .xlw)

MS 엑셀 97/2000/XP 서식 (.xlt)

MS 엑셀 95 (.xls; .xlw)

MS 포켓 엑셀 (.pxl)

MS 엑셀 2003 XML (.xml)

데이터 교환 포맷 (.dif)

dBase (.dbf)

SYLK (.slk)

텍스트 CSV (.csv; .txt)

스타오피스 칼크 포맷 (.sdc, .vor)


임프레스로 저장할 수 있는 파일 포맷

오픈문서 포맷 외에 다음 포맷으로 저장할 수 있습니다.:

MS 파워포인트 97/2000/XP (.ppt; .pps)

MS 파워포인트 97/2000/XP Template (.pot)

스타오피스 드로우, 스타오피스 임프레스 (.sda, .sdd, .vor)

임프레스는 마이크로미디어 플래시 포맷(.swf)으로도 내보낼 수 있습니다. 그리고 아래 드로우 부분에 나열된 모든 그래픽 포맷으로도 내보낼 수 있습니다.

드로우로 저장할 수 있는 파일 포맷

드로우는 오픈문서 포맷과 스타오피스 드로우 포맷 외에 다음 포맷으로 내보낼 수 있습니다.:


HTML 라이터로 저장할 수 있는 파일 포맷

HTML 문서 (.html; .htm)

오픈오피스 1.0 HTML 서식 (.stw)

오픈오피스 2.0 HTML 서식 (.oth)

스타오피스 라이터/웹 5.0 and 4.0 (.vor)

텍스트 (오픈오피스 라이터/웹) (.txt)

텍스트 인코드 (오픈오피스 라이터/웹) (.txt)

개체 연결 및 내장 (OLE)

MS 오피스 OLE 개체에 대한 설정을 변경하려면 도구 > 옵션 > 로드/저장 > Microsoft Office 페이지를 이용하십시오.

여기에 있는 모든 옵션을 체크하면, 내장된 개체를 변환하거나 편집할 수 있습니다.

다른 OLE 개체는 MS 오피스에서 사용하는 것처럼 각 파일이 있는 시스템에 따라 달라지게 됩니다. 따라서 OLE 개체 기반의 MS 윈도 프로그램은 리눅스 상의 오픈오피스에서 보거나 크기 조정을 할 수는 있지만, 편집은 할 수 없습니다.

Figure 3: VBA 속성 로드/저장 선택하기

링크된 파일

특수하게 붙여지거나 RTF 포맷과 링크된 셀을 엑셀에서 복사해 붙여넣은 MS 워드 파일을 라이터로 가져오면 일반적인 테이블로 표시됩니다. 이 말은 엑셀 파일로 연결된 것이 모두 사라진다는 의미입니다.

비슷하게 특수하게 붙여지거나 RTF 포맷과 링크된 차트를 엑셀에서 복사해 붙여넣은 MS 워드 파일을 라이터로 가져오면 차트는 칼크 차트가 아니라 내장된 OLE 개체로 가져와집니다. 이러한 파일을 MS 워드 포맷으로 저장한 뒤, MS 워드로 파일을 열거나 차트를 더블클릭해서 수정하려고 하면 오류 메세지가 표시됩니다.

Documentation caution.png MS 워드와 엑셀 사이의 MS 오피스 파일간의 연결은 MS 오피스 파일을 오픈오피스로 편집하면 사라집니다.

워드아트와 폰트워크

오픈오피스에서 MS 오피스의 워드아트에 해당하는 것으로 폰트워크가 있습니다. 워드아트 개체는 폰트워크 개체로 변환되며, 이 과정에서 약간 달라질 수도 있습니다. 그리고 MS 오피스 포맷으로 저장하면 자동으로 폰트워크 개체를 워드아트 개체로 변환하여 내보냅니다.

Vector graphics

The basic shapes (lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals) all import and export without any problem. provides a greater degree of control over some properties than Microsoft Office does, so sometimes there will be changes when going from to Microsoft Office. Examples include the size of arrow heads, and line styles.

The Microsoft Office autoshapes, such as the smiley face, keep their special characteristics, for instance the ability to adjust the degree of the smile or frown on the smiley face.

Microsoft Office provides more shadow options than, so sometimes there will be a change in shadow appearance. Microsoft Office shadow styles 1, 2, 4, 6, 14, 17 and 18 are supported in Horizontal and tapered shadows do not get imported and any 3D effect on the bottom left is ignored.

Frames and text boxes

When frames or text boxes from Microsoft Office are imported into with linked text, the links are lost.

Active content controls

These are the controls in Microsoft Office available on the Controls toolbar; they all import without a problem. However, as these controls typically require macros to be of use, they will be functionally useless in the absence of macros custom built for use in

Macros cannot run Microsoft Office macros. Although the macro language is very similar, the underlying objects are quite different. To set whether keeps attached macros (so that they are still available for use in Microsoft Office) for Word, Excel and PowerPoint files, use Tools > Options > Load/Save > VBA Properties.

Template:Documentation/Note has the ability to record macros. It is better practice to use the application program interface (API).

Import, export and sharing issues in text documents

Good practice in text documents

Some issues can be avoided simply by using good word-processing practice:

  • Use character and paragraph styles rather than direct formatting.
  • Use paragraph formatting for space before and after rather than hard returns, particularly in numbered or bulleted lists.
  • Use paragraph text flow properties (for example, keep with next) rather than using manual page breaks.
  • Do not use multiple tabs or spaces to align text – either set specific tab stops or better yet use a table.
  • Use only commonly available fonts.

Compatibility settings in for the current document

The following settings change the way works with the current document so that it works more like Microsoft Office.

Use Tools > Options > Writer > Compatibility.

Figure 4: Choosing compatibility options

Add paragraph and table spacing at tops of pages (in current document)

In Writer, with this setting unchecked, if a paragraph at the top of the page (or column) is formatted with space above then that space is ignored; whereas in Word the space above is included. Checking this option causes Writer to behave in the same way as Word.

Use 1.1 tabstop formatting

This setting specifies whether centered and right-aligned paragraphs containing tabs are formatted as a whole in the center or aligned to the right. If this checkbox is checked, only the text to the right of the last tab is aligned to the right, while the text to the left remains as is.

Use 1.1 line spacing

Writer uses the greater of the two spacings for above and below paragraphs; Word sums the two together. Uncheck this box to have Writer behave in the same way as Word.

Font and font spacing

Text effect animations are imported by Writer with the character attribute of blinking from Word files. For example “Marching red ants” simply becomes “blinking”.

Typically Word’s character spacing is tighter than Writer’s, so often Word will fit more characters to a line. It is also possible that the spacing between lines could be slightly different. The end result is that the page breaks may be in different places.


The author could find no issues with tables.

Mail merge documents

As has a different approach to data sources. On importing a Word document that is the main document for a mail merge, there is no connection with the data source. It is not just a matter of making that connection; each field needs to be reinserted. See the Mail Merge section in the chapter titled “Differences in use between Writer and Word”.

Also in Word you can have another Word document as a data source for a mail merge. There is no way of specifying a Word (or Writer) document as a data source in

Writer does not have the option of suppressing blank lines when data fields are empty, so you need to use conditional fields.

Writer merge fields export as text with the name of the field between angle brackets, for example <Name>.

Summary: To work in a shared environment would require a separate file for each “main document”: one in Word format, the other in format. If you have a master mail merge document in Word format, it is probably easiest to paste the text into Writer and use the Writer mail merge wizard to recreate the mail merge from scratch.


Issues with forms created in Microsoft Office

A locked file in Microsoft Office imports unlocked into; that is, in design mode.

Text form fields import into as Input fields and so lose their type. For example, a text form field of type “number” or “date” will accept any text for input. In use a text form field in displays a dialog for entering the text. Exporting back to Microsoft Office, text form fields are changed into “Fillin” fields. The current date and time and calculation fields import as simple text.

Checkboxes import and export correctly.

Drop-down form fields import as Input List fields. Like text form fields in operation these display a dialog from which the user can select an option. On export back to Microsoft Office they return to drop-down form fields again.

Issues with forms created in

The controls are exported as active controls when there is a Microsoft Office equivalent. As Word does not have the same database functionality of and as the macros are not compatible, it would be very difficult to have one form that works in both environments using standard form controls.

Summary: To work in a shared environment with forms is not easy, but one workaround would be to use other fields like Input field and Input List. To insert these fields, use Insert > Fields > Other > Functions.

Footnotes, endnotes, tables of contents and indexes

Footnotes, endnotes and indexes all import / export correctly. Some issues have been found:

  • The location of the endnotes may change (in Word the endnotes are placed before the index. In Writer they are always at the end of the document).
  • Writer bibliographic entries become text in Word.
  • A three-column index exported from Writer to Word as three columns but on re-import it was one column.
  • On importing a Word file containing index entry fields, the index entry fields are imported but as fields to the left of the text rather than the field containing the text.

Summary: Working in a shared environment is possible with some minor issues.

Numbered paragraphs, outline numbering, cross-references

Numbered paragraphs, outline numbering, and cross-references import / export without a problem, except for references to numbered paragraphs:

  • Cross-references to the numbers of numbered paragraphs that are not numbered using outline numbering do not work as Writer does not have this ability.
  • Writer also does not have the ability to use relative numbering in its cross-references to numbers.
  • Cross-references to chapter numbers do not have the same format as that displayed.

Page numbering

A quick and dirty approach in Word for having a different first page (like a cover page) and then to have the numbering start on the second page but numbered as page 1 is to have a layout of different first page and setting the starting page to be zero. Unfortunately, on importing such a file into the page number on the second page is 2 instead of 1. To fix this problem in Writer:

  1. Create a page style for how the pages after the first page should look. Name it (for example) Convert1.
  2. Have the cursor in the first paragraph of the second page.
  3. Format > Paragraph > Text Flow.
  4. In the Breaks portion of the dialog, select the checkbox Insert.
  5. Check With Page Style.
  6. Choose the page style created in step 1.
  7. Leave the position as Before and set the page number to 1.

On exporting this document back to Word it will work, the only difference being that the document will have a section break at the end of the first page. Documents created with section breaks like this in Word will work fine importing and exporting with Writer. There is one difference with Word: now there will be a blank page between the cover page and the next page when printed (or print previewed).

In the author’s testing a document with different formats for odd and even page numbering, the odd page numbers were imported as the text of the first odd page rather than as a field.

Summary: For some documents a little work maybe required to fix up the page numbering on importing to Writer. Once “fixed” the page numbering of the documents will import / export without a problem.

Date and time fields

Word’s CreateDate and SaveDate fields do not get imported with the same formats. For example, if the fields in the Word document have a format that includes time, then this information is not displayed by default. To include time in the format:

Right-click on the field > Fields > scroll to the bottom of the Formats listbox > Additional formats > in format code add HH:MM:SS

On export the SaveDate / DocInformation:Modified is exported as text.

Writer’s Time Fixed and Date Fixed fields get exported as text.

Importing Word fields

Imported Word fields conversion
Word field: Writer converts to:
ASK Input field
AUTHOR DocInformation:Created
AUTONUM Number Range AutoNr
AUTONUMLGL Number range AutoNr
AUTONUMOUT Number range AutoNr
COMMENTS DocInfomation:Comments
CREATEDATE DocInformation:Created
EDITTIME DocInformation:Modified
FILENAME File name
FILLIN Input field
HYPERLINK (as a hyperlink)
INFO xxx DocInformation:xxx
KEYWORDS DocInformation:Keywords
LASTSAVEDBY DocInformation:Modified
MACROBUTTON (the name of the macro?)
MERGEFIELD Mail merge fields (displayed as the name of the field)
MERGEREC Record number
NEXT Next record
NOTEREF Show variable
NUMCHARS Statistics (with select = Characters)
NUMPAGES Statistics (with select = Pages)
PAGE Page numbers
PAGEREF Bookmarks (displayed as name of bookmark)
REVNUM DocInformation:Document number
SAVEDATE DocInformation:Modified
SEQ Number range
SET Set variable
SUBJECT DocInformation:Subject
TEMPLATE Templates
TITLE DocInformation:Title
TOC (Displays the table of contents)

The following fields are not imported into (only the text that they displayed when last saved): =, IF, DOCPROPERTY, FILESIZE, LINK, LISTNUM, QUOTE, SECTION, SECTIONPAGES, STYLEREF, TOA, USERADDRESS, USERINITIALS, USERNAME.


The Word field EDITTIME is mapped to Writer field DocInformation:Modified on import but the meaning has changed to the date and time last saved rather than how long the file has been open for editing.

Import, export and sharing issues in spreadsheets

Form fields

Combo boxes, list boxes and checkboxes with links to spreadsheet cells all import and export properly, although due to font handling the number of rows displayed in list boxes may be slightly different. List boxes in Calc can either have multi-selection or not, whereas Excel has two multi-selection modes: multi and extend. In Excel a link from a multi-selection listbox to a cell is ignored (at least in Excel 2000; the author has not checked Excel XP). In Calc the link works, but if more than one item is selected, the cell’s value is set to #N/A.

Option buttons import into Calc, but the link with cells works differently. In Calc each option button has its own link to a cell, setting its value to true or false depending on whether the option is selected. In Excel the cell link returns the number of the selected option button. On exporting option buttons to Excel, the option buttons lose their radio operation; in other words, they are not grouped so that selecting one “unselects” the others.

Scroll bars and spinners are now implemented in Calc, but are not imported yet.

Array constants

Array constants are not available in The workaround is to have the constant values in cells on a sheet and refer to them. Array constants used as parameters to a function in Excel are omitted when imported into Calc.

Optional parameters in formulas

Some formulas have more than one optional parameter at the end of the parameter list. In Excel it is possible to leave an optional parameter blank and specify a later parameter, but this is not possible in Calc. Formulas with optional parameters are not correctly imported into Calc.


Statistical, engineering and financial functions

In Excel some of the financial functions accept string parameters for dates; in they require a serial number, and thus they are not correctly imported into Calc.

Analysis ToolPak Functions

The function EFFECT provided by the Analysis ToolPak for Excel is converted to EFFECT_ADD in Calc and returns the same results.

Other functions not implemented / imported

Only three other functions are not imported: INFO, GETPIVOTDATA, and HYPERLINK. Hyperlinks are supported but not as a function; use the Hyperlink button on the Function bar.

DataPilot—Pivot Table

DataPilots are Calc’s equivalent to Excel’s Pivot Tables. However there are a number of limitations. Pivot tables import from Excel into Calc (although the cells do not have the PivotTable shading) but as soon as they are worked on these limitations become apparent. The limitations are:

  • There is no PivotChart facility, but a DataPilot can be used as the data source for a chart.
  • The user interface allows a maximum of 8 fields in the data, row or column areas. (An alternative interface which allows more is available from: in a document called MyDataPilot.sxc.
  • There is some ability to group data (for example, a date field grouping by week or quarter but not by month). The workaround is to create a new column with a formula for calculating the grouping, e.g. =Month().
  • You can not define different formats for different fields.
  • Calc can have formulas based on things like “Difference From” or “% of”, but can not have own custom fields (work around create new columns to calculate the desired values).
  • The Application Program Interface specification is incomplete for writing macros that work with DataPilots—for example, the ability to control through another program, such as’s own macro language, BASIC, whether the tables have grand totals, or having access to DataPilots created from external data.


AutoFilter imports and exports correctly with the required rows being hidden. However, there are a number of differences between Excel and Calc:

  • There is only one AutoFilter active for a spreadsheet document at a time. The rows remain hidden but the drop-downs in the first row disappear on applying AutoFilter elsewhere.
  • The remaining visible row numbers do not change color to warn that there is a filter in place.
  • Error values do not show as an option in the drop down lists when cells in the column have errors.
  • In the drop down lists, the equivalent to Excel’s “Custom” is called “Standard”.


Chart types that Excel provides but Calc does not:

  • Bar of pie converts to a 2D – columns – normal.
  • Pie of pie converts to a 2D – columns – normal.
  • Radar filled converts to 3D – columns deep.
  • Radar with markers – converts to 2D – net – normal but counterclockwise rather than Excel’s clockwise.

Other charting issues include:

  • There are fewer axis options, such as no option for having an inverted y axis (negative at top towards positive at bottom).
  • The data must be contiguous, with the labels in the first row or column.

Number formats

There is no “accounting” format (with the currency symbol at the left edge of the cell). A workaround would be to have another column to the left that contains the currency symbol.

There is no predefined option for bracketing negative numbers. Use a custom format such as “$#,##0.00_);[RED]($#,##0.00)”.

Grid lines

In Excel grid lines are a property of a worksheet; in Calc it is an application-wide option:

Tools > Options > Calc > View

Import, export and sharing issues in presentations

Color gradients and borders

The author had not noticed the following changes, so this is a direct quote from StarOffice 7 Migration Guide by Sun.

Unlike Microsoft PowerPoint, StarOffice Impress does not support three-color gradients, double and triple borders, or round-dotted borders. To improve the results of the import, you have to make the necessary adjusts before import. Change three-color presets to similar two-color gradient fills and change double and triple border lines to a single border line with appropriate width. Round-dotted border lines that are mapped to rectangle-border closely resemble the original line style in PowerPoint, so manual editing should not be necessary.


Voice-over narration is not supported by Impress.

There appear to be no settings for multimedia custom animations, such as the ability to play a sound for the next slides.

Chart animations

There is no facility in Impress for “chart effects” as there is in PowerPoint, such as presenting a series or category at a time. On import the charts simply appear. A workaround is to have multiple copies of the chart with each one set up to display as desired.

Pack and Go

The Pack and Go feature in PowerPoint allowed a PowerPoint file to be split over several floppy disks and assured that all related files were included. This facility is not included in Impress, nor can Impress open such files.


Date fields are exported as text, so they do not automatically update.

Action settings and interaction

PowerPoint provides action settings for mouseover, but Impress does not have this option, only on mouse click, so mouseovers get mapped to mouse clicks. PowerPoint has an option for highlighting the object on mouse click or mouse over; Impress does not have this, so it gets ignored on import.

PowerPoint custom animations and Impress object effects

Table 3 shows how the custom animations and object effects are imported into Impress and exported to PowerPoint.

Importing / exporting custom animations between PowerPoint and Impress
PowerPoint Impress
Appear Appear
Blinds Fade Horizontally
Box Fade To Center
Checkerboard Checkerboard
Diamond Appear
Crawl Fly In From bottom
Dissolve Dissolve
Flash once Appear
Peek Short Fly In from Bottom
Random Bars Horizontal lines
Spiral Spiral Outward Clockwise
Split Close Vertical
Stretch Stretch Vertical
Strips Fade From Top Right
Swivel Rotate Horizontally
Wipe Cross-Fade From Top
Zoom Fade From Center
Random effects Vertical Lines

PowerPoint—Impress slide transitions

Table 4 shows how slide transitions are imported into Impress and exported to PowerPoint.
PowerPoint Impress
Blinds Horizontal Venitian Blinds Horizontal
Blinds Vertical Venitian Blinds Vertical
Box In Box In
Box Out Box Out
Checkerboard Across Checkerboard Across
Checkerboard Down Checkerboard Down
Cover Down Cover Down
Cover Left Cover Left
Cover Right Cover Right
Cover Up Cover Up
Cover Left Down Cover Left-Down
Cover Right Down Cover Right-Down
Cover Left Up Cover Left-Up
Cover Right Up Cover Right-Up
Cut No effect
Cut Through Black No effect
Dissolve Dissolve
Fade Through Black Fade Through Black
Random Bars Horizontally Random Bars Horizontal
Random Bars Vertically Random Bars Vertical
Horizontal In Split Horizontal In
Horizontal Out Split Horizontal Out
Split Vertical In Split Vertical In
Split Vertical Out Split Vertical Out
Strips Left Down Fade From Top Right
Strips Left Up Fade From Bottom Right
Strips Right Down Fade From Top Left
Strips Right Up Fade From Bottom Left
Uncover Down Uncover Down
Uncover Left Uncover Left
Uncover Right Uncover Right
Uncover Up Uncover Up
Uncover Left Down Uncover Left-Down
Uncover Left Up Uncover Left-Up
Uncover Right Down Uncover Right-Down
Uncover Right Up Uncover Right-Up
Wipe Down Wipe Down
Wipe Left Wipe Left
Wipe Right Wipe Right
Wipe Up Wipe Up
Random Transition Random Transition

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