2 0 1 regression review

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RU = Эта страница требует пересмотра UA = Ця сторінка потребує перегляду EN = This page needs revision PT = Esta página necessita revisão FR = Cette page a besoin d'être révisée IT = Questa pagina ha bisogno di revisione DE = Diese Seite muss überarbeitet werden NL = Deze pagina heeft onderhoud nodig #default = This page needs revision }}

This page is a snapshot of issues that have already been reported against 2.0.1RC's. It should be used to identify regressions, that have been introduced between 2.0.0 and 2.0.1.

Please pick an issue, try to verify with 2.0.0 and 2.0.1. If it only exists in 2.0.1, add the regression keyword to the issue. If not, leave the issue as it is or handle it according to the QA project's guidelines for help.

In any case, add a sign here, that you have reviewed the issue. (E.g my reviews are tagged with "sca" at the beginning of a line)

sca = Andre Schnabel, regina = Regina Henschel, khirano = Kazunari Hirano, andreas = Andreas Mantke, jrahemipour = Jacqueline Rahemipour, BeDipp = Bernhard Dippold (- = no regression / + = regression), timar = Andras Timar

Issue list (104 issues found)
Sun Dec 11 13:45:53 -0800 2005
Name / comment ID Type Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
khirano (regression) 59272 DEFECT P3 All as NEW database forms are automatically replaced when another text document is loaded
sca 59185 DEFECT P1 All mru NEW Regular expressions search replace may result in severe data
khirano 58517 DEFECT P2 All af STAR Impress crashes on document open with gtk plug
58524 DEFECT P2 Maci openstep UNCO SAMBA i/O error in saving doc
sca 58769 DEFECT P2 All af STAR crash in close the document after I add and delete a master
sca 58845 DEFECT P2 All of REOP User cannot start OOo after updating from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
andreas 59037 DEFECT P2 PC iano NEW [DE] Indexing for help texts completely messed up and mixed
sca 59168 DEFECT P2 All mru NEW RTF file crashes OOo
khirano 47377 DEFECT P3 All ja NEW Crash on Crash Report.
sca 58527 DEFECT P3 PC jsk NEW problem with templates and macros in post-2.0 versions
sca 58531 DEFECT P3 All issues@lingucomponent UNCO make dictionary etc. engine-specific to allow multiple engin
sca 58557 DEFECT P3 PC mru NEW Word Import: Word elements imported incorrectly
timar 58558 DEFECT P3 All nemeth STAR OOo's hyphenator doesn't handle alternations at hyphenation
58561 DEFECT P3 PC tm NEW some Applications tooltips in Start menu grammatically wrong
sca 58562 DEFECT P3 PC sj NEW Numbering messed up when opening MS PowerPoint document
sca 58573 DEFECT P3 All os NEW untranslated string
sca 58594 DEFECT P3 All mru NEW Word Import: frames positioned incorrectly
sca 58597 DEFECT P3 All mru UNCO Table filelds not displaying or calculating properly
andreas 58607 DEFECT P3 All sba UNCO Outline Numbering 'show sublevel' not reflect ParentNumberin
sca 58613 DEFECT P3 PC sj NEW PPT export bug
sca 58614 DEFECT P3 PC mru UNCO Word document margin error
sca 58644 DEFECT P3 PC cl NEW can not delete all text of rectangle with custom animation
sca 58645 DEFECT P3 PC od NEW Text of numbered list with numtype "none" not displaying
58646 DEFECT P3 All cn UNCO xTableRows insertByIndex() method fails inserting new row to
sca 58648 DEFECT P3 All flr NEW RTF: landscape pages after continuous section break are inco
58653 DEFECT P3 All thb NEW Dim with color did not work for bitmap shape
andreas (same in 2.0.0) 58702 DEFECT P3 PC thb NEW non-tiled background bitmap tiled in slideshow
andreas (regress) 58707 DEFECT P3 All af NEW hide slide ico invisible beside hide slide
khirano 58712 DEFECT P3 PC cl NEW Saved Impress file lose Image Map
andreas (not relevant for Linux) 58750 DEFECT P3 Maci ericb NEW Capslock doesn't work correctly
sca 58758 DEFECT P3 All tm NEW stylist and navigator window states not restored
andreas(Linux not infected; 2.0.0 and 2.0.1RC4 Win no defect) 58763 DEFECT P3 PC es UNCO subject meta tag corrupted for html file
58776 DEFECT P3 All od NEW Removing a paragraph via backspace needs backspace for delet
58777 DEFECT P3 All od NEW Deleting an outline paragraph via backspace does not work wh
58817 DEFECT P3 PC cmc NEW configure should use with-system-stdlibs by default when /et
58831 DEFECT P3 All sba UNCO Wrong key assignement for OOo ES
58843 DEFECT P3 PC mru UNCO Word Export: borders of frames not exported correctly
sca 58847 DEFECT P3 All is NEW Previous (2.0.0) Version not found
58851 DEFECT P3 All issues@lingucomponent NEW DicOOo fails to update
BeDipp- 58858 DEFECT P3 All fme NEW Table borders not correct if table wraps to next page
58866 DEFECT P3 All msc UNCO XForm binding expression not re-evaluated on namespace chang
58886 DEFECT P3 All iano NEW Placeholder for tablename in hungarian version still present
khirano 58888 DEFECT P3 All cgu NEW export .ppt as .odp changing line spacing
58904 DEFECT P3 All od NEW WW8: loop on formatting frames and redlines in RTL context
khirano 58910 DEFECT P3 All mh NEW Please, Allow Concurrent Running Of OOo Builds
58919 DEFECT P3 All os UNCO Black Pages in Mail Merge
BeDipp- 58930 DEFECT P3 All af NEW Find & Replace Dialog: "Current selection only" is always di
58981 DEFECT P3 All flr NEW WW8: Table-of-contents Link style has wrong size
khirano BeDipp- 58999 DEFECT P3 All cl UNCO align does not work for Vertical text
BeDipp- 59001 DEFECT P3 All thb NEW Some "Font Effects" is bad when slide show
sca 59006 DEFECT P3 All tm UNCO can't open the odt on double click the file ico in browse
sca 59007 DEFECT P3 All tm NEW "Edit file" menubutton is invalid
BeDipp- 59025 DEFECT P3 PC hbrinkm NEW UNDO for insert frame moves cursor position to top of docume
59026 DEFECT P3 All sb STAR crash on desktop terminate() through PyUNO
jrahemipour 59030 DEFECT P3 All sba UNCO Spelling: change all does not work when typing custom sugges
59033 DEFECT P3 All tl NEW PageStyleName is read-only
sca 59047 DEFECT P3 PC ab NEW Macros in a new document based on a template did not work
BeDipp- 59048 DEFECT P3 All dbaneedsconfirm NEW Can not delete Base document
BeDipp- 59051 DEFECT P3 All od NEW dimension arrows in a group from Oo.o draw pasted into Write
59059 DEFECT P3 All es NEW Drop Cap Style Setting Not Saved?
jrahemipour 59060 DEFECT P3 All sba UNCO word count does not include Bullet and Numbering character
BeDipp- 59061 DEFECT P3 All cl NEW move up/down does not work well in Outline View when select
59073 DEFECT P3 All iano NEW [DE] Wrong Description for Symbolleisten Schaltflächen hinz
59084 DEFECT P3 PC dbaneedsconfirm UNCO Cannot connect to Outlook Addresses
59086 DEFECT P3 PC dbaneedsconfirm UNCO OOo2.0.x shows "Persö?liches Adre?buch" instead of "Persön
59088 DEFECT P3 All od NEW WW8: sometime outline numbers not displayed though styles co
andreas (2.0.0 hängt; 2.0.1 öffnet mit 2 Bestätigungdialogen) 59089 DEFECT P3 PC jsk NEW The warning dialog titled "Security Warning" is always opene
59097 DEFECT P3 PC es UNCO Undo Menu strings with non-Ascii characters broken
khirano 59104 DEFECT P3 PC cgu UNCO Displaying Powerpoint files is really really slow
BeDipp- 59105 DEFECT P3 PC spreadsheet NEW undo inserted picture, the context menu is incorrect!
BeDipp- 59107 DEFECT P3 PC spreadsheet NEW 2 foci after minimizing and maximizing a second spreadsheet
khirano 59110 DEFECT P3 PC kla NEW 2 pages of chart wizard appear
dridgway- 59112 DEFECT P3 PC spreadsheet NEW Off-by-one calculation int() and floor() with large inputs
59121 DEFECT P3 All iano UNCO Kontrollelemente instead of Kontrollfelder
59124 DEFECT P3 All iano UNCO [DE] English text in German Help
59134 DEFECT P3 All od NEW Outline Numbering Starts with 2 Instead of 1
khirano 59137 DEFECT P3 All pb NEW Template dialog closes silently when trying to edit template
59140 DEFECT P3 All iano NEW [DE] English text in German Help for property of floating fr
sca 59144 DEFECT P3 All flr NEW Regression: rtf document can not be opend
jrahemipour 59152 DEFECT P3 PC iano NEW [DE] English text in German help for CALC under heading "For
jrahemipour 59155 DEFECT P3 PC of NEW association for MS Office extension do not work during setup
andreas (Regression, kein Stopper) 59169 DEFECT P3 All mru NEW wmf picture show incorrectly
59170 DEFECT P3 All iano UNCO NL: Help - Format of help page is mixed up.
scan 59171 DEFECT P3 All of NEW Shared configuration lost during update
sca 59173 DEFECT P3 All wg NEW Color bar colors disappear after editing OLE object
jrahemipour 59174 DEFECT P3 All iano UNCO NL: GUI - String doesn't fit in dialog
jrahemipour 59175 DEFECT P3 All iano UNCO NL: GUI - Double and untranslated strings in controls toolba
jrahemipour 59186 DEFECT P3 PC sba NEW Wrong description in part "Add Commands" of customize toolba
sca 59188 DEFECT P3 PC sba NEW File dialog in OOo 2.01 RC4
jrahemipour 59190 DEFECT P3 All sba NEW Empty toolbar appears after installation of 2.0.1 RC4
regina 59194 DEFECT P3 PC iano UNCO [DE] English texts in help "Symbolleisten"
jrahemipour 59203 DEFECT P3 PC iano NEW [DE] typos in German help for IMPRESS under heading "Funktio
BeDipp+ 59204 DEFECT P3 All dbaneedsconfirm UNCO Report Wizard: Columns using reserved words like table
andreas (italienischer Hilfedialog; soll behoben sein) 59208 DEFECT P3 PC iano UNCO IT: OOO_VENDOR occurs unresolved in About -> Config
dridgway looks like RFE 59211 DEFECT P3 All dbaneedsconfirm UNCO Query design does not support concatenation
jrahemipour 59212 DEFECT P3 All mru NEW Rectangles instead of bullets in standard bullet list
jrahemipour 59213 DEFECT P3 PC mru NEW bullet and numbering buttons are not shown pressed anymore
sca 47781 DEFECT P4 PC sba REOP inconsistent behaviour in formatting after autoformat
jrahemipour 58638 DEFECT P4 PC dbaneedsconfirm NEW garbage content around form
sca 58699 DEFECT P4 PC es NEW Updated field code after print doesn't trigger a save
jrahemipour 58848 DEFECT P4 PC jsk UNCO macros executable in read-only documents
khirano 59017 DEFECT P4 All sba UNCO Regression of i39036: bmp icons with png name
jrahemipour 59159 DEFECT P4 PC sba UNCO [DE] inkonsistent translations for "toolbox" in Basic Dialog
jrahemipour 58633 DEFECT P5 PC fs STAR Form Design toolbar icons state inconsistent
jrahemipour 58867 DEFECT P5 All od NEW note visually appears twice numbered paragraph
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