Calc/ODFF Implementation/Examine functions

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Examine Changes in Functions for ODFv1.2

This is a collection of the differences I found and what I know is already done or in progress. I also note, when I found problems in the draft spec itself. You are invited to add your observations. Regina 19:40, 10 October 2008 (CEST)

Statistical Functions

Function ODFv1.2 CALC Action Progress
AVERAGEIF implemented implementation by Marina (makkica) Issue 101466
integrated in LibO 4.0
AVERAGEIFS implemented implementation by Marina (makkica) Issue 101466
integrated in LibO 4.0
BETADIST Draft Spec misses faktor 1/(b-a) in densitiy case not yet implemented Inform Eike Rathke correct in draft 22a of ODFF
Has density case and optional parameter, to choose between density and cumulative not yet implemented expand function to density case and additional parameter,tracked in Issue 91547 integrated in OOo3.2
BINOMDIST Parameter C is integer with constraint to 0 and 1. It should be Logical as in other distributions C=0 is density, all other values of C are treated as cumulative
LEGACY.CHIDIST Returns 1 for x <0 x < 0 returns Err:502 expand domain to x < 0 internal,patch in Issue 94555 integrated in OOo3.2
CHISQDIST density function and cumulative left tail of chi-square distribution not yet implemented prepare Implementation, patch in Issue 94555 integrated in OOo3.2
CHISQINV inverse of CHISQDIST(...TRUE()) not yet implemented prepare Implementation, patch in Issue 94555 integrated in OOo3.2
EXPONDIST Parameter Cumulative has type Logical and is optional. Last Parameter C has type Number and is not optional. C=0 returns denisity, other values for C return cumulative function.
FDIST density function and cumulative left tail of F-distribution not yet implemented prepare for implementation first draft, depends on BETADIST Issue 91547
Name conflicts with actual FDIST, which calculates right tail. OOo2.4 does not handle namespace correctly and takes new FDIST as old one get new UI-name have brought problem to dev@sc
FINV inverse of new FDIST not yet implemented
Name conflicts with actual FINV, which calculates inverse for right tail. get new UI-name
GAMMA Parameter is constraint to >= 0 Gamma is definied for all real numbers, but non-positive integers Inform Eike Rathke
not yet implemented prepare implementation using full domain. Add UI texts. patch in Issue 94555 integrated in OOo3.2
is in subgroup Mathematical functions will go to subgroup Statistical functions Mail to OASIS [1]
GAMMALN is in subgroup Mathematical Functions is in subgroup Statistical Functions
GAMMADIST Last Parameter has type Logical Last Parameter has type Number Change type internal to bool. Change UI texts. patch in Issue 94555 integrated in OOo3.2
Domain for Parameter x includes x < 0 x < 0 returns Err:502 in OOo2.* Change implementation integrated in OOo3.0
GROWTH Last parameter has type Logical (in Excel too) Last parameter has type Number
is in subgroup Statistical Functions (in Excel too) is in subgroup Array Functions
HYPGEOMDIST Optional, logical parameter to calculate "exact" or "at most" no parameter, calculates always "exact"
INTERCEPT Current, "Calculates the point at which a line will intersect the y-values by using known x-values and y-values." (BTW: That is literally from Excel help.) Problems:1. It calculates no point but a single value. 2. The line does not intersect the y-values but the y-axis. 3. It does not say, that the line is the linear regression of the known values. Mail to OASIS [2]
NORMDIST Last Parameter has type Logical and is optional Last Parameter has type Number and is required Change implementation, Issue 100119 integrated in OOo3.2
Accuracy is insufficient for x<−2 because cancellation. New implementation with ERFC.Issue 69069 , Issue 97091 integrated in OOo3.2
LEGACY.NORMSDIST "This is exactly NORMDIST(x)." Should be "This is exactly NORMDIST(x;0;1)." because mean parameter and standard deviation parameter are not optional. correct in draft 22a of ODFF
Accuracy is insufficient for x<−2 because cancellation. New implementation with ERFC. Issue 69069 , Issue 97091 integrated in OOo3.2
LOGNORMDIST Four parameters, all but first parameter are optional Three parameters, all required Change implementation Issue 100119 integrated in OOo3.2
PERCENTRANK It has an optional parameter Significance not yet implemented
PHI Description is unclear. PHI(x)=NORMDIST(x;0;1;FALSE()). It is the density function of the standard normal distribution correct in draft 22a of ODFF
POISSON Parameter Cumulative has type Logical and is optional. Parameter 'C' is required. 'C'=0 is density function, all others are cumulative change in calc Issue 96837 integrated in OOo3.1
QUARTILE Example calculates with Quart=1.5 although there is a constraint INT(Quart)=Quart Mail to OASIS [3]
RANK Description "If not 0, Data is ranked in descending order." has to be "If not 0, Data is ranked in ascending order." correct in draft 22a of ODFF
SKEWP not yet implemented
STDEVA The text "cells with text are converted to 0;" conflicts with "The handling of strings is implementation defined." Mail to OASIS [4]
TDIST In Draft 26 it was corrected to show the cumulative function. In addition it was renamed to LEGACY.TDIST to be consistent with other right tailed distributions. Calc (and Excel) evaluates the cumulative function. Implementation has to be adapted. not started
TREND The optional parameters knownX and newX may be empty, denoted as ;; knownX and knownY cannot be empty
Parameter AllowOffset is Logical Parameter is 0 or not 0
TRIMMEAN The limits in the definition formula are wrong. Either count i from 0, then sum from i=cutOff to n−1−cutOff, or count i from 1, then sum from i=cutOff+1 to n−cutOff correct in draft 22a of ODFF
TTEST (1) All formulas miss the degrees of freedom. It is necessary for TDIST. In case unequal variance there must be defined, whether the degrees of freedom are made integer by FLOOR or whether they remain real. (2) case paired: is wrong because it is already contained in . (3) case equal variance: definition of s² is missing. (4) case unequal variance: definition does not meet usual definitions. In fact it is the definition for the equal variance case, with pooled variance.(5) As TDIST actually returns the values of the CDF, this formulas has to be revised together with TDIST. Corrent implementation fits to draft, no action needed. draft 22a of ODFF has got correct definition for type 2 and 3, type 1 has got an error, which will be corrected soon.
WEIBULL Parameter Cumulative is logical. Parameter is 0 or not 0
Alpha and Beta are exchanged in the formula, compared with the current implementation in OOo, Excel and Gnumeric. Draft 22a of ODFF has got a better description.
ZTEST Calc calculates z-value wrong. Read discussion in Issue 90759 Correct sigma-bug integrated in OOo3.2
Uses instable algorithm for standard deviation. Change to stable version or use STDEV directly.
Calculates Beside the sigma-bug OOo calculates for z>0 and for z<0 Mail to OASIS [5]
Functionname ODF Calc Action Progress

Other Functions

Function ODFv1.2 CALC Action Progress
CEILING Already second parameter (significance) is optional. Only third parameter (mode) is optional. Change in Calc and write additional parameter to file for backwards compatibility (not that easy because the actual value depends on the first parameter).
Until then let at least the interpreter handle it as optional.
FLOOR Already second parameter (significance) is optional. Only third parameter (mode) is optional. Change in Calc and write additional parameter to file for backwards compatibility (not that easy because the actual value depends on the first parameter).
Until then let at least the interpreter handle it as optional.
GCD "Return the largest value that can be evenly divided (no remainder) into the given numbers." Should be "Return the largest value that can divide the given numbers evenly (no remainder)." - - Text is correct since OpenFormula draft 22.
LOG Base (third parameter) is optional with default 10. All parameters are required. Change in Calc Done (Lvyue) Issue 96835 , integrated to OOo3.1
ISOWEEKNUM not implemented yet
DATEDIF not implemented yet implementation by Winfried Donkers and Eike Rathke implemented in LibO 3.6.0
PDURATION not implemented yet
COUNTIFS implemented implementation by Marina (makkica) Issue 90269
integrated in LibO 4.0
NUMBERVALUE not implemented yet
XOR implemented implementation by Marina (makkica)
implemented in LibO 4.0 by Winfried Donkers
IFERROR not implemented yet implementation by Winfried Donkers and Eike Rathke Issue 92677
implemented in LibO 4.0
IFNA not implemented yet implementation by Winfried Donkers and Eike Rathke Issue 92677
implemented in LibO 4.0
CSC not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111413
integrated in LibO 3.5.0
CSCH not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111413
integrated in LibO 3.5.0
SEC not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111413
integrated in LibO 3.5.0
SECH not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111413
integrated in LibO 3.5.0
SUMIFS implemented implementation by Marina (makkica) Issue 95144
integrated in LibO 4.0
BITAND implemented; Excel import/export TODO implementation by Pathangi Janardhanan Jatinshravan Issue 111519
implemented in LibO 3.5.0
BITLSHIFT implemented; Excel import/export TODO implementation by Pathangi Janardhanan Jatinshravan Issue 111519
implemented in LibO 3.5.0
BITOR implemented; Excel import/export TODO implementation by Pathangi Janardhanan Jatinshravan Issue 111519
implemented in LibO 3.5.0
BITRSHIFT implemented; Excel import/export TODO implementatin by Pathangi Janardhanan Jatinshravan Issue 111519
implemented in LibO 3.5.0
BITXOR implemented; Excel import/export TODO implementation by Pathangi Janardhanan Jatinshravan Issue 111519
implemented in LibO 3.5.0
FINDB not implemented yet
LEFTB not implemented yet
LENB not implemented yet
MIDB not implemented yet
REPLACEB not implemented yet
RIGHTB not implemented yet
SEARCHB not implemented yet
IMCSCH not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
IMSEC not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
IMSECH not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
IMSINH not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
IMCOSH not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
IMTAN not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
IMCOT not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
IMCSC not implemented yet Implementation by Regina Patch in Issue 111609
integrated in LibO 3.6.0
Functionname ODF Calc Action Progress

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