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10:00–10:20 CEST


  • Bettina Haberer
  • Joachim Lingner
  • Jürgen Schmidt
  • Kai Sommerfeld
  • Martin Damboldt
  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Thorsten Bosbach
  • Nils Fuhrmann
  • Stella Schulze
  • Laurent Godard

Minute Taker: MD next (BH, KSO, ST, TBO, NF, STS, JL, JSC, MD)

Action Items

Action Items
Item Owner Status Due Date
1_2007-7-5: How could an update feed be generated on the extensions.services.opennoffice.org site? TBO open 2007-8-9
5_2007-7-5: Prepare Notification of Extension Owners about Site ST open 2007-8-1
6_2007-7-5: Prepare Documentation for Users as target for "User Resources" BH done 2007-8-9
7_2007-7-5: Prepare an example full feature download extension, to review the presentation of the extension TBO, STS Stalled 2007-08-09
1_2007-7-12: Martin will find out about license conditions for using anti virus software on the extension website. MD in progress
1_2007-7-19: integrate new "Get More" URL in extensions manager JL in progress
2_2007-7-19: take care of appropriate input for the new getmore page ST in progress 2007-08-09
1_2007-7-26: find out whether there is a size limit when submitting extensions into the repository MD new
2_2007-7-26: investigate on lossed platform fields for submitting extensions MD/TBO new 2007-08-09
3_2007-7-26: create links to point people to the extension section of the developers guide within the extension repository JSC/TBO new 2007-08-09

Comments on Action Items

  • 1_2007-7-12: Still no feedback from anti virus vendors
  • 1_2007-7-19: Corresponding CWS is in QA
  • 2_2007-7-19: requires TBO to be present to proceed
  • 6_2007-7-5: This action item had been finished at due date


JL: On the extension mailinglist KAMI asked whether there is a size limit for extensions submitted into the repository. KMAI plans to submit ~60MB extensions. -> MD will takes the action to find out about size limitations, see action items section.

JL: Second question from KAMI was if unstable extensions like alpha or beta releases for example can also be put into the extension repository. -> Yes, the can, everybody is welcome to also submit non final extensions.

MD: Found out that platform support has vanished from the extension repository. During the fist review of the site we discussed about the extension submition form and that time we indeed had controls to select the corresponding platform(s) for the extension to submit. Now they are gone. We need to wait until TBO is back to investigate further on this.

Round Table: We had a short discussion related to the platform question named above, related to the extension identifier. The identifier should also contain platform information. According to Jürgen, there are and will be some separate informations about this in the extensions section of the developers guide. We need to make sure to create links within the extension repository to those informations.


10:00–11:30 CEST


  • Bettina Haberer
  • Joachim Lingner
  • Jürgen Schmidt
  • Kai Sommerfeld
  • Martin Damboldt
  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Thorsten Bosbach
  • Nils Fuhrmann
  • Stella Schulze
  • Laurent Godard

Minute Taker: JSC next (BH, KSO, ST, MD, TBO, NF, STS, JL, JSC)

Action Items

Action Items
Item Owner Status Due Date
1_2007-7-5: How could an update feed be generated on the extensions.services.opennoffice.org site? TBO open 2007-8-9
2_2007-7-5: Redesign the extensions.services.openoffice.org site STS done
3_2007-7-5: Extend Extension Manager to use default extension update URL contained in version.ini for update pings JL done
4_2007-7-5: Provide document describing the benefits of OXT over Non-OXT as target for "Developer Resources" JSC done
5_2007-7-5: Prepare Notification of Extension Owners about Site ST open 2007-8-1
6_2007-7-5: Prepare Documentation for Users as target for "User Resources" BH open 2007-8-9
7_2007-7-5: Prepare an example full feature download extension, to review the presentation of the extension TBO, STS stalled
1_2007-7-12: Martin will find out about license conditions for using anti virus software on the extension website. MD in progress
2_2007-7-12: Laurent will set up a private "abuse" mailing list Laurent done
1_2007-7-19: integrate new "Get More" URL in extensions manager JL new
2_2007-7-19: take care of appropriate input for the new getmore page ST new

Comments on Action Items

  • 1_2007-7-5: TBO is currently on vacation and we set an due date
  • 2_2007-7-5: STS has provided the new design and TBO has already started to integrate it and he will integrate it after his vacation.
  • 3_2007-7-5: The related cws is "ready for QA" and will probably integrated soon
  • 4_2007-7-5: JSC has already sent a document to TBO (7/6/2007) to integrate it on the webpage. He will send it on the mailing list as well.
  • 6_2007-7-5: BH is on vacation and we set a due date
  • 7_2007-7-5: stalled because TBO is on vacation
  • 1_2007-7-12: Laurent gave some hints on free available virus scanners. MD has contacted some guys from avast but got no response so far. He also contacted Kaspersky Labs where he got also no response so far.
  • 2_2007-7-12: Laurent has created the list and asked for help on the website@extensions mailing list for help. One volunteer Andrew Jensen has offered help so far.
  • 1_2007-7-19: JL will integrate the new URL (extensions.services.openoffice.org/getmore) for the "Get more Extensions" button int he extensions manager
  • 2_2007-7-19: ST will take care of the content for the "getmore" page. For example the start page for Firefox extensions is also different than the page which is linked under "Get Extensions" from within the Addon dialog. On the initial start page we can provide even more general info which is not so important when we come over the extension manager.


No special agenda topics today. We mainly walked through the action items. The work on the site is stalled because TBO is on vacation.

JSC found an interesting review document on the UX website from MMP (UX team). We wasn't aware of this review and MMP gave some useful feedback.


10:00–11:30 CEST


  • Bettina Haberer
  • Joachim Lingner
  • Jürgen Schmidt
  • Kai Sommerfeld
  • Martin Damboldt
  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Thorsten Bosbach
  • Nils Fuhrmann
  • Stella Schulze
  • Laurent Godard

Minute Taker: JL next (BH, JSC, KSO, ST, MD, TBO, NF, STS, JL)

Action Items

  • How could an update feed be generated on the extensions.services.opennoffice.org site? (TBO, In progress)

-> Postponed to do it after finishing the change of the branding.

  • Redesign the extensions.services.openoffice.org site (STS, In progress)

-> Stella will take a look onto the presentation page for an extension.

  • Extend Extension Manager to use default extension update URL contained in version.ini for update pings (JL, done but CWS not yet integrated, issue i77752)
  • Provide document describing the benefits of OXT over Non-OXT as target for "Developer Resources" (JSC, open, due 2007-07-05)
  • Prepare Mock-ups for Improved Site (STS, done)
  • Prepare Notification of Extension Owners about Site (ST, Open, due on Aug 1st)

-> Stefan needs notification about ten days ahead before the site is going 'public'

  • Prepare Documentation for Users as target for "User Resources" (BH, Open)

-> BH expects to finish on 2007-07-06.

  • Start discussion about rating/review of extensions on mailinglist (Laurent, done)
  • Prepare an example full feature download extension, to review the presentation of the extension (TBO, STS: in progress)

-> http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/testaddin00

  • Martin will find out about license conditions for using anti virus software on the extension website.
  • Laurent will set up a private "abuse" mailing list


  • Automatically scanning submitted extensions for viruses.

A submitted extension could be verified that it is not infected with a virus. Martin will try to find out about what scanner could be used (see action item).

  • Automatic testing of submitted extensions

This does not seem to be feasible. We could use the virus scans + an "abuse" reporting mechanism as a means to filter out bad extensions.

  • Discussing the new design for the "extensions box"

It was asked if one can find out who submitted the extension since the extensions box only shows the publisher. Answer: the administrator can find the information when editing the data belonging to the extensions.

  • Position of the "Report abuse" button.

It could be put next to the ranking. Where exactly and what it will look like is up to Stella's decision.

  • Reporting an abuse

A user needs to log in in order to make report. This should raise the hurdle for misusing this feature. The reporter will be presented a form where he/she can leave a description. Submitting the form will generate an e-mail to a "abuse" mailing list. Laurent will set this up (action item). This mailing list be NOT public. The reasoning for this is: It is easy to use the "abuse" feature in order to do harm. Once there is a public e-mail it may be mirrored and indexed and cached by search engines. Then unsuspecting users may use them to look for information regarding a particular extension and come across the "abuse" mail, although at that time it may have turned out unjustified. But then the harm is done - the user may change his/her mind about that product.

  • Evaluate the abuse mails

We need to find volunteers who take care of evaluation the mails. Laurent will try to find people. They will be able to subscribe the "abuse" mailing list.

  • Automatically disabling the download of an extension when a abuse has been reported

This will not happen, since submitting unjustified abuse mails would lead to repeated disabling of the download. For example, every few days an abuse is reported... Also showing a message indicating that the extension is currently being investigated would probably raise (unjustified) suspicion on part of the users.

  • The design should be implemented by Thorsten by next week.
  • Localization of the web site

We would need volunteers do this (translation and finding out how this could be done technically). Otherwise we will focus on getting the English version running.


10:00–11:30 CEST


  • Bettina Haberer
  • Joachim Lingner
  • Jürgen Schmidt
  • Kai Sommerfeld
  • Martin Damboldt
  • Stefan Taxhet
  • Thorsten Bosbach
  • Nils Fuhrmann
  • Stella Schulze
  • Laurent Godard

Minute Taker: TBO next (BH, JSC, KSO, ST, MD, TBO)

Action Items

  • How could an update feed be generated on the extensions.services.opennoffice.org site? (TBO, In progress)

-> Postponed to do it after finishing the change of the branding.

  • Redesign the extensions.services.openoffice.org site (STS, In progress)

-> Stella will take a look onto the presentation page for an extension.

  • Establish a new virtual host on the same server as our extensions repository to handle the updates of extensions (TBO, stalled)

-> No feedback so far from OSUOSL about this request. Not needed anymore - the important point was to be able to redirect, which can be done with http://updateext.services.openoffice.org/

  • Extend Extension Manager to use default extension update URL contained in version.ini for update pings (JL, Open i77752)

-> Not done yet, still targeting 2.3 release. Due date middle of july.

  • Provide extensions update URL that is to put into version.ini of 2.3 (TBO, done)

-> http://updateext.services.openoffice.org/ProductUpdateService/check.Update

  • Provide document describing the benefits of OXT over Non-OXT as target for "Developer Resources" (JSC, open, due 2007-07-05)
  • Prepare Mock-ups for Improved Site (STS, done)
  • Prepare Notification of Extension Owners about Site (ST, Open)

-> Stefan needs notification about ten days ahead before the site is going 'public'

  • Prepare Documentation for Users as target for "User Resources" (BH, Open)

-> BH expects to finish on 2007-07-06

  • Start discussion about rating/review of extensions on mailinglist (Laurent, new)
  • Prepare an example full feature download extension, to review the presentation of the extension (TBO, STS: new)

-> http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/testaddin00


  • Laurent came up with: Translation of a) site UI and b) extension presentation text and c) the extension itself.
    • It was agreed to first get the general function of the site done.
    • Then start with a) by asking the native language groups to provide the needed strings.
    • For b) the way how it could be done with drupal needs some investigation.
    • c) is currently out of scope.
  • Laurent raised the question about security: How can we make shure only 'good' extensions are shown?
    • a) Provide a link or button like 'Report abuse here', to be able to get a notification about bad behaving extensions.
    • b) The general quality can be seen by the ranking of an extension.
    • c) Establish a review by the community.
  • These topics will get discussed at the OOo conference 2007 in Barcelona during the extension meeting and on the mailing list.
  • Design voting
    • It was agreed on the 2. proposal with the search box from the 3. proposal.
    • The logo will get splitted, the text will not be a graphic.
    • The text changes to: Welcome to the home of OpenOffice.org extensions!
  • It was started a discussion on how the extension will be presented on the page.
    • The design will get evaluated by Stella.
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