Renaissance:Status Meetings:2009-03-23

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Meeting Details

  • 2009-03-23, 4:00 PM CET
  • IRC details:

In Attendance

  • Andreas Bartel (IRC: Andreas_)
  • Martin Damboldt (IRC: mdamboldt)
  • Christoph Lukasiak (IRC: clu_sun)
  • Elizabeth Matthis (IRC: lizm)
  • (IRC: ApOgEE-)
  • Christian Jansen (IRC: chris-j)
  • Thomas Thym (IRC: ungethym)
  • (IRC: Vince42)
  • (IRC: danielbw)
  • Frank Loehmann (IRC: frankl)
  • (IRC: danielbw)
  • Matthias Mueller Prove (IRC: mprove)


  • Review of old action items
  • Round Table

Action Items

Date Description Owner Status
2009-01-19/1 ODF document analyzer Andreas Canceled
2009-01-19/3 User Tracking Functionality Andreas Done
2009-01-19/4 Compatitive Analysis Frank Stalled
2009-01-19/5 Ethnographic research Andreas Canceled

Comments on Action Items

  • 2009-01-19/1: This I we mark as canceled and remove it from the AI list until further notice. Currently we don't have the resources and kind find anybody to volunteer. The item will be moved to the list of further ToDo's in the Wiki at
  • 2009-01-19/3: This specific AI is complete. The Usage Tracking Functionality has been integrated into the upcomming OOo 3.1 release which is currently targeted to go live early April 2009. After some data/reports have been gathered we will do first analysis runs which will also be tracked in these meetings.
  • 2009-01-19/5: Cancelled for now because we will use these resources for evaluation of prototypes. AI will be moved to future ToDo list, too.

Round Table

Andreas_: We have created a new version of IsoMetrics, specifically for office tools that will be tested of Sun stuff with the goal to evaluate the quality of Impress. Will be tested on our Sun collegues in Germany, so it's right now only available in German. Checkout
Andreas_: End of this week we will consolidate our data and give a status presentation. The presentation will then be uploaded to the Wiki.


== IRC Log ==
(16:00:58) mdamboldt: Hi
(16:01:03) Andreas_: hi everyone
(16:01:05) clu_sun: moin
(16:01:51) mdamboldt: Lets start with old action items:
(16:02:00) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/1  ODF document analyzer   Andreas
(16:02:00) mdamboldt: Andreas_: Any update?
(16:02:32) Andreas_: no, still nothing. I guess we might cancel this attempt for now
(16:02:57) Andreas_: since it probably won't be finished in time to help in any way
(16:03:00) mdamboldt: Andreas_: Agree. May be we put it on some kind of future or advance list in the Wiki?
(16:03:08) Andreas_: yes, agreed
(16:03:11) Vince42 hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
(16:03:17) mdamboldt: Next AI:
(16:03:18) mdamboldt: 2009-02-02/1  Usage Tracking marketing text  lizm 
(16:03:24) mdamboldt: lizm: Any update?
(16:03:35) lizm: that was cancelled
(16:03:44) mdamboldt: Ah.....sorry....
(16:03:47) lizm: or rather handed over to UFI
(16:03:51) mdamboldt: Next item:
(16:04:00) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/3  User Tracking Functionality  Andreas
(16:04:14) mdamboldt: Andreas_: Can't we remove this specific item?
(16:04:30) Andreas_: yes, I guess we should since it is on the way into 3.1
(16:04:56) mdamboldt: Andreas_: May be we want to track any upcomming analysis or simlar here, not sure!??!
(16:05:33) Andreas_: I was about to suggest that. As soon as we start plying around with data, we should track that here
(16:06:21) mdamboldt: The 3.1 is currently planned to go live early April 2009. So somehow later we should see a lot of data comming in to do some initial analysis. So for now I wouldn't note any new AI.
(16:06:48) mdamboldt: Next AI:
(16:06:52) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/4  Compatitive Analysis  Frank
(16:07:05) lizm: stalled IIRC
(16:07:06) Andreas_: on vacation, comming back next week
(16:07:10) mdamboldt: Ok
(16:07:25) mdamboldt: Last old AI on the list:
(16:07:25) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/5  Ethnographic research  Andreas  
(16:07:57) Andreas_: stalled or cancelled for now because we will use these resources for evaluation of prototypes
(16:08:24) mdamboldt: Ok, I will mark it as cancled similar to the item "ODF document analyzer".
(16:08:31) Andreas_: agreed
(16:08:49) mdamboldt: Thats all for the old AI's. So we are at the round table for today already.
(16:09:10) Andreas_: i have one small info
(16:09:39) Andreas_: we have created a new version of IsoMetrics, specifically for office tools
(16:10:10) lizm: in German or English?
(16:10:18) Andreas_: that will be tested of Sun stuff with the goal to evaluate the quality of Impress
(16:10:57) Andreas_: so far only in German, first we need to check the validity and subjectivity of the new version
(16:11:12) lizm: do you mean "tested on Sun staff" or "tested on Sun stuff (like products)
(16:11:35) Andreas_: tested on our Sun collegues in Germany
(16:11:50) lizm: ok, sounds good
(16:12:02) Andreas_: with the aim to assess the quality of Impress
(16:12:44) Andreas_: one more thing
(16:13:06) lizm: Will the other modules come later?
(16:13:11) Andreas_: check out the blog entry on the ux planet about user comments
(16:13:35) Andreas_:
(16:14:19) Andreas_: since Impress will probably be the application we will focus on, there are CURRENTLY no plans to do the other applications, but I guess sooner or later that will happen to
(16:14:21) Andreas_: too
(16:15:02) Andreas_: last thing :-)
(16:15:25) Andreas_: this weel we will consolidate our data and give a status presentation on Thursday
(16:15:44) Andreas_: the presentation will then be uploaded to the wiki
(16:15:58) lizm: I just checked your book/blog ;-) ("ux" not "us") WOW! good blog
(16:16:10) Andreas_: sorry about that
(16:16:52) Andreas_: so, that is all from my side
(16:16:55) lizm: Are your fingers 2cm shorter after all that typing? BTW I notice you wear extra thick glasses now after all that reading of comments ;-) Poor little eyeballs
(16:17:22) mdamboldt: Anything else for today?
(16:17:37) lizm: Nope
(16:18:03) mdamboldt: bye
(16:18:07) lizm: bye!
(16:18:13) clu_sun hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Leaving").
(16:18:14) Andreas_: ok then. talk to you next week
== IRC Log ==
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