Documentation/Reference/Math commands

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Unary / binary operators

Operation Command Display
Positive (plus) +1 +1
Negative (minus) -1 −1
Plus/minus +-1
Minus/plus -+1
Boolean 'not' neg a ¬a
Addition a + b a+b
Dot product a cdot b a·b
Cross product a times b a×b
Multiplication (asterisk) a * b a * b
Boolean 'and' a and b ab
Subtraction a - b a−b
Division (as a fraction) a over b
Division (as an operator)   a div b a÷b
Division (with a slash) a / b a/b
Boolean 'or' a or b
Concatenation a circ b

Relational operators

Operation Command Display
Is equal a = b a=b
Is not equal a <> b a≠b
Approximately a approx 2 a≈b
Divides a divides b
Does not divide a ndivides b
Less than a < 2 a<2
Greater than a > 2 a>2
Similar to or equal a simeq b
Parallel a parallel b
Orthogonal to a ortho b
Less than or equal to a leslant b
Greater than or equal to a geslant b
Similar to a sim b
Congruent a equiv b a≡b
Less than or equal to a <= b a≤b
Greater than or equal to a >= b a≥b
Proportional a prop b
Toward a toward b a→b
Arrow left a dlarrow b a⇐b
Double arrow left and right   a dlrarrow b a⇔b
Arrow right a drarrow b a⇒b

Set operations

Operation Command Display
Is in a in B a∈B
Is not in a notin B a∉B
Owns A owns b
Empty set emptyset
Intersection A intersection B A∩B
Union A union B A∪B
Difference A setminus B
Quotient A slash B
Aleph aleph
Subset A subset B A⊂B
Subset or equal to A subseteq B A⊆B
Superset A supset B A⊃B
Superset or equal to A supseteq B A⊇B
Not subset A nsubset B A / B
Not subset or equal A nsubseteq B A / B
Not superset A nsupset B A / B
Not superset or equal A nsupseteq B A / B
Set of natural numbers setN
Set of integers setZ
Set of rational numbers setQ
Set of real numbers setR
Set of complex numbers setC


Operation Command Display
Exponential func e^{a}
Natural logarithm ln(a)
Exponential function exp(a)
Logarithm log(a)
Power a^{b}
Sine sin(a)
Cosine cos(a)
Tangent tan(a)
Cotangent cot(a)
Square root sqrt{a}
Arcsine arcsin(a)
Arccosine arccos(a)
Arctangent arctan(a)
Arc cotangent arccot(a)
nth root nroot{a}{b}
Hyperbolic sine sinh(a)
Hyperbolic cosine cosh(a)
Hyperbolic tangent tanh(a)
Hyperbolic cotangent coth(a)
Absolute value abs{a}
Arc hyperbolic sine arsinh(a)
Arc hyperbolic cosine arcosh(a)
Arc hyperbolic tangent artanh(a)
Arc hyperbolic cotangent arcoth(a)
Factorial fact{a}


All operators can be used with the limit functions (“from" and “to").

Operation Command Display
Limit lim{a}
Sum sum{a}
Product prod{a}
Coproduct coprod{a}
Upper and lower bounds shown with integral int from {r_0} to {r_t} a
Integral int{a}
Double integral iint{a}
Triple integral iiint{a}
Lower bound shown with summation symbol sum from{3}b
Contour integral lint a
Double curved integral llint a Math l2inta.png
Triple curved integral lllint a Math l3inta.png
Product with range prod from {i=1} to {n} {(i+1)}


Operation Command Display
Acute accent acute a á
Grave accent grave a à
Reverse circumflex check a
Breve breve a
Circle circle a å
Vector arrow vec a
Tilde tilde a ã
Circumflex hat a â
Line above bar a
Dot dot a
Wide vector arrow widevec abc
Wide tilde widetilde abc Math Widetilde.png
Wide circumflex widehat abc
Double dot ddot a
Line over overline abc
Line under underline abc
Line through overstrike abc abc
Triple dot dddot a Math 3dota.png
Transparent (useful to get a placeholder of a given size) phantom a
Bold font bold a
Italic font (see Note 1) ital a
Roman (non-italic) font nitalic a OR "a"
Resize font size 16 qv qv
Following item in sans serif font (see Note 2) font sans qv qv
Following item in serif font font serif qv
Following item in fixed font font fixed qv qv
Make color of following text cyan (see Note 3) color cyan qv
Make color of following text yellow color yellow qv
Make color of following text white color white qv
Make color of following text green color green qv
Make color of following text blue color blue qv
Make color of following text red color red qv
Make color green returns to default color black color green X qv
Brace items to change color of more than one item color green {X qv}

Note 1: Unquoted text that is not a command is considered to be a variable. Variables are, by default, italicized.

Note 2: There are three custom fonts: serif (with serifs), sans (sans serif, meaning without serifs), and fixed (monospaced). To change the actual fonts used for custom fonts and the fonts used for variables (unquoted text), numbers and functions, use Format > Fonts.

Note 3: For all coloring, the color will apply only to the text immediately following the command until the next space is encountered. In order to have the color apply to more characters, place the text you want in color in curly brackets.


Operation Command Display
Infinity infinity
Partial partial
Nabla nabla
There exists exists
For all forall
H bar hbar
Lambda bar lambdabar Math lambdabar.png
Real part re
Imaginary part im
Weierstrass p wp
Left arrow leftarrow
Right arrow rightarrow
Up arrow uparrow
Down arrow downarrow
Dots at bottom dotslow
Dots at middle dotsaxis
Dots vertical dotsvert
Dots diagonal upward dotsup Math dotsup.png
Dots diagonal downward dotsdown


Operation Command Display
Round Brackets (a)
Square Brackets [b]
Double Square Brackets ldbracket c rdbracket
Single line lline a rline OR abs a
Double line ldline a rdline
Braces lbrace w rbrace
Braces left lbrace stack{0, n <> 0 # 1, n = 1} right none Lbrace.png
Angle Brackets langle d rangle
Operator Brackets langle a mline b rangle
Group brackets (used for program control) {a}
Scalable round brackets (add the word "left" before a left bracket and "right" before a right bracket) left ( stack{a # b # z} right )
Square brackets scalable
(as above)
left [ stack{ x # y} right ]
Double square brackets scalable left ldbracket c right rdbracket
Line scalable left lline a right rline
Double line scalable left ldline d right rdline
Brace scalable left lbrace e right rbrace
Angle bracket scalable left langle f right rangle
Operator brackets scalable left langle g mline h right rangle
Over brace scalable {The brace is above} overbrace a
Under brace scalable {the brace is below}underbrace {f}
Floor Brackets lfloor a rfloor
Ceil Brackets lceil a rceil


Operation Command Display
Left superscript a lsup{b}
Center superscript a csup{b}
Right superscript a^{b}
Left subscript a lsub{b}
Center subscript a csub{b}
Right subscript a_{b}
Align character to left (text is aligned center by default) stack { Hello world # alignl (a) }
Hello world
Align character to center stack{Hello world # alignc(a)}
Hello world
Align character to right stack { Hello world # alignr(a)}
Hello world
Vertical stack of 2 binom{a}{b}
Vertical stack, more than 2 stack{a # b # z}
Matrix matrix{
a # b ##
c # d
Equations aligned at '=' (using 'matrix') matrix{
a # "=" # alignl{b} ##
{} # "=" # alignl{c+1}
Equations aligned at '=' (using 'phantom') stack{
alignl{a} = b #
alignl{phantom{a} = c+1}
New line asldkfjo newline sadkfj asldkfjo
Small gap (grave) stuff `stuff
Large gap (tilde) stuff~stuff

Characters – Greek

Documentation caution.png In localized versions of Writer, the markup names of Greek and special characters are localized. If this document is not localized to the same language, then the names below may not work for input. You may still use the Symbol catalog to select the desired character by its glyph. This will also display the character's localized markup name.

Once entered, the characters will display properly in any language.

Code Display Code Display Code Display Code Display Code Display
%alpha α %beta β %gamma γ %delta δ %epsilon ε
%varepsilon %zeta ζ %eta η %theta θ %vartheta
%iota ι %kappa κ %lambda λ %mu μ %nu ν
%xi ξ %omicron ο %pi π %varpi %rho ρ
%varrho %sigma σ %varsigma %tau τ %upsilon υ
%phi φ %varphi %chi χ %psi ψ %omega ω

Characters – Special

%and %angle %element %identical
%infinite %noelement %notequal %or
%perthousand %strictlygreaterthan %strictlylessthan %tendto

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