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Writing UNO Components
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If the component encounters problems, review the following checklist to check if the component is configured correctly.

Check Registry Keys

To check if the registry database is correctly set up, run regview against the three keys that make up a registration in the /UCR, /SERVICES and /IMPLEMENTATIONS branch of a registry database. The following examples show how to read the appropriate keys and how a proper configuration should look. In our example, service ImageShrink, and the key /UCR/org/openoffice/test/XImageShrink contain the type information specified in UNOIDL (the exact output from regview might differ between versions of Apache OpenOffice):

 # dump XImageShrink type information
 $ regview thumbs.rdb /UCR/org/openoffice/test/XImageShrink 
 Registry "file:///X:/office60eng/program/thumbs.rdb":
         Size = 364
         Data = minor version: 0
                major version: 1
                type: 'interface'
                uik: { 0x00000000-0x0000-0x0000-0x00000000-0x00000000 }
                name: 'org/openoffice/test/XImageShrink'
                super name: 'com/sun/star/uno/XInterface'
                Doku: ""
                IDL source file: "X:\SO\sdk\examples\java\Thumbs\org\openoffice\test\XImageShrink.idl"
                number of fields: 3
                field #0:
                   Doku: ""
                  IDL source file: ""
                field #1:
                   Doku: ""
                  IDL source file: ""
                field #2:
                   Doku: ""
                  IDL source file: ""
                  number of methods: 0
                  number of references: 0

The /SERVICES/org.openoffice.test.ImageShrink key must point to the implementation name org.openoffice.comp.test.ImageShrink that was chosen for this service:

 # dump service name registration
 $ regview thumbs.rdb /SERVICES/org.openoffice.test.ImageShrink 
 Registry "file:///X:/office60eng/program/thumbs.rdb":
         Size = 45
         Len  = 1
         Data = 0 = "org.openoffice.comp.test.ImageShrink"

Finally, the /IMPLEMENTATIONS/org.openoffice.comp.test.ImageShrink key must contain the loader and the location of the component jar:

 # dump implementation name registration
 $ regview thumbs.rdb /IMPLEMENTATIONS/org.openoffice.comp.test.ImageShrink 
 Registry "file:///X:/office60eng/program/thumbs.rdb":
  / UNO
      Value: Type = RG_VALUETYPE_STRING
             Size = 26
             Data = ""
      / org.openoffice.test.ImageShrink
      Value: Type = RG_VALUETYPE_STRING
             Size = 50
             Data = "file:///X:/office60eng/program/classes/thumbs.jar"

If the UCR key is missing, the problem is with regmerge. The most probable cause are missing .urd files. Be careful when writing the makefile. If .urd files are missing when regmerge is launched by the makefile, regmerge continues and creates a barebone .rdb file, sometimes without any type info.

If regview can not find the /SERVICES and /IMPLEMENTATIONS keys or they have the wrong content, the problem occurred when regcomp was run. This can be caused by wrong path names in the regcomp arguments.

Also, a wrong SystemClasspath setup in java(.ini|rc) (prior to 2.x could be the cause of regcomp error messages about missing classes. Check what the SystemClasspath entry in java(.ini|rc) specifies for the Java UNO runtime jars.

Ensure that regcomp is being run from the current directory when registering Java components. In addition, ensure <OfficePath>/program is the current folder when regcomp is run. Verify that regcomp is in the current folder.

Check the Java VM settings

Whenever the VM service is instantiated by Apache OpenOffice, it uses the Java configuration settings in Apache OpenOffice. This happens during the registration of Java components, therefore make sure that Java is enabled. Choose Tools-Options in Apache OpenOffice, so that the dialog appears. Expand the OpenOffice node and select Security. Select the Enable checkbox in the Java section and click OK.

Check the Manifest

Make sure the manifest file contains the correct entry for the registration class name. The file must contain the following line:

 RegistrationClassName: <full name of package and class>

Please make sure that the manifest file ends up with a new line. The registration class name must be the one that implements the __writeRegistryServiceInfo() and __getServiceFactory() methods. The RegistrationClassName to be entered in the manifest for our example is org.openoffice.comp.test.ImageShrink.

Adjust CLASSPATH for Additional Classes

Apache OpenOffice maintains its own system classpath and a user classpath when it starts the Java VM for Java components. The jar file that contains the service implementation is not required in the system or user classpath. If a component depends on jar files or classes that are not part of the Java UNO runtime jars, then they must be put on the classpath. This can be achieved by editing the classpath in the options dialog (Tools – Options – OpenOffice – Security).

Disable Debug Options

If the debug options (-Xdebug, -Xrunjdwp) are in the java(.ini|rc) (prior to OpenOffice 2.x) file, disable them by putting semicolons at the beginning of the respective lines. For 2.x and later, make sure the debug options are removed in the Parameters dialog. This dialog can be found in the options dialog (Tools – Options – OpenOffice – Java). The regcomp or tool or the Extension Manager may hang, because the JVM is waiting for a debugger to be attached.

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