Page Styles

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Editing.png {{#switch:EN | RU = Статья в работе (ЧЕРНОВИК), и находится в процессе написания. | UA = Стаття в роботі (ЧЕРНЕТКА), і знаходиться в процесі написання. | EN = This page is in a DRAFT stage. | PT = Esta página está em um estágio de esboço. | DE = Der Artikel befindet sich im Aufbau (ENTWURF) und wird gerade geschrieben. | #default = Статья в работе (ЧЕРНОВИК), и находится в процессе написания. }}

{{#if: | |}}

The page styles organize pages in the document into "categories", each one with its own characteristics, different from the other styles. It is possible, for example, define what the pages for the table of contents will look like, or the pages of the body of the document, for the appendixes... and it is possible to define/modify those characteristics without disturbing the other styles.

Page styles are of high importance on Writer: the page format cannot be done with direct formatting, only through the use of styles.

Create or Modify Page Styles

Opening the style and format editor, with a click on the fourth button on the top (Page Styles) it is possible to see several predefined styles. These styles can be modified (right click → Modify) or add a new one (right click on a blank space → New).

Organize Tab

As with paragraph styles, here it is possible to give a name to the style and define which style will follow. For example, defining a page style for the first page of each chapter and a second style for the text body, calling the first one "First Page" and the second "Body of Document", it is possible to set "First Page" to be automatically followed by "Body of Document" and "Body of Document" to be followed by itself.

A limitation on page styles is that they cannot be linked: Issue 17299 - Page and numbering styles: "Linked with" blanked out

Page Tab

Here it is possible to define the page size used by the style, as well as the margins and if the page will be portrait or landscape.

Under Layout settings → Page layout there are several important options, like force the page to be "only left", "only right" or "left and right" (default option).

Documentation note.png Writer consider as "left page" (respectively, "right page") a page with an even (odd) page number. In this, Writer follows the paradigm of printed documents. For more details, see for example this report Issue 88361 - Disable even left/odd right page rule to avoid page numbering issues.

Under Layout settings → Format, it is possible to choose the numbering type for that style: Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, etc.


Selecting Layout settings → Register-true, it is possible to choose a "Reference Style".

By activating these options, Writer builds on any page that uses that style with the register-true active, a "grid" of lines where the content will be forced. The reference style is thus used to define the line spacing for this grid, using the line spacing defined on the reference style: any text introduced on the page will be forced to be distributed on this imaginary grid, independently of the value configured in the paragraph style.

Even if this can be useful to distribute the text in the document uniformly, it is important to be careful with elements anchored to the paragraph that could force a non desired "jump" that leaves a blank line.

Documentation note.png In the paragraph styles as well as in the direct format for a particular paragraph, it is possible to disable the register-true for that style/paragraph on the "Indents & Spacing" tab.

Background Tab

This menu is identical to the one for modifying a paragraph style.

Documentation note.png The color or background will apply only to the text area: the margins will not be included.

Header/Footer Tabs

Both tabs work in a similar way, activating and configuring the header or footer for the page style, respectively.

Documentation note.png From the style definition it is possible to set if the page will have or not have headers or footers, but it is not possible to define their content. To define the content in the headers/footers for a particular page style, it is necessary to apply that style at least once and then manually insert the content. Once the content is set it will remain associated to the style even if there are no pages with this style applied in the document: to modify the content it is necessary to apply the style once more.

The headings/footers can accept any kind of content: text, tables, frames, pictures...

To introduce the number of the page it is necessary to use a field: {{#if: Insert |Insert}}{{#if: Field | → Field}}{{#if: Page Number | → Page Number}}{{#if: | → {{{4}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{5}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{6}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{7}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{8}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{9}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{10}}}}}.

Disabling the option "Same content left/right" it is possible with only one page style to have different content on the headers/footers for odd and even pages.

Borders Tab

It is possible to define a border for the text area, and set a distance from that border to the text.

Columns Tab

Almost identical to the equivalent tab for frames and for sections. Here it is possible to define the number of columns for that page style. The difference with the sections is that here it is not available the option for evenly distributed the text in the columns: with columns in the page style, the left column will be filled first.

Footnote Tab

The footnotes are part of the page text area. On this tab it is possible to define how the part devoted to the footnotes will be separated from the rest of the page, or force a maximum for the available space.

Applying page styles

Once a page style is defined/modified it is possible to apply this style to any page on which the cursor is present by a double click on the style name.

Documentation note.png Doing so, the style will apply to all the pages up to the first page break.

There are several ways to apply a sequence of page styles. The first one is through the option "Next Style" on the style definition: you apply one style to the first page and the other styles will automatically follow for the next pages. To exit the automatic sequence (for example, to start a new chapter), it is necessary to insert a page break.

A page break can be manually inserted with {{#if: Insert |Insert}}{{#if: Manual Break | → Manual Break}}{{#if: | → {{{3}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{4}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{5}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{6}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{7}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{8}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{9}}}}}{{#if: | → {{{10}}}}}, selecting Page Break and a page style from the drop down menu.

Documentation note.png The box "Change page number" allows to restart the page numbering.

Doing this it is possible, for example, insert a landscape page between two portrait pages: it is enough to apply a page proper break before and after the "anomalous" page.

It is possible to automate page breaks associating them with a paragraph style. Suppose it is needed for each chapter to start on a new page and that the style "Heading 1" will be used to start a chapter. Editing "Heading 1", under "Text Flow" tab there is a section called "Breaks": selecting Insert, "Page" under "Type", "Before" under "Position", "With Page Style" (selecting the proper style) and, if needed, changing the page number (zero means "no change"), each time the "Heading 1" style is applied a page break with a change of page style will be automatically applied.

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